The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


“Make America Broke Again” Continues As COVID-19 Job Losses Accumulate

Trump ran on a platform of “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, but right now the results have been “Make America Broke Again,” or MABA, as ThompsonReuters reports job losses reached 1.3 million amid increasing COVID-19 related cases. As the number of new coronavirus cases in the United States rose to a single-day record, fresh […]

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My Post (16)

German Government Warns That Right-wing Extremism Is The Biggest Threat To Germany

By Theodore Shoebat The German government has now warned that the biggest threat to Germany is Right-wing extremism, as we read in a report from VOA: Germany’s interior minister said Thursday right-wing extremism represents the biggest security threat to the nation, as Germany saw a significant increase far-right activities in the past year. Interior Minister […]

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Major LOL As Federal Government Now Warns That Ghislaine Maxwell Might “Kill Herself”

You read it here on and many other websites that there is a strong speculation that Ghislaine Maxwell, daugther of Jan Hyman Hoch, a.k.a. Robert Maxwell, who was one of the main minds and at the center of the creation of Israel’s intelligence service, Mossad, the woman who participated with admitted intelligence agent Jeffrey […]

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Trump Gets Major Smackdown As Supreme Court Rules His Tax Returns Have To Be Released

In a huge smackdown to President Trump, CNBC reports that the Supreme Court has ruled that his tax returns have to be released to Congress. The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered split opinions in two cases over whether President Donald Trump can shield his tax records from investigators, handing a win to the Manhattan district […]

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My Post (16)

Libya Is No Longer A Legitimate Country, But A Place Where Europeans And Middle Eastern Countries Are Fighting For Power

By Theodore Shoebat Libya is no longer a legitimate state. What we know as Libya today is merely a shattered shadow of its former self. Imagine, if numerous countries were intervening in your country, were placing soldiers in your country, and were backing armed factions in your country to the point where there is no […]

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Police Hunt Convicted Felon For Stopping Car, Getting Out, And Sucker Punching A Twelve-Year Old For Apparently No Reason

In an act of what appears to be senseless violence, The Smoking Gun reports that police are on the hunt for a convicted felon who stopped his car, got out, and sucker punched a twelve year old dancing for no clear reason. Police are searching for a convicted felon who sucker punched a 12-year-old boy […]

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Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Religious Exemptions

After three highly troubling Supreme Court rulings this year, what appears to be a favorable one for Christians has come out as ThompsonReuters reports after the Supreme Court ruled that organizations can have exemptions from fulfilling morally objectionable requests such as birth control. The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday endorsed a plan by President Donald […]

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My Post (15)

The Supreme Court Declares: Employers Don’t Have To Pay For Employees’ Birth Control

By Theodore Shoebat The Supreme Court has declared, after a 7-2 vote, that employers are not obligated to pay for their employees’ birth control. As we read in a report from the AP: More employers who cite religious or moral grounds can decline to offer cost-free birth control coverage to their workers, the Supreme Court […]

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African Cardinal Criticizes Black Lives Matter, Says They Are “Dismantling” Civilization While Refusing To Help Save Black Babies From Infanticide

A lot of people have pointed out how some prelates in the Church have supported the “Black Lives Matter” movement. However, not only is the Black Lives Matter movement opposed to what the Church teaches in many fundamental ways, it is also destructive and not helping race relations, but sowing the seeds for conflict. But […]

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56 Florida ICUs Hit Capacity Due To COVID-19

“It’s not a threat.” “Stop worrying about it.” “This is just a meme that is all.” As the COVID-19 coronavirus spreads, it is causing a lot of illness or a lot of people, as according to a report from CNN, 56 Florida ICUs have hit capacity due to the virus, with potentially more on the […]

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Ex-Reddit CEO Admits That She And Many Others Knew About Jeffrey Epstein

In many states, it is law that if one knows about sexual abuse, especially that of minors, and one does not report it, to do such is a crime. Now this is fascinating when one considers that the former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao as reported by Zero Hedge notes that Pao admitted openly on twitter […]

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Trump Blames His Failing Presidential Campaign On “Woke Jared”

President Trump presented himself for decades as a successful businessman who possesses a superior intellect and incredible negotiating skills, not to mention an above-average acumen for understanding the difficulties and complexities of life. However, the reality has been the opposite, which is that he is just a rich playboy who uses government bailouts to cover […]

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My Post (14)

If The People Destroying Statues Really Cared About Fighting Racism, Then Why Haven’t They Called For The Removal Of The Statue Of Charles Darwin?

By Theodore Shoebat The United States is in the midst of a torrent of vicious and insatiable hatred against statues, a demonstration of Left-wing iconoclastic fury that knows no reason nor bounds. Of course, they are attacking statues that represent American culture and heritage, and want to keep and erect images that symbolize their own […]

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In 2016 It Was “Build The Wall”, Now It’s ‘Save The Statues’

In 2016, President Trump boldly proclaimed among many things that he would “Build the wall” to finally resolve the migration and border issues that have been such a serious political issue for so many. Instead, and regardless of what one holds about the matter, the fact is that Trump did nothing about the situation, as […]

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