The Millennial generation and increasingly it appears, Zoomer generation is in the words of Don McLean’s American Pie, “a generation lost in space, with no time to start again.” Owing to the facts of a declining standard of living, stagnant and declining wages, increases costs for basic necessities, less time than ever before to spend […]
Archive | September, 2019
Counter-Jihad Movement Remains Silent As Trump Threatens To Flood Europe With Hordes Of Illegal Muslim Migrants From The Middle East Unless They Listen To Him
Immigration and “migration” are often times used as political shows for the politicians in charge. They fundamentally all agree on the same principles and do not care about either the will of their constituents or those attempting to come into the nation. What is often times done is for the purpose of advancing greater geopolitical […]
Nine-Year-Old Girl Raped For Years By Her Mother’s Boyfriend, Says She Did It Because She Wanted Him To Stay With Her
The sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is a well-known problem, but as has pointed out many times, it is more accurately described as a sodomite problem due to the fact that over 80% of the abuse is statistically proved to be done by male sodomites against other males, and of that 80% […]
Rarley Examined Biblical Prophecies Reveal That When Christ Comes Muslims Will Consume The Catholic Eucharist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Biblical prophecies give us much detail about what is coming. Even Muslims will come to the knowledge of the truth and they consume the Eucharist. Last week we explained Isaiah 45 as a prophecy speaking of Cyrus (Christ) as “the hidden God”. We stated that this is the Eucharist. […]
US Military Deploys Troops To Saudi Arabia
Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have increased dramatically on the world stage after the drone strikes on Saudi ARAMCO facilities. Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of ordering the strike, although the circumstances have yet to be clearly investigated and potentially suggest more that what is immediately available. Having noted this, US Defense Secretary Mark […]
Could Women Lead The Way In Undermining The Current Standard For The Age Of Consent?
The age of consent is regarded usually in Western society as the age at which a person is considered to be an adult as well as is able to engage in adult things including enlisting in the army, marital relations, buying cigarettes, and with the notable exception of the US, to consume alcohol. There are […]
Harlots Are The Rocks Of Society That Can Be Turned Over And Reveal What Is Underneath
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that man is made up of both body and soul. It is a miracle to consider how the two interact with each other. The body dies, the soul lives on and is independent of the body, and St. Paul says that in the resurrection man will be reunited […]

US Drone Slaughters Thirty Innocent People In Afghanistan
A U.S. drone attack killed at least 30 pine nut farmers and wounded at least 40 others in Afghanistan this past Wednesday night. It was the most recent round of murders of innocent civilians by US forces as according to reports, the farmers were finishing up work and were sitting by a fire when the […]
Christians Need To Just Stop With The Political “Calls To Action”, They Are Useless And Ignore Reality
“It’s the end of America.” “If the “liberals” win this one, it’s all over.” “The Democrats want to do (insert bad things here), this is the last chance to stop them.” The above sentences are both phrases unto themselves and templates for American political rhetoric used by the “right” and many Christian circles when the […]

Catholic Priest And Catechist Arrested In India Under Pressure From Hindu Terrorists For Preaching The Gospel
The situation of Christianity in India continues to worsen by the month. There are many types of Christians, and about 2.3 percent of the population of 1.33 billion is Christian. Of these people it is estimated that just over half are Catholics, and given the history and influence of the Church, what happened to members […]
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wearing Blackface At A Party Two Decades Ago Is Not News
Canada is currently having another manufactured scandal as photos of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have become public in which is shows him dressed up as an Arab and doing so wearing blackface while at a party. Both the “left” and the “right” in Canada are expressing faux outrage over this perceived “horrible” offense that has […]
Immigration Courts Overwhelmed As Over A Million Cases Queued For A Hearing
One of the guarantees of the Constitution is the right to a ‘fair and speedy’ trial. While this is a good thing, the fact is that often times this does not happen. Court cases are either delayed for procedural reasons, unintentional accidents, or attorneys who attempt to stall the case in order to hopefully get […]
Major Democrat Party Donor, Racist, And Drug Addicted Sodomite Obsessed With Feces Who Was Caught With Two Dead Sodomites In His Apartment Busted AGAIN Bringing More Homeless People To His Lair Of Perversion And Death To Fulfill Sick Fetishes
When many a man ages late into his years, it is said that the passions and goals which he had as a younger man fade away and take the shape of more mature things. These would be a reflection on the past, drawing from the lessons of youth to see how to make the world […]

Immigration Is A Distraction From Reality, Which Is That The Kids Went Hard Left And Are Not Coming Back
Race relations in the US have been in decline for a long time. While there were always tensions to some degree between different ethnic groups, modern times have seen a return to rhetoric that was either used in or could have been used in 19th-century type racism. This has lead to an increased polarization between […]
Christian Woman Defends “Pastor” After He Turns HIMSELF In For Taking Two Pre-Teen Girls And Raping Them In Front Of Each Other
American Protestant congregations are notorious for holding their “pastors”- sometimes just referred to as “Pastor” -in a liking that is unhealthy. This can happen with any religious denomination, and while it is good to respect religious authority figures, it can lead to creating a cult of personality or to ignore aspects of a man that […]
Russia Denies Anything Is Wrong After Massive Explosion At Major Lab Containing Deadly Viruses
Russia is not a stranger to massive man-made disasters in the pursuit of military or industrial goals. While most people think of Chernobyl in Ukraine as the only major nuclear blast incident Russia has experienced, this is far from the truth. In 1957, there was what is considered the third worst nuclear disaster in history, […]