The rise of German militarism is a consistent theme of European history, where usually and at least once a century, the nation makes a serious attempt to grab territory from her neighbors or conduct other military operations. Some of these result in serious wars such as the Thirty Years War, the Prussian war, World War […]
Archive | October 5, 2019

Millennials Express Major Economic Woes As Economy Continues To Worsen
The continual economic decline of the US is a major trend to watch because the recession of 2007 never ended. The number bear this out consistently, that any so-called “growth” since then has largely been anemic, and the economic base of the country in combination with various laws and social arrangement has continues to eat […]

Do Not Put Too Much Hope Into The Upcoming Supreme Court Ruling Against Infanticide
Since 1973, Christians have been fighting the legalization of abortion that has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of unborn babies. Unfortunately, for most of the time, there has been little progress made. In the last decade, one may note that in some states, there has been a clear opposition to abortion at […]