The Government Of Texas Just Made A New Law: Christian Adoption Agencies Will Have The Right To Not Give Children To Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat

The government of Texas just made a new law that allows Christian adoption agencies to not give children to homosexual perverts. God bless Texas for this! According to one report:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott yesterday signed into law a bill that protects Christian adoption agencies from being forced to place children in homosexual-led households that intentionally deny the child a mother or a father.

HB 3859, the Freedom to Serve Children Act, allows faith-based adoption and foster care organizations to receive state funding without fear of legal retribution for declining to place children in homosexual-led households. Other conscience objections such as placing children with single or divorced adults are also covered.

“We are very grateful to Governor Abbott for signing HB 3859, and for all of the hard work of Rep. James Frank and Senator Charles Perry to pass this bill that will allow faith-based foster care and adoption agencies in Texas to serve the children of Texas while maintaining our faith teachings,” said Jennifer Carr Allmon, executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. “Our ministries throughout the state are actively seeking new ways to be of service to the children of Texas and welcome all people of good will to join us in these endeavors.”

The Lone Star State joins South Dakota, which enacted a similar law in March, Alabama, Michigan, North Dakota, and Virginia in passing laws protecting faith-based adoption agencies, U.S. News reported.

The Supreme Court’s imposed legalization of national homosexual “marriage” in the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, combined with spreading “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” nondiscrimination laws, has threatened the freedom of Catholic and religious adoption agencies to operate according to their own teachings.

In Boston, Illinois, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco, Catholic adoption agencies closed themselves down rather than be forced by the state to put children in homosexual-led households.

The State of Texas is absolutely right for doing this! By passing this law, it is protecting vulnerable orphans from being taken by perverts. The only reason why sodomites want to adopt children is to recruit them into their homosexual cult; they also want children to molest them, both spiritually and physically, forcing them into their depravities. The sodomites want to sexually assault children. Normal people produce; sodomites recruit. This is the bottom line. Russia made a law preventing Americans from adopting Russian children. This may appear to be harsh or overly discriminatory, but looking at America and how it is advancing the sodomite religion, I do not blame the Russians. They were two Australian sodomites who adopted a Russian boy and they forced this child to be raped by numerous sodomites. Before they were caught, these sodomites were hailed as ‘heroes’:


The homosexual onslaught is an imperialist one; it seems to rule the world and impose itself on all nations, and punish the ones that resist. That is why I agree with the Serbs and Russians striking the sodomites on the streets. I made a video in honor of the Christians who are resisting this imperialism:

We Are About To Enter A New World War, A Blood Bath Is About To Commence As The Empire Of The Antichrist Will Rise Up. This Is Why I Wrote The Book, Christianity Is At War, The Most Exhaustive Study Ever Done On Christian Warfare. Click Here To Get The Book Today And Prepare Your Soul For The War That Is To Come.  
