By BI: But go ahead, watch it anyway and share it with every Islamic threat denier you know. It is nearly too late for Europe to turn back the tide, but America still has a chance to save itself.
Archive | April, 2016
19-year-old Muslim woman inspired to leave Islam by Donald Trump…
By BI: You can read a transcript of her actual post HERE
The Most Fascinating Bible Prophecy Reveals The Muslim Caliphate Will Revive And Invade Europe But God Intervenes With Plagues And Swarming Locusts And Defeats Them
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Allah has 99 names; locusts lay 99 eggs; and the Muslim prayer beads have 99 beads. It was a specific locust that invaded from the Muslim world and it will be the same locusts that invades them in the end. Many ask: why in Revelation 13 John spoke of two […]
Greek Farmer Sick Of Muslim “Refugees” Illegally Squatting On His Land Gets Out His Tractor And Plows Over Their Tents, Runs Them Off
Now this is the way to handle the situation. Those Muslims are illegally occupying this farmer’s land which he uses to earn his living. It is actually a good analogy with Europe today, as Muslims are living illegally of the provisions of another while contributing nothing except waste. This farmer took matters into his own […]
Muslim Perverts Try To Rape Two Women Publicly, The Police Do NOTHING About It And They Try To Pretend It Doesn’t Matter
Of course the German police are not going to say anything. Like at the Nuremberg Trials, their defense is “Merkel told us so.” That is still no excuse for immoral behavior. Merkel only has as much power to abuse the German people in as much as the police, military, and other governmental organs allow her to. They […]
Gang Of 17-Year-Old Muslim Thugs Beat Up 9-Year-Old German Boy For Fun And Attack His Parents, German Police Come And Beat Up The German Boy’s Father And Say That It’s His Fault Because He Provoked The Muslims
This video has been working its way around the German and European Media. I have transcribed the entire text below. Folks, this is the future of America and Europe if we are not careful- these Muslims are coming to kill us, our children, and rob our civilization and the government is enabling it. The traitor Merkel has […]
EU Politician Says “Europe Must Embrace “Diversity” Or Face War,” Calls For The Religious, Ethnic, And Cultural Destruction Of Europe And Then Claims Europeans “Never Existed”
Muslims suicide bombers strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up on buses. Western Politicians do the same thing but with cleverly crafted laws and statements that mask religious, cultural, and ethnic genocide under the guise of “diversity.” This speech was given by Franz Timmermans in October 2015 at the first EU Fundamental Rights […]
The Pro-Life Movement Does Not Want To End Abortion, They Want Abortion To Remain Legal So That They Can Take Millions Of Dollars From Christian Funders
By Theodore Shoebat Why did the pro-life movement in America get so upset at Donald Trump for simply saying that the woman who commits abortion should receive some sort of punishment? For years I have known about the corruption and superficiality of the pro-life movement, and this is what I have learned: the pro-life movement […]

“Islam Has No Place In Germany” German Political Party Calls For Banning All Mosques And The Koran Because They “Spread Lies And Deception”
It is taking longer than it should, but the German people are waking up to the reality that Islam comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and they have to get rid of it like a cancer before it consumes them. Chancellor Merkel’s support continues to decline in spite of her increasingly tyrannical behavior. German political […]
Belgian Government Wants New “Migrants” To Sign An “Integration Pledge” Promising They Will Be Good And Obey The Laws, Yet Muslim “Refugees” Are Exempt From It
This is so stupid I can hardly believe it, yet it proves again that truth is always stranger than fiction. Asking grown men, fully capable of making mature decisions and taking responsibility for the consequences, are being asked to sign a pledge promising they will obey the laws of the country, when most of the recent arrivals […]
The Government Of Illinois Fines A Christian Business Owner $80,000 For Standing Up For His Christian Faith And Refusing To Allow A Homosexual Wedding In His Hotel
By Theodore Shoebat The government of Illinois has fined a Christian business owner $80,000 for standing up for his Christian Faith and refusing to allow a homosexual “wedding” from being done in his bed and breakfast hotel. Why is sodomite tyranny being allowed to thrive so much in America? Because the “Christians” have acquiesced to […]
Ted Cruz Says That He Would Kill Donald Trump If Given The Chance, Proving Just How Evil Many Evangelical Leaders Are
Ted Cruz said that if given the chance, he would kill Donald Trump, saying: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push.” Here you can watch this disgusting statement from Ted Cruz: This is another event that reveals […]