By Theodore Shoebat In the Syrian city of Raqqa, Muslims, who are a part of the jihadist group The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have imposed taxation on the Christians living there. Its called Jizya, a taxed imposed on non-Muslims in Sharia code, and it is a part of the Pact of […]
Archive | February, 2014
Muslims Burn Christian Youths To Ashes
By Theodore Shoebat 58 Christian youths were attacked and slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslims, and numerous of them were literally burned to ashes. I wrote about this story a number of days ago, in which I wrote that the estimated body count was 40, but now this is the latest number. Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai, […]
What the House Oversight Committee should ask Lois Lerner’s Empty Chair
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Department of (IN)Justice under Barack Obama and Eric Holder is not going to prosecute former IRS Exempt Organizations Director, Lois Lerner. Period. In an interview exchange between Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who sits on the House Oversight Committee, Gowdy’s frustration with this reality […]
Lois Lerner seeking Immunity from… Innocence?
“Because I’m asserting my right not to testify, I know that some people will assume that I’ve done something wrong; I have not. One of the basic functions of the Fifth amendment is to protect innocent individuals and that is the protection I am invoking today.” – Lois Lerner in front of the House Oversight […]
NPR Gives Voice to Benghazi Reporter as Credible as Dan Rather
The left has obviously adopted a much lower standard for journalistic integrity since the days of Jayson Blair and Dan Rather. Instead of conceding to said “journalist” being caught with his / her hand in the cookie jar, the left now pretends nothing happened. Case-in-point is the New York Times’ Cairo Bureau Chief, David Kirkpatrick. […]
Epic Two-Minute Smackdown of UCLA Student Council over Anti-Semitism
The video below is a must-see. Ben Shapiro is the Senior-Editor-in-Chief at Breitbart; he is also a graduate of UCLA who is Jewish. Earlier this week, the UCLA Student Council was hearing debate on a resolution that would call for the university’s divestiture from businesses that benefit Israeli companies that “profit from… Israeli occupation”. As […]
Homosexuals Want To Recruit Your Children, And Suppress Christians
Exclusive By Theodore Shoebat An enemy army cannot invade without traitors from the nation it desires to conquer. So the same is true with the great infiltration that we see: the sodomites cannot accomplish their evil mission without traitors who call themselves Christian. I rarely get attacked by sodomites, but rather mostly by Christians who […]

Lois Lerner demands Immunity; Time for Congress to go on Offense
Well, that didn’t take long. One day after the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee sent former IRS Tax Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner a letter requiring her appearance before the Committee on March 5th, her attorneys say she won’t testify without being granted immunity. Once again, Republicans are given the perfect opportunity to introduce […]

Lois Lerner called back to Testify on March 5th (Malik Obama questions anyone?)
The good news is that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), has sent a letter to the Attorneys for former IRS Tax Exemption Director, Lois Lerner, that requires her to testify in front of the Committee on March 5th. More good news is that three members of this Committee […]
“We are not blowing up Mosques like others are blowing up Churches”
Naftali Bennett is the economic minister in the Coalition government and the leader of Jewish Home Party in Israel. Here is a 24 minute interview on the BBC TV news program Hardtalk. Worth watching it all, which shows any Jew or Christian Zionist who understands the real issues that faces Israel and who advocates his […]
Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Why ex-CIA Deputy Director may be ‘a Co-conspirator with Al-Qaeda’
If former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell lied to administration officials when altering the Benghazi talking points, he became a ‘co-conspirator with al-Qaeda’ according to Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss these developments. Shaffer is a winner of the Bronze Star and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal […]
Malik Obama Genie out of the Bottle in the Arab World
Tens of millions of Arabs are now familiar with the Malik Obama case and it is long past time for the U.S. Congress to investigate what is clearly now top-of-mind news in the Middle East. If Congressmen are wondering what would make Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi abandon the U.S. for Russia and Vladimir Putin, they […]
U.S. Embassy Reported to have Given Safe Harbor to ally of Wanted War Criminal and Terrorist
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** It’s been reported via the Angels of East Africa and other sources that the former Vice President of South Sudan – Riek Machar – was secretly given safe harbor by the U.S. State Department after a failed coup attempt he led last December. Machar reportedly stayed at the U.S. Embassy […]

Muslims Capture 9 Year Old Christian Girl, And Brutally Rape Her For 19 Days
By Theodore Shoebat A nine year old Christian girl in Jordan was captured by Muslims who brutally raped her for 19 days. She was from Iraq and lived in Jordan as a refugee. After 19 days of sexual torture, she was rescued by Sister Hatune Dogan, an Eastern Orthodox nun, who payed 33,000 US dollars […]

Leaked Secret Emails Reveal Plan To Send $750 Million To Muslim Brotherhood
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack IKHWANLEAKS Installment #2 Leaked secret emails published by Arabic sources reveal a $750 million deal between a major U.S. Company that provides crop preservation technology and the Muslim Brotherhood is raising a stink in Egypt when secret emails between Blumberg Grain and the top officials in the […]