Archive | December, 2014

Muslims Just Took A Chocolate Store Hostage In Australia, Officers Are Surrounding The Area Right Now

By Theodore Shoebat Right now, as I write this, a chocolate shop in Australia is being held hostage by Muslims with a black Islamic flag. Here is a photo of the ISIS flag from the window of the shop: The flag, of course, contains the Shahada or the Islamic creed that is declared to denounce […]

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America’s Most Embarrassing Muslim Spy and His Terrorist Connections have been COVERED UP and are NOW EXPOSED

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When Ali Mohamed, the most embarrassing Muslim spy to ever join America’s ranks, was caught and ‘trusted experts’ acknowledged his deep involvement with Islamic terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the government covered up his role as a double agent. It’s an old story many consider dust in the wind until of […]

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A New Militia Has Now Risen, And Thousands Of Christian Warriors Have Enlisted To Take Up Arms, And Destroy Islamic Terrorists From Christian Lands

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat A new and aspiring militia has risen above the horrid darkness that Muslim jihadists have raised, and is now preparing to fight with ISIS and retake the Christian lands that they have stolen. This new militia is called the Nineveh Plain Protection Unit, and we have done […]

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Muslims Murder Christian Man, They Then Go To His Mother, Shoot Her In The Hand, Shoot Her In The Leg, And Shoot Her In The Head

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, all part of Boko Haram, ignited a bomb in the majority Christian area of Jos that slaughtered 31 people. After the slaughter, the Muslim terrorists subsequently began to execute the survivors. The bomb killed a young Christian man, they then went to his mother, Jummai Sunday, who survived, and […]

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Islamic Burial Practices Spreading MORE EBOLA in Muslim Super Majority Country (Media Ignores Islamic Part)

The spread of Ebola may not be making news headlines as much lately but it’s spreading in Sierra Leone as a result of Islamic burial practices and lax handling of other Ebola infected dead bodies. As has reported, that country’s Muslim population makes up approximately 73% of the total population. The rise in Ebola […]

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Pope John Paul II: A Freemason Heretic Or Saint. See The Movie And You Decide

By Walid Shoebat(Shoebat Exclusive) I watched this movie about a Polish man named Karol. When I finished watching it I decided to post it for my readers to see if they also wanted to watch it. I wasn’t sure how to introduce the movie so I went to the comment section to see the first […]

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Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (WATCH THE SHOCKING VIDEO)

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE  By Theodore Shoebat Say that “Bestiality Is Wrong” or “Polygamy Is Wrong” and it’s not considered hate speech, but if you have the opinion that “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” the whole world jumps up and down screaming “racism” “bigotry” and “hatred”. This is becoming the politically-correct norm, but no matter what one argues, this […]

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The Oil War Has Begun, And It will Eventually Lead To The Doom Of Mecca And The Worship of ANTICHRIST

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Saudi Arabia which over a billion Muslims worship towards its direction for prayers began its war using oil to control both Russia and Iran. This war will not hurt the U.S. much, but will cause Mecca’s destruction. How all this will unfold must be explained from all angles, biblical, Islamic, economic and demographic. […]

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State Dept Official Accused of Collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood is ID’d as Person with Knowledge About Why US was in Benghazi

On today’s BARRACK-AST… In 2011, while crying on 60 Minutes, Boehner all but admitted that he was turning his back on America. The video is familiar from the standpoint of his crying but it’s what he said that is often overlooked. After the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi as President of Egypt in 2013, the two […]

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Garcia vs. Google Back in Court to Decide Fate of ‘Innocence of Muslims’

The case brought against Google by actress Cindy Lee Garcia – who should be familiar to readers – is set to again go before the most liberal court in the land, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court in just three days. This time, however, it’s going before the full court. Earlier this year, it was […]

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China Takes Eight Muslims And Sentences Them All To Death

By Theodore Shoebat  China just recently sentenced eight Muslims to death for terrorism. The strict laws China has, and the precipitous increase in Christianity that is happening in China, could just lead to one thing: China becoming a Christian nation and a very formidable enemy against Islam in the Last Crusade. From what I have […]

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Western Media Praises Al-Azhar University For Condemning ISIS, Al-Azhar Turns Around And Says They Refuse To Condemn ISIS

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Get this. Al-Azhar University, the most prestigious center for Sunni Islam which is equivalent to the Vatican for Catholics supposedly condemned ISIS. The conference was made to be understood is that Al-Azhar was to issue a Fatwa to cement the idea that ISIS is to be considered un-Islamic and are now […]

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Mayor Tells Muslim Students Pork Will Be there Only Lunch Option

A mayor in France is carrying out one of the policies of the National Front Party as expressed by the Party’s leader Marine Le Pen earlier this year, as reported. Beginning on the first day of the year, Muslim students will not be given an alternative to pork when pork is on the lunch […]

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Heroic Man Purchases Women Who Are Sex Slaves To ISIS, And Sets Them Free (THE VIDEO WILL MAKE YOU WEEP)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) This unnamed Iraqi man buys Yezidi, Muslim or Christian women. A crime, you think? Hardly. He buys them then unites them with their husbands and fathers and family. Here is one example that will touch any human heart. In this story a Yezidi girl who was taken as a sex […]

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Bhutan, a Buddhist country that persecutes Christians

Why are we missing the Christian persecution in Buddhist Tantra Countries? we would like to expose the Christian persecution in Buddhist countries. Many people in West believe that Buddhists are the most peaceful and loving people in the world. Hundreds and thousands of Westerners used to visit the Buddhist temples for the peace of mind […]

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Woman Who Was Shot Five Times By Terrorist Cult and Left For Dead Wants CIA to Apologize to Terrorists

When Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) was a young staffer for Rep. Leo Ryan (D-CA) in 1978, she traveled with her boss to Jonestown in Guyana, South America on a fact-finding mission about the cult of crazed maniac Jim Jones. Ryan became the only U.S. Congressman in history murdered in the line of duty when he […]

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