The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Muslims And Pagans Are Forcing Poor Christians Around To Choose Between Christ Or COVID-19 Aid

The US has been struck with great force by COVID-19, much more so than the entire world. However, the severity of the disease in the US does not mean that it is not affecting people in other nations, and likewise it does not mean that many other people are not being affected, and sometimes in […]

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Lightning Bolt Strikes The Statue Of Liberty

Fox News reports that a bolt of lightning was captured on video recently striking the Statue of Liberty. How strong is Lady Liberty? Strong enough to withstand a lightning strike. A video posted on social media Wednesday evening showed storm clouds gathered above America’s most famous symbol of freedom. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning descends […]

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Expect To See More US Involvement In The Arctic

When one thinks of the North Pole, one thinks of Santa Claus, elves, and reindeer. However, the lands of “Santa’s workshop” may need to temporarily shut down and relocate as Russia has been aggressively moving into the Arctic, to a lesser extent China, and now as Reuters reports by way of Secretary of State and […]

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Texas Hospitals Fighting COVID-19 Described As “War Zones”

In spite of the continual emphasis by some about COVID-19 being a hoax and nonexistent, the word from health professionals dealing with the virus “on the ground” is very different, and many describe it as something to the likes which they have never seen before, and is a serious problem. In the state of Texas, […]

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Group Of Children And Teens Is Carjacking People In Chicago

Since the death of the convicted felon, small-time criminal, and porn star who kidnapped and tortured a pregnant woman at gunpoint George Floyd in May 2020 and soon afterwards the shooting of the drunk criminal who fell asleep in a Wendy’s drive-through, then attacked a police officer, stole his weapon, and attempted to attack the […]

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My Post (25)

Planned Parenthood Removes Name “Margaret Sanger” For Her Racism And Eugenic Beliefs

By Theodore Shoebat We are seeing some consistency in the wave of Left-wing iconoclasm, as the New York chapter of Planned Parenthood has decided to remove the name of Margaret Sanger due to her racist and eugenist past. As we read in the Hill: Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced Tuesday that it […]

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October 2019 German Synagogue Shooter Goes On Trial

In October 2019, a man in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt made a video of himself attacking a synagogue on Yom Kippur as well as shooting random people with no clear purpose in mind. documented the act and provided an analysis of the crimes, which you can read here. It has now been nine months later and […]

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Poll: Most Americans Don’t Believe They Need To Believe In God In Order To Be Good

All good comes from God, and without God man cannot do anything good. This is true even for the secular person or those of other religions, for while they may not know God in the formal sense, their lack of knowledge does not exonerate anyone from His rules. In American society, there has always been […]

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Americans Think About “The Good Old Days Of 2019” As Most Believe Life Will Not Return To Normal

In all generations, there are people who long for the “good old days” and “simpler times”, that are just their good memories from years ago and their experiences then as a substitute for historical reality. But now with COVID-19, Americans are longing for “simpler times” as many believe that life will not return to normal […]

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True Lovers Of American Business Freedom Put The Mask On When Asked

To wear or not wear a mask is a question that so many people in online message groups have been debating about. Some say that doing so is and must be required, others say that it is a form of cover oppression against “freedoms” and that true Americans should not wear a mask as a […]

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Yes, Russia Is Gravely Concerned About Her Population Decline

On July 15th, 2020, I reported how current population trends suggest a massive decline in births. This report has also been picked up by the Russian newspaper Pravda, which adds her own commentary, including a note that the decline will “greatly affect Russia”, as she writes: In the medical journal “The Lancet” published a study […]

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Republicans Fight Republicans As Christian Bloc Is Ever More Divided On Trump

This 2020 election is shaping up to be the choice between two non-choices. Biden is an obvious non-choice, since he has no platform, has objectively terrible positions, and is outright showing signs of senility. Some say that Trump is ‘better’, and in certain superficial ways he is, but he is of the same philosophy and […]

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American Trucking Industry Crashes As Truck Orders Significantly Decline

When people talk about “American heroes”, the first people that should be thought of are truckers because it is truckers who run the country, quite in the literal sense. If the wheels on the trucks driven by often overworked, underpaid, mistreated drivers stopped, the country would shut down in about seventy-two hours. It is they […]

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US Senator Who Promoted Fear Of Islamic Terrorists Crossing The US Border From Mexico Now Stands Against Muslim Persecution In China has never supported Islam, but at the same time, we do not support genocide or the abuse of people, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, since it is the imperative of being a Christian to desire the good-will and salvation of all men. As a part of this, we have noted that the Uyghur […]

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