Quite a chain of events took place today. First, CNN’s John King reported that Arwa Damon, a CNN colleague of his went to Benghazi and interviewed a ‘lead suspect’ in the attacks for two hours. During this interview, King did not name the suspect but relayed that this individual said he had not been contacted […]
Archive | July, 2013

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #10
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his tenth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question had to do with why there was a CIA Annex in Benghazi to begin with. Wolf also wanted to know if the annex was involved in weapons collections […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #9
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his ninth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question was based on a report by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS. In that report, Atkisson cited unnamed senior administration officials who admitted that “mistakes” had been made on 9/11/12 […]
Blind Sheikh and EXHIBIT Z of our Benghazi Report
The Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman) is prominently featured in our original report, Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. Now, we’d like to draw your attention to the name Mohammed al-Zawahiri. He is the younger brother of al-Qaeda’s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Check out what Thomas Jocelyn of the Long War Journal has to say […]
Christians Treated Horribly In Pakistan
From The Independent: Last Friday, hundreds of shoppers were gathered in Parachinar’s main bazaar. In this main town of Pakistan’s Kurram tribal agency, located along the Afghan border, the local residents were buying food items for the looming evening Ramadan meal, when death and carnage visited them again. Within the space of four minutes, two […]
Welcoming Terrorists And Throwing Out Christians
From Townhall: Editor’s Note:This column was coauthored by Bob Morrison. You probably cannot find a more scholarly, measured, and careful writer than Michael Barone. This Resident Fellow at the respected American Enterprise Institute is not given to exaggeration. Let others set their hair on fire to get a headline, Harvard-educated Michael Barone makes news because […]
Christians Attacked Numerously In India
From Christian Today: News briefs: Incidents for May and June In vast and diverse India, Christians often live freely. Yet India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most difficult, according to Open Doors International, a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country is […]
Islamic Attack Kills At Least 24 In Nigerian Christian District
From CBC: Multiple explosions at a bar and entertainment area in a Christian quarter of Nigeria’s northern and mainly Muslim city of Kano killed at least 24 people, a hospital official said Tuesday. Lt. Ikedichi Iweha, a spokesman for the Military Joint Task Force, said earlier Tuesday that 12 people died at the scene and […]
Pakistani Christian: Muslims Shot And Murdered My Father
From Pakistani Christian Post: Okara, Punjab: July 29, 2013. (PCP) On 27th Day of July 2013, a source called Mr. Khurram Akhtar (Research Officer, The Voice) telephonically and informed him about the incidence that occurred in Chak 8-4/L Okara, District, Okara. The Voice team comprised of Adv. Aneeqa Maria Akhtar, Mr. Shahid Anthony, Mr. Khurram […]

Weiner Wedge: Clintons and Huma at odds?
When it comes to their affinity for Huma Abedin, Bill and Hillary Clinton went all in long ago, often referring to her as being ‘like a daughter’, which almost puts her on par with Chelsea. New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner seems to be driving a bit of a wedge between his wife and […]

Barrack Show and the Real Huma Scandal
Today’s installment of the Barrack show is a day late due to some technical obstacles. Beginning at around the 27:00 mark, you will notice a change in quality. The live stream, which the show is recorded from was interrupted several times during the second half of the program. Had to dig until we could find […]
Gohmert raises Blind Sheikh angle in Benghazi attack
Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared on America’s News HQ this weekend on the Fox News Channel to talk about the Benghazi attack and the recent coming forward of David Ubben, one of the survivors from that night. Toward the end of this clip (starting at the 1:55 mark), Gohmert starts asking questions about why there wasn’t […]
Slew of Muslim Brotherhood Documents loose in Benghazi
Benghazi is in the news again but not because of 9/11/12. After a prominent anti-Muslim Brotherhood figure was assassinated, his supporters descended on the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood there and trashed it. Consequently, what appears to be tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of documents have been strewn about outside. […]
Alinsky smiling up at Obama over “Phony Scandals” line
By Ben Barrack In 2009, when Barack Obama said the Cambridge police “acted stupidly”, it was a mistake. When he went out on the campaign trail last week to campaign for a campaign that doesn’t exist, he made reference to “phony scandals”. This was not a mistake; it was a political calculation. We know this […]
Help us Rescue Shagufta and Shafaqat in Pakistan!
More from our contact in Pakistan… On 21st July 2013, A crippled Christian man, Shafaqat Emmanuel, and his wife Shagufta Kausar were arrested in Gojra District for allegedly sending Blasphemous text messages to the Local Muslims. Police registered the FIR 407/13 under section 295-B and 295-C. Complainants Muhmmad Hussain and Tehsil Bar Association President, Anwar […]
Ban Homosexuality!
By Theodore Shoebat In each problematic situation, you have the problem, the symptoms to the problem, and the enabler of the problem. The symptom is the war on marriage, and on humanity in general, the problem is the sodomite, and the enabler of the problem is tolerance. The conservatives may have victories for marriage here […]