By Walid Shoebat
The barbarity that just came out today is unreal. This is the Shiite peaceful rebels, planning to enter Mosul, Iraq, whom President Obama and Hillary Clinton are supporting. One chants a fragmented prayer repeating “Allah wills it, Allah provides” while another says “barek, barek” (first bless it, bless it), as if it was a sacrificial lamb.
As the Shia Muslim savages are opening the heart of this Sunni Muslim, Mayan style, to only find out what Allah provided they eat was the man’s heart, and right in front of the camera. They then continue to pull out the liver and whatever else from the chest cavity while you can hear a sound of someone throwing up in disgust. One man tells them repeating “A’fieyh” “A’fieyh “bone appetite as another man takes a napkin and wipes off the blood from the mouth of the cannibal who just took a large bite out of the heart:
Am I dreaming as I write this? Or will I wake up to soon realize, I do live in a dream world of zombies becoming reality. Eating human flesh brings in demonic influence and even possession.
Ashura, which to Shiites means “Day of Remembrance,” is one of the most sacred and emotional events in Islam, a defining religious moment for Shiites. The events and rituals surrounding Ashura yesterday have some massive demonic manifestations, but the one in the video above, have gone to the realm of demonic possession.
Pakistani Shiite Muslims flagellate themselves with knives during Ashura commemorations in Karachi. (Shakil Adil/AP)
Shiite Muslims perform with fire during Ashura commemorations in Najaf, Iraq. (Alaa Al-Marjani/Reuters)
Shiite Muslims gather during Ashura commemorations in Najaf, Iraq. (Alaa Al-Marjani/Reuters)
Shiite Muslims re-enact events of Ashura in Tehran. (Vahid Salemi/AP)
The events of Ashura are reenacted in southern Tehran. (Vahid Salemi/AP)
A Shiite Muslim covers herself in mud during Ashura rituals in the city of Khorramabad, Iran. (Ebrahim Noroozi/AP)
Shiite Muslims beat themselves with knives attached to chains during Ashura commemorations in Kabul. (Rahmat Gul/AP)
An Afghan man sweeps blood after Shiite Muslim men beat themselves with knives attached to chains during a procession to mark Ashura in Kabul. (Rahmat Gul/AP)
Mohammed Reza, 56, a Shiite Muslim, brought his two grandchildren to events marking Ashura in Kabul. (Pamela Constable/The Washington Post)
Women loyal to Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, join Ashura commemorations in Sanaa, Yemen. (Hani Mohammed/AP)
Yemeni Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, mark the holy day of Ashura. (Hani Mohammed/AP)
Perhaps now the west will believe when we reported Kuru found in war-torn Syria, Saudi’s passing fatwa to eat human flesh, and Islam approving cannibalism, even in school books. But perhaps they still will not believe, even if they watch it on video, because they too, not have their heads in the sand, but have eternally stuck it where the sun will never shine.
We live in strange times, where so many people do not look or seem normal anymore. It is as if there is a mass global possession taking place on a daily basis and within a couple decades, the normals will simply want to hide while the zombies take control of everything. Perhaps I am exaggerating, but perhaps from what we see, this is becoming a reality where the normal is called abnormal and the abnormal becomes the norm while no one dares to say that the emperor has no clothes. It is as the fruits of the spirit are gone and what we have is what the Good Book told us about:
Know also this, that, in the last days, shall come dangerous times. Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, Without affection, without peace, slanderers, incontinent, unmerciful, without kindness, Traitors, stubborn, puffed up, and lovers of pleasures more than of God: Having an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Now these avoid. For of these sort are they who creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, who are led away with divers desires: Ever learning, and never attaining to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7)
Lord Have Mercy! Its turning demonic.