Archive | 2020


The Sun Sets On The Golden Dawn As Its Leaders Get Lengthy Prison Sentences

The Golden Dawn is an infamous Greek National Socialist group which has written on and been one of the few outlets in English to describe her tied to satanism and a hatred of Christianity. While the group calls itself “Golden Dawn”, for now the sun has set on her as according to the UK […]

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Catholic Diocese With A Troubled History Gets A New Bishop

One of the most infamously corrupt archdioceses in the Catholic Church in the United States is arguably the Archdiocese of Boston, and within the oversight of Boston the Diocese of Springfield is known for a long history of very questionable behavior, as well as of having priests who are difficult. However, a new bishop for […]

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Things Just Got Real As Azerbaijan Accuses Armenia Of Planning To Attack Her Pipelines

The current Azeri-Armenian conflict over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh already has caused many war casualites. However, as with many wars, there are certain things that one does not do. Armenia alluded that they might attack Azerbaijan’s oil pipelines that lead into Turkey and which are the heart of its economy. Azerbaijan responded that if Armenia […]

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Colleges See Massive Declines In Enrollment

Education has always been an important matter, but in the US, one of the trends that I have identified at for the future is a major decline in enrollment in educational institutions, followed by a likely significant decrease in prices for education followed by a restructuring of the “college experience” itself to one that […]

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My Post (38)

Fifty-Two Syrian Fighters Go To Azerbaijan To Fight And Kill Armenians For Turkey. The Armenians Then Ambush Them And Kill All Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat Fifty-two Syrian fighters went to Azerbaijan to fight and kill Armenians for Turkey. They ended up never returning home as they were taken out by Armenian soldiers. As we read in a report from the Washington Post: Families gathered around a refrigerated truck at a Syrian-Turkish border post, waiting earlier this month […]

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Another October Surprise As Emails Allege Hunter Biden Busted Introducing His Father To Ukrainian Big Shots Following Curious Events

There is a long-recognized trend of “October surprises”, but this October seems to have surprise-after-surprise. In another turn of events, many news sources are reporting that Joe Biden’s son Hunter may have been caught in another interestin predicament by way of emails as introducing his father to key Ukrainian businessmen after claims of pressuring the […]

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Not Again: California Faces New Fire Threats

For years many sang the song “California Dreaming” with hopes of going to California for a better life, but right now it is the opposite, with people fleeing high taxes, oppressive regulations, and now, massive wildfires at historically unprecedented levels. The AP reports that amid the current wildfire issues, there is emerging even more new […]

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Netherlands Moves To Legalize Euthanasia For Children

The future of a society can be seen in how it treats its most vulnerable members. It has been known for a while that a lot of European nations have seemingly given up on their will to live by the choices they have been making. I speak not of any sort of ‘racialism’ or ‘nationalism’, […]

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My Post (37)

Mayor De Blasio Is Right, The Jewish Orthodox Enclaves In New York City Are Coronavirus Hot Zones And Need To Be Restricted By Anti-Covid Measures

By Theodore Shoebat There are hot spots of coronavirus in New York City, and many of their zip codes overlap with Jewish Orthodox enclaves. Mayor De Blasio has mentioned the high uptick in covid in these areas, and of course he is being accused of antisemitism. Even Donald Trump implied that de Blasio is antisemitic […]

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Major Political Website Agrees Seven-For-Eight With Prediction On Battleground States

Here at, I have identified about eight states as major battlegrounds for the future. With the exception of for me, Ohio, and for them, Minnesota, Politico has agreed with about seven states that will be 2020 battleground areas. Donald Trump is cratering among women in the suburbs, losing support among senior citizens and […]

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Airbus Wins Major Trade Dispute Deal

In September 2020, I noted how two major companies to watch were C. G. Haendel and Rheinmetall, as they showed close ties to the German government. I had another company that I did not note but was on my list for possible observations, which was Airbus, as it is a major aerospace provider, and ten […]

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Russia Reports Record High COVID-19 Cases

With talk of infections for COVID-19 all around the world rising as a trend, the New York Post reports that Russia is experiencing record COVID-19 cases in spite of claims that the numbers have stabilized and may be in decline. Russia on Tuesday reported record high daily coronavirus cases and deaths, pushing total infections to […]

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Landlords Are Suffering Because Of The Effects Of COVID-19

I have noted here at that it is not just the tenants, but also landlords who are being financially squeezed by the effects of COVID-19. In short, if tenants can’t pay the rent, landlords can’t pay the loans that most hold to banks, and they can lose their property intersts. The result is the […]

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Johnson & Johnson Pauses Vaccine Trials Over Unexplained Illness

While Trump is touting his arguable business associate Leonard Schleifer by way of his company Regeneron, claiming that he was ‘cured’ by their vaccine in a few days and of which the company’s stock price has just so happened to increase, the major pharmaceutical-and-healthcare product manufacturer Johnson & Johnson has stopped trials of a COVID-19 […]

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Germanic Tyranny Influences The World Again

It is an unfortunate but generally true statement that when trouble in Europe starts, it begins with Germany and her attempts at pursuing some goal. In true to form, Reason magazine has noted a disturbing trend that Germany’s “hate speech” law is being used as a model by governments around the world to shut down […]

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My Post (36)

Donald Trump In His First Speech Since Being Cured From Covid Declares: “We’re Delivering A Safe Vaccine And A Rapid Recovery Like No One Can Even Believe”.

By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump, in his first ever speech since being cured of Covid, declared to a crowd of his supporters that a vaccine is on the way. As we read in a report from the AP: Though he was hospitalized battling the virus only a week ago, Trump’s message on COVID-19 was unaltered […]

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