Archive | October, 2015

CLASS ACT! Vladimir Putin says there’s only one reason the U.S. has failed to destroy ISIS: Obama is using them as a proxy army against Assad

By BI: Russia has struck over 110 ISIS targets in Syria in just two weeks. Over 40% of the Islamic State’s infrastructure has reportedly been destroyed already. The U.S. allegedly has been bombing ISIS targets in Syria for more than a year, yet failed to weaken ISIS at all. Military experts report that most U.S. bombers that […]

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TENNESSEE: Muslim groups oppose bill that would eliminate/limit teaching of Islamic doctrine in public schools

By BI: Parents of children in the Tennessee public school system are being accused of “Islamophobia” and “anti-Muslim bigotry” for demanding that lawmakers pass a bill that would cut the teaching and promotion of Islamic religious doctrine in public schools…where there is little or no mention of any other religions in the classroom. FYI: The […]

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Traitor-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has shuffled the players in the Army to ensure that deserter Bowe Bergdahl will get NO JAIL TIME…NONE!

By BI: As reported by Fox News, “An Army officer is recommending that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl face a lower-level court martial and be spared the possibility of jail time for leaving his post in Afghanistan.” Bergdahl was captured [Bergdahl was NEVER captured, he was apprehended after he voluntarily walked away from his base camp and even asked directions from locals along […]

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By BI:  Photographs confirm that known Islamic State (ISIS) and other Muslim terrorist group jihadists posing as ‘Syrian refugees’ have been arriving in Europe in droves. Pretty soon their numbers will be large enough to comprise a significant Islamic army right on European soil, who will be living off taxpayer funded welfare while plotting their next […]

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The Virgin Mary Will Be Returning To Join The Armies Of Christ To Crush The Antichrist. Mary Was Always A Virgin, And She Is The Mother Of The Church

By Walid Shoebat When it comes to the Bible, my gripe is always why didn’t God just speak plainly on certain issues to end all our arguments? At times we wrestle within ourselves over issues and doctrines and even with each other. At times I ask why didn’t God in Genesis just tell Cain “give me […]

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Muslim Man In California Goes To His Mother, Cuts Open Her Chest, Rips Her Heart Out, And Then Masturbates All Over Her Corpse, He Then Says, “I Feel Good”

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in California murdered his mother, cutting her chest open, tearing out her heart, and then masturbated over her corpse. When asked how he felt, after his arrest, he said, “Good,” and showed no signs of remorse. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”And because […]

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Muslims Kidnap One Hundred And Eighty Christians, And Say, ‘We Are Going To Kill All Of Them’

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS Muslims in Syria kidnapped one hundred and eighty Christians. They demanded from the Assyrian Christian community $12 Million dollars, a price too much for the poor people. They could not pay the money and said that it was unbearable for them. With this, ISIS has said that they will kill the […]

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Seven Hundred And Fifty Muslims Charge Into A Christian Church And Burn It Down. They Then Travel To Another Church, But What They See Surprises Them: A Whole Multitude Of Christians Are Waiting For Them, And They Fight Off The Muslims. One Man Gets Shot In the Face And Three Get Injured

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Seven hundred and fifty Muslims in the land of Aceh — in Indonesia — attacked a church and burned it down. received from an anonymous source the photos of the burned church: The Muslims then went to another church to burn it down, but what they saw this time […]

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Al Gore Is A Protestant Heretic And A False Prophet Advancing Satanism

By Walid Shoebat Environmentalism is false prophecy. Difficult to prove? Hardly. Increasingly, environmentalists used  politics to exploit the shoddy global warming hypothesis as a method to take away the rights of the people in a draconian manner and to tax all of us exorbitantly. It uses peer pressure and anyone who questions global warming, the hordes […]

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Muslims Approach Pastor And Say They Want To Accept Jesus Christ. They Have A Bible Study And Express Their Thirst For Christianity. They Return To The Pastor The Next Day, And As He Talks About Christ, The Muslims Suddenly Grab Him And Put A Knife On His Neck And Slash His Throat

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Bangladesh approached a pastor and expressed their interest in Christianity. The pastor happily talked with them, and they showed interest in the Christian Faith. The next day the Muslims returned and asked to have a Bible study, and the pastor happily accepted. In the middle of the Bible study the […]

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ITALY: African Muslim paedophile who attacked a 13-year-old girl gets the crap beat out of him by her uncle

By BI: PONTECAGNANO, SICILY:  Muslim invader from Senegal tried to molest a 13-year-old girl while she was waiting at the bus stop. The paedophile approached her, started talking, then grabbed her violently by the arm and tried to pull her away. DMF  Across the street, at The Bar Primavera, the girl’s paternal uncle saw what was […]

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PATRIOTIC AMERICAN STUDENTS at the University of Missouri protest radical Islam and burn the flag of the Islamic State (ISIS) on campus

By BI: Even better, the University of Missouri gave them permission to do this. Nice to see that not every university in America is leftist bastion of anti-American hatred and pro-Islamofascist sympathies.

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GERMANY: First they evict German citizens from their homes to make room for Muslim illegals, now they will force people to retire later to pay for the massive Muslim invasion

BY BI: The head of one of Europe’s leading economic think tanks has called on Germany’s government to scrap the minimum wage and raise the country’s retirement age in order to cope with the huge influx of migrants now underway. Only by introducing such measures can the enormous costs associated with the flow be borne, he said. […]

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SWEDISH Lesbian Bishop has ordered all crosses removed from the church to avoid offending Muslims

BY BI: She also ordered the placement of markers in the church pointing in the direction of Mecca. Hey, that’s a good idea… when Muslims turn the church into a mosque, they won’t have to figure out in which direction to place the prayer room. As if Sweden needed even more help with turning itself […]

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Obama forces American prisons to become sharia-compliant: BANS ALL PORK products from prison menus

By BI: Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim dictator-in-chief pretending to be a Christian, has once again bowed down to his Islamic supremacist beliefs by effectively imposing sharia (Islamic) law food restrictions upon non-Muslims, which means banning pork products in any form. (Does that also mean that non-pork meats such as beef and lamb must come from animals barbarically […]

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