By Theodore Shoebat Christian pastor, John Piper, said that he would not have killed Hitler because the Bible says to love your neighbor. I did an entire video on this: Killing Hitler would not have been murder, and it would not be going against loving your neighbor, but instead, it would be a great illustration […]
Archive | October 12, 2014
Kurdish Fighter Mocks ISIS Corpses By Placing The Mark Of The Beast On Their Foreheads
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In this video, two Kurdish fighters who killed some ISIS terrorists in Kobane are mocking the bodies by placing the banner of “No God But Allah” on the foreheads of the corpses reminding them that they cannot enter paradise unless they have the mark reminding each corpse by talking to […]
Seven Muslims Surround And Attack Young Christian Girl For Wearing A Crucifix, And Say To Her, “You Are A Wearing A Crucifix! That Makes You A Christian F***ing Whore. Do You Know What We Do To Persons Like You? You Get Stoned!”
By Theodore Shoebat Seven Muslims in Denmark surrounded and attacked a Lebanese Christian girl for wearing a crucifix, telling her, “You Are A Wearing A Crucifix! That Makes You A Christian F***ing Whore. Do You Know What We Do To Persons Like You? You Get Stoned!” Her interview can be watched here: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE […]
American Government Forces Christians To Make Pro-Homosexual T-Shirts
By Theodore Shoebat The government in Kentucky is forcing a Christian t-shirt company to make pro-homosexual t-shirts. As one report says: A Kentucky Human Rights Commission examiner has ordered a Christian screen printing company to print t-shirts that bear pro-homosexual messages and undergo diversity training for declining to make shirts for a “gay pride” celebration […]
Hindus Attack And Almost Kill People For Transporting Cows, Because They They See The Cows As Divine
By Theodore Shoebat Hindu savages attacked and almost killed a number of cattle transporters because they to them the cow is divine and to see them for food is considered blasphemy amongst Hindus. As one report says: The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) warns the phenomenon is spreading in Karnataka. The Hindu radicals are […]

O My, Another Ebola Case In Texas
By Walid Shoebat Told ya, this Ebola will spread regardless of what they tell you in the media of how advanced we are, people are like sitting ducks unless Obama does something like stop people coming from infected countries, this disease will spread. Now: “A Texas health care worker who provided care for the Ebola […]
Leftist Hatred of Christians and Conservatives Just Like Muslim Hatred of Jews
“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” – Golda Meir Palestinian suicide bombings are the manifestation of a hatred so insidious that it trumps self-preservation. This level of hatred is manifesting itself in different ways in America among leftists, who so worship at the altar […]
Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder the latest to say Islamic State is not Islamic (Agrees with Obama)
Gee, why would Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, echo the same sentiment as Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Muslim Brotherhood front groups when it comes to ISIS? Yes, Ramadan is the latest to insist that the Islamic State – founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a […]
How Stealth Muslim Agents Infect Infidels with IslamoPHILIA
Philia: a combining form used in the formation of compound words that have the general sense “unnatural attraction” (necrophilia), “tendency” (hemophilia); also forming abstract nouns that correspond to adjectives ending in -philic, or -philous, or nouns ending in -phile. In response to leftist actor Ben Affleck’s performance on Bill Maher’s show last week, American Spectator’s […]
ISIS Is Defeating The U.S. And Are Close To Victory In Syria And Iraq (A Caliphate Is Imminent)
Obama’s plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group’s fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad and much more. As it seems, the results of what is reported from Syria and Iraq is not only a victory for ISIS, but […]