By Walid Shoebat
Erdogan is at it again, trying to become a god and a Mahdi and the future conqueror of Europe. Lawmakers in Turkey attribute to Erdogan new titles of deity. Even from an Islamic Wahhabist perspective this is blaspheming. Al-Monitor in a recent article reported the story:
“Take, for instance, the stunning remarks AKP lawmaker Yasin Aktay made during a parliamentary debate last week. Erdogan is “one of the best things, one of the best people this country has seen,” Aktay said, adding, “We say ‘Salli Ala [pray for] Muhammed’ when we see him.” He was reciting an Islamic phrase, known as “salavat,” used to salute and praise the Prophet Muhammad or to express allegiance to him.

From ODA TV attributing to AKP lawmaker Yasin Aktay “When we see Erdogan we say Allah Pray upon Muhammad’
Aktay explains that “when we see him [Erdogan]” they say that praying upon Muhammad is praying upon Erdogan.
If I explain this in an ‘Islam for dummies‘ perspective; to equate Edogan to Muhammad is not a mere description for a man, according to the Qur’an, Allah, whose name is Mahmud, or the Glorious One was transferred to Erdogan. So lets see how this works. Allah in the Quran describes the personality of Muhammad in these words: ‘And you stand on an exalted standard of character’ (Holy Qur’an 68: V.4). Thus in the words of Allah, the standard of his character and personality is far above that of any other creation. As one Muslim theologian puts it: “He possessed the best and noblest qualities of the perfect man and was like a jewel illuminating the dark environment with his radiant personality, ideal example, and glorious message.” Islam requires all Muslims to believe that Muhammad is literally the best of all God’s creation. Thirteenth century Islamic scholar Al-Bajuri explains: “It is obligatory (wâjib) on every legally responsible person to believe that he [Muhammad] is the best of all, and one who denies it commits a sin, is guilty of innovation, and deserves to be taught a lesson.”
In order to support this idea, Muslims often point out that throughout the Qur’an; Allah has actually shared many of his names with Muhammad. This is why Muhammad and the Mahdi are literally “names of blasphemy”. This is viewed as a clear proof that from among all of the created order, Muhammad holds a uniquely exalted status unparalleled by anything or anyone else. He is given the title Al-Maqam-Al-Mahmud (The Glorious One). Muslim scholar, Dr. G. F. Haddad, in an article with a blasphemous title, The Best of Creation states:
“[There is no] other Prophet [other than Muhammad] or angel-brought-near with whom Allah Most High shared as many of His own Names in the Qur’an as He did with the Prophet. With respect to his foremost name– Muhammad–peace be upon him, consider the poetic verse of Hassan ibn Thabit (RA): ‘And He drew out for him [a name] from His own Name so as to dignify him greatly: The Owner of the Throne is the Glorious [Mahmûd], and this is the Praiseworthy [Muhammad]!’”
In other words, the name Muhammad or to equate someone with him, is not a mere name for a man, according to the Qur’an, Allah, whose name is Mahmud, or the Glorious or the Praised One, named Muhammad after Himself. So to the Erdogan crowd who see him as Mahdi, touching his garments is a form of worship.

Mustafa Akyol, a well known Turkish columnist reminded how government deputy declared in 2011 “Even touching Erdogan is a form of worship.”
This is quite the claim. This is a further exaltation than the name Yeshua, which in English means Jehovah is our Salvation.
Muhammad literally means The Praised One—The Most Praised just as Allah’s name “Mahmoud” is The Most Praised.
All this came from Muhammad who wanted to be like Christ, be anti-Christ and replace Christ. This is the ultimate blasphemy. The Bible teaches that only Jesus is positioned at the right hand of God where He is the only one that intercedes for mankind:
“Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.” (Romans 8:34)
It is for this reason that conversion to Islam is simple: to pledge that Muhammad is the messenger of God. While the Muslim argues that Muhammad is simply a prophet; one will never find in the Scriptures God requiring us as the statement of faith we declare Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, Habakkuk, or Jeremiah as prophets or to call any of these “The praised one.” From a biblical perspective, these are “names of blasphemy”.
To add more blasphemies, speaking of Muhammad, Dr. Haddad writes, ‘“It may be that thy Lord will raise thee to a praised estate’ (Qur’an 17:79), a station which the Prophet said none but he would receive. And this is the Station of Intercession at the right of the Glorious Throne.”
The Mahdi in Islam has the light of Muhammad which means the same claims. And now such an anointing is transferred to Erdogan as Erdogan is one and the same as Muhammad himself.
So when Aktay says “We say ‘Salli Ala Muhammed’ when we see him” what he means is that seeing and anointing Erdogan is as seeing and anointing the prophet of Islam and even God himself.
This is why Antichrist in the Bible has two claims, one as a “worshipper of a god” and also to be “worshipped as if he is God”. In the Bible Antichrist “honors a god whom his fathers knew not” (Daniel 11:38), therefore he ‘worships’, and at the same time:
“Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
We ought to pay close attention here. Antichrist “opposeth” “all that is called God”. In other words, he blasphemes God denying His true attributes (The Trinity for example) while at the same time, he is “lifted up above all that is called God”. We have predicted this will happen as we stated what “lifted up above all that is called God”:
Christians who know little about Islam, and who go around giving interpretations, complain much asking “how can Antichrist be Muslim when Muslims exclaim, “we do not worship any man, we worship Allah””.
Truth is, Muslims deify Muhammad and Mahdi giving them titles that only belong to god: Al-Maqam-Al-Mahmud (The Glorious One), Awal-Khalq-illah (The first of Creation), Muhammad (The Praised One), Al-Insan Al-Kamel (The Perfect Man), Rahmatan-lil-A’alameen (Mercy to All Mankind), Al-rasul Al-A’tham (The Greatest of All sent by God), Shafi (Healer), Munji (Savior), Mahdi (The Guided One/Deliverer), Al-Mustafa Al-Mukhtar (The Chosen One), Amir (The Prince), Khatimun-Nabiyeen (The Seal of Prophets), Al-Hadi (The Guide), Awal (First), Akher (Last), Sayyid Walad Adam (The Leader of The Sons of Adam) and Al-Siraj Al-Muneer (The Luminous One, The Glowing Lamp).

The Mahdi depicted riding on a white horse. In all arts his face is not shown since according to Islam he is as holy as Muhammad
If such titles do not “lift” Antichrist “above all what is called God,” we do not know what else will qualify. It becomes impossible to reconcile these verses unless we view how the Mahdi and Muhammad and Erdogan are viewed.
One can see that from titles of being the spirit of Muhammad, even “savior” as in Jesus and then even has “The Luminous one”, a title of Lucifer from a biblical perspective, this proclaiming Mahdi matches what Daniel, Isaiah and John had warned us about.
By breaking down the prophecies and seeing how careful the prophets were in describing Antichrist we now can see how Islamic theology usurps the unique position of Christ and applies it to Muhammad and then transfers it to the Mahdi which might be Erdogan once he is elected Sultan and Caliph to then proclaim himself Mahdi (The Guided One).
The view that Erdogan is turning into a god is not only ours. Al-Monitor, commenting on the type of language Erdogan uses says that he is going far and beyond just rhetoric:
“His statements and behaviors adding transcendent and holy dimensions to the Erdogan cult have become more and more frequent”
“Erdogan seems to have developed an urgency to take his personality cult to new, more “celestial” heights, a drive that goes far beyond the “Allah is with us” rhetoric Erdogan deploys in the face of challenges.”
“celestial heights”? In other words, this man mimics the five “I” of Lucifer. Not only Erdogan has shown no sign of giving up his dream to install a system of executive presidency, which would confirm him constitutionally as the “one man,” but on March 5, while addressing the members of an association fighting addictions and harmful habits, he spoke of how the “new Turkey” under his leadership was rejecting alcohol. This will add in the prohibitions of Communion for Christians who use wine. He stated:
“The Jacobins of the one-party era [after modern Turkey’s creation in 1923] encouraged alcohol consumption in the name of Westernization and modernization,” Erdogan said. “Alcohol was used as a tool to forcefully transform society, strip its identity from it and tear it apart from its values,” he said. “Today, as country and nation, we are in the process of building a new Turkey. Thankfully, that dark mentality has been largely disabled despite occasional resurrections.”
“Jacobins” are the nationalists who in Erdogan’s view brought in Christian and western ethics. Erdogan goes as far as telling folks of the good old days when they defeated Christendom. In his latest escapade he said:
“What does the commandment say? Allah is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of affairs. Without this faith of ours, we could have never confronted the Byzantine army, the world’s greatest military power at the time, in the Battle of Manzikert with a force of 20,000 or 30,000 people. Without this faith of ours, we could have never established the most powerful state in history and kept it alive for 600 years.”
His goal to to defeat Christendom.
Kadri Gursel, a columnist for Al-Monitor says that Erdogan needs to resurge his latest defeat. Despite Turkey’s failed Syria policy Erdogan’s crisis of his own making with Russia with a seemingly endless and bloody civil war in southeastern Turkey, Gursel concludes, “Erdogan has shown no sign of giving up his dream to install a system of executive presidency, which would confirm him constitutionally as the ‘one man.’ To overcome internal and external obstacles and advance his goal, he is, as always, trying to generate support from his Sunni conservative base, which he sees as loyal backers and admirers.”
The situation in the Levant is shifting alliances and is why prophecy interpreters should not set the players from current news. Ben Caspit reports that Israel has mostly rebuffed Ankara’s recent diplomatic outreach. “The Turkish tyrant is viewed in Jerusalem as a lost cause. The Israeli-Turkish military alliance will not be renewed so long as Erdogan’s party remains in power, and Jerusalem has no illusions. It is clear to Netanyahu that Erdogan is angling for a reconciliation with Israel only because of his political weakness, his problems with Russia, Israel’s natural gas and the fact that his standing in the region is not what it used to be,” writes Caspit.
In fact, Israel sees ascendant Putin as a new ally. Caspit further explains that Erdogan’s painfully weak hand is magnified by Russia’s enhanced strategic importance for Israeli decision-makers.
“Putin wins out decisively on all counts: The path he adopted in Syria has upgraded Russia’s status in the region and beyond. Almost overnight, Russia has become an influential and dominant world power. Russia’s deep involvement in Syria proved itself a successful bet. Russia changed the regional reality, redirecting the bloody conflict from a dead end to another path, transformed Assad from a loser to a winner and reshuffled the cards in a Russian display of power and determination. Recently, I quoted a very highly placed Israeli military source as saying ‘even if a Russian jet flies over Tel Aviv, we will not take it down.’ There are endless reasons for the coordination and closeness between Israel and Russia, and Israel’s strategic decision not to do anything to rub the Russians the wrong way.”
“Israel is now working diligently on tightening ties with Russia at almost any price. Higher-ups in Jerusalem, including in Tel Aviv’s security apparatus, are optimistic. According to senior Israeli sources, the Russians are cognizant of the damage perpetrated by the ‘axis of evil’ and have no intentions of letting Iran become a patron of Syria. Even with regard to Hezbollah, they understand Israel’s stance and are now reconsidering their missile deal with Tehran. The Russians have their own interests to promote, and they have no special commitment to Hezbollah. They will burn the candle at both ends, trying not to become embroiled in a crisis with Iran in an era when all the world’s global companies are trying to dive into the Iranian economy. On the other hand, they don’t want to help Iran gain the enormous power that it hopes to. Israel, meanwhile, is busy maneuvering within this game plan, while scoring a few considerable achievements for itself.”
Don’t say we didn’t tell you that Iran will get closer to Turkey while Israel gets closer to Russia. All one has to do is to perfectly trust Ezekiel. As for Russia turning around, all one has to do is to perfectly trust Daniel who described Antichrist’s enemy to the north (Russia). As to all who said that Russia will invade Israel, continue to trust in your false doomed prophets.
From cult revivals in Mexico to Turkey’s cult of Erdogan worship, the world is getting closer to worshipping Lucifer. In the meanwhile, I will enjoy the old-fashioned Mariachi:
Muslim scholar, Dr. G. F. Haddad, in an article with a blasphemous title, The Best of Creation states: “[There is no] other Prophet [other than Muhammad] or angel-brought-near with whom Allah Most High shared as many of His own Names in the Qur’an as He did with the Prophet. With respect to his foremost name– Muhammad–peace be upon him, consider the poetic verse of Hassan ibn Thabit (RA): ‘And He drew out for him [a name] from His own Name so as to dignify him greatly: The Owner of the Throne is the Glorious [Mahmûd], and this is the Praiseworthy [Muhammad]!’” In other words, the name Muhammad is not a mere name for a man, according to the Qur’an, Allah, whose name is Mahmud, or the Glorious or the Praised One, named Muhammad after Himself. This is quite the claim. This is a further exaltation than the name Yeshua, which in English means Jehovah is our Salvation. Muhammad literally means The Praised One—The Most Praised.
Al Adaab: Living Islam According to the Minhaj of the True Salaf as Salihoon