There are a lot of things that I have predicted or said that I do not wish I had to predict or say because I do not wish them on anybody. However, I said them because I saw patterns indicating that such was taking place, and while I have an objective duty in my capacity […]
Archive | October 19, 2019

Muslim Majority UAE Moves To Rebuild Churches In Iraq Destroyed By ISIS
The Muslim-majority United Arab Emirates is by no means a “Christian friendly” place. However, she has made many public gestures and actions of friendship towards Christians that have been noted and appreciated by people aroudn the world, such as the formal legalization of seventeen Christian Churches. Now the UAE has announced plans to help rebuild […]
Riots In Barcelona Are Only A Sign Of Rising Nationalism And Future War In Europe
By Theodore Shoebat Riots have been devastating Barcelona for several days now. They stem from nationalism, separatism, tribalism, and are a sign of future war within Europe. According to an article by the Spanish publication, La Vanguardia, there are numerous organizations and other entities who played a part in these riots, such as the Assemblea Nacional […]

China Continues To Isolate Herself As She Abuses Her Only Genuine Allies
There are few nations in the world who are genuine allies of China because nobody likes or trusts her. The Turkic peoples of Central Asia and who reside throughout China neither like nor trust her, the southeast Asian nations have consistently fought off Chinese attempts at intrusion into their affairs, Russia’s “friendship” with China is […]