The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


The 2020 Election, Or How The Loser Is The Winner

Since this election recount fiasco began, I have promised that I would deliver a fuller analysis once the vote count was for the most part settled. The AP announcement of Biden winning the election and the report by the mainstream press now affords the best time to do this. Biden won the election- but the […]

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AP Officially Declares Biden Victory

Based on the latest counts, the AP and major news media outlets declare a Biden victory. Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, positioning himself to lead a nation gripped by the historic pandemic and a confluence of economic and social turmoil. His victory […]

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Trump Loses Legal Battle To Toss ‘Flawed’ PA Ballots

In another setback to Trump’s hold on the presidential office, Pennsylvania courts have rejected his request to toss ‘flawed’ ballots according to Zero Hedge. Republicans in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, lost a court bid to block the local elections board from disclosing identities of voters whose invalid mail-in ballots were cancelled on Nov. 3, one of […]

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2020 Election Data Suggests Hispanic Support For Democrats Seriously Eroding

In the US, the Hispanic bloc commonly votes about 70/30 in favor of Democrats. However, Mediaite reports that the 2020 election data coming out suggests Hispanic support for Democrats has seriously eroded. Congressional Democrats failed to perform well in the 2020 election partly because they experienced a “catastrophic erosion” in support from Hispanic voters, according […]

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The Blue Tsunami May Backfire

In spite of the seeming victory being given to Biden (on account of serious, 2000-year type questions about vote increases), there seems to be not only a lot of support in the election for Trump, but a growing backlash against what seems to have been an assumed “blue tsunami” as Chron reports. The election night […]

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trump and biden

Biden And Trump Vote Difference In Georgia In The HUNDREDS

As the vote counting continues, Reuters reports that the difference between Biden and Trump in Georgia is only a few hundred votes. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden pulled ahead in the battleground state of Georgia by 917 votes, CNN reported on Friday, as the tallying of votes continues in the state. Biden is locked in […]

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trump and biden

Business Insider: Biden Defeats Trump

According to Business Insider, Trump has been defeated by Biden. The Democratic nominee Joe Biden was projected to win the 2020 presidential election as of early Friday, after voters rejected President Donald Trump’s chaotic and deeply polarizing first term. Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, made history by becoming the nation’s first female, […]

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Georgia And Michigan Justices Dismiss Trump Administration Lawsuits About Vote Counts

The AP reports that justices and Georgia and Michigan dismissed lawsuits against vote counts filed by the Trump administration. Judges in Georgia and Michigan quickly dismissed Trump campaign lawsuits Thursday, undercutting a campaign legal strategy to attack the integrity of the voting process in states where the result could mean President Donald Trump’s defeat. The […]

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Mayhem As Democrat Party Explodes With Internal Chaos Over Current Voting Mess

According to tweets from journalists about a Democrat party conference call on the current situation, it was rife with anger, accusations, and back-stabbing claims, as Washington Post journalist Erica Werner notes. Spanberger on the Dem caucus call: We lost races we shouldn’t have lost. Defund police almost cost me my race bc of an attack […]

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My Post (55)

Steve Bannon Declares: ‘Dr. Fauci And The FBI Director Should Be Taken And Beheaded. Their Heads Should Then Be Stuck On Pikes And Placed On Display At The Two Corners Of The White House.’

By Theodore Shoebat The spirit of Jacobinism is alive and well in the political atmosphere of the globe. Steve Bannon just declared that both Fauci and FBI Director Chris Wray should be beheaded, their heads stuck on pikes and placed on display on the two corners of the White House. As we read in the […]

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My Post (54)

Trump Just Got 28,000 More Votes From A DEMOCRAT STRONGHOLD In Arizona, Narrowing Biden’s Lead In The State

This election keeps getting more and more interesting, as Trump just got 28,000 more ballots favorable to him. These votes were not from a pro-Trump area, but from a Democrat stronghold. As we read in AZ Central: As counties continued counting ballots, Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona grew narrower. President Donald Trump’s campaign […]

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A Preview of Tomorrow (Next Week? Next Month? Next Year?) About The Election

Once this election nonsense is decided, I am going to do a longer post about this counting with an analysis, as it is too early to say anything definitively. However, I will give you a preview. The preview is, that the winner of this election will be the loser because whoever gets the office in […]

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