The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Major Electronics Breakthrough With Finnish And German Researchers Prompts Potential Host Of New Technologies

If World War I was defined by the machine gun and poison gas, and World War II by the atom, World War III will be defined by the electron and AI, and how to exploit them best for conflict. The nation with the best supertechnology will emerge as the winner, and with the world moving […]

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Will COVID-19 Preempt A Wave Of Suicides?

For several years now, I have warned about a possible increase in the number of suicides among Millennials, especially women, and this logically extends to Zoomers, albeit on a modified schedule, because of the decline in relationships. With people unable to form families for a variety of reasons, and because women have a limited “window” […]

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Major Political Move As Trump Suspends Student Loan Payments Through The End Of 2020

In what is nothing less than a major political move, Trump is suspending student loan payments through the end of 2020 according to CNBC. On Saturday, President Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders and memoranda, bypassing stalled negotiations in Congress and calling for an extension in pandemic relief for tens of millions of […]

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My Post (50)

Donald Trump Affirms That Freedom For Christians In The Middle East Is Required To Establish Peace Agreements With Israel

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump has affirmed that religious freedom for Christians in the Middle East is a prerequisite for any peace agreement between Israel and Islamic countries in the Middle East. As we read in the Jerusalem Post: Protecting Christians in the Middle East is an important part of the nascent peace deal America […]

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Explaining How Hyperinflation Could Come To The US

There are no Americans alive today who remember as older adults the Great Depression. I speak of working men in their thirties or forties already on jobs here. By comparison, the Great Depression was very short, since from the decadence of the 1920s to the crash of 1929, and then twelve years to the entrance […]

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Justice Dept: Yale Guilty Of Race Discrimination Against Whites And Asians

Many times when one hears about racial discrimination in the US, there is an assumption it is “Whites against (fill in race here)”. However, this is unfair, as racism is not privy to one group, but the potential exists in all men for this, regardless of the group. In an interesting ruling from the Justice […]

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New York May Experience A Major Decline

If there are two cities that one could say “run the world’, without question they are London and New York, for both are major financial, economic, cultural, heavily populated centers whose influence by direct action or indirect effect is felt in every home around the world. It is true the cities go through “good and […]

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Here We Go- COVID-19 Ravages Germany

The German news site Deutsche Welle reports that COVID-19 is ravaging Germany right now, and infections continue to increase in what is now a three-month high. German Health Minister Jens Spahn has called on people living in Germany to remain vigilant as the country’s public health agency on Wednesday reported a jump of 1,226 in […]

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My Post (49)

Make No Mistake About It, The New Peace Agreement Between Israel And The UAE Is All About Fighting Iran

By Theodore Shoebat Looking at the recent alliance formed between Israel and the UAE, is is very obvious what is happening: Israel and the Arabs of the UAE need to join forces to combat Iran. As we read from a report from Reuters:  Israel and the United Arab Emirates announced on Thursday that they will […]

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My Post (48)

Medical Researchers Warn: ‘Coronavirus Could Become Just As Destructive As 1918 Influenza.’

By Theodore Shoebat Medical researchers are now warning that coronavirus could become just as fatal and destructive as the 1918 influenza epidemic. As we read from a report by CNBC: The coronavirus is at least as deadly as the 1918 flu pandemic and the death toll could even be worse if world leaders and public health […]

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My Post (47)

Top Federal Health Official: ‘If Americans Don’t Socially Distance, We Will End Up In The Worst Health Crisis In Our History.’

By Theodore Shoebat A top federal health official recently said that if American continue to ignore protocol, we will end up in the worst health crisis in our history. As we read from CNN: A top federal health official is issuing a dire warning: Follow recommended coronavirus measures or risk having the worst fall in US public […]

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COVID-19 Domino Effect Continues As Landlords Lose Hundreds Of Millions In Commercial Rent Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic could be likened to a domino falling on a line of other dominoes, or a rock thrown into a pond, for it is not the act of the domino falling or the rock being thrown that causes problems, but the ensuing after-effects that cause most of the problems. I have noted on […]

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My Post (46)

The Catholic Church Is A Very Scary And Weird Place (Horror Stories From Inside The Church))

By Theodore Shoebat Since I had a good number of people getting angry with me over my last video in which I recounted my strange and disturbing experiences in the Catholic Church, I decided to do another video giving you guys more dark and disturbing stories from the inside, just show you guys how bad […]

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Belarus And Russia In Spat After Lukashenko Declares Intention To Turn Over Wagner Paramilitaries To Ukraine

Right now, the Russian media outlet Pravda reports that President Putin of Russia and Belorussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko are in a spat over thirty Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group who were arrested by Belarus and instead of “returning” them to Russia, they On July 29, Minsk reported on the arrest of more than 30 […]

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My Post (45)

Its Happening As Warned: Germany Wants To Boost Its Military Might Due To Trump’s Withdrawal Of US Troops From Germany

By Theodore Shoebat Its happening as warned: Germany now wants to boost its military might due to Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from Germany. According to DW: Germany should do more for its own security, Defense Minister Annagret Kramp-Karrenbauer said as the US plans to drastically cut its troops presence in the European country. “We are […]

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COVID-19 Linked Heart Problems Affecting College Sports

There are several trends that have been noted regarding COVID-19. One of those trends is how many COVID-19 recovered patients have some form heart damage regardless of the age. This is a serious concern with possible long-term medical consequences. As such, it is interesting that ESPN reports that the upcoming sports season may be gravely […]

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