There is long-established crude joke that in Texas there are only “steers and queers”, meant to be an insult to Texans. However, this joke seems to be less of a comic statement and rather the acknowledgement of a stern reality. In November 2018, we reported the story of a mother who wants to forcibly castrate […]
Archive | October 22, 2019

We Told You National Socialism Was Returning- For The First Time Since 1934, Mein Kampf Is Being Reprinted In France has warned for a long time, but especially since 2016 with the “refugee crisis” that National Socialism was returning. We have written many articles about it speaking about this. This is not to say “look at us”. Rather, it is because we are gravely concerned for what this means. Socialism regardless of the form- […]

It’s Not Just The Millennials And Zoomers- Even Some Boomers Are Starting To Get Financially Squeezed
A crucially important demographic trend with major economic and political implications is the natural transition of the Boomer and Gen X generations to the Millennials and Zoomers. Comparatively speaking, and without getting into the details of how certain situations came about, the former grew up in, experienced, and enjoys relative prosperity, security, and social mobility […]