Looking at what various governments have projected about the 2020s, this decade will be one of military buildup:

Looking at what various governments have projected about the 2020s, this decade will be one of military buildup:
By Theodore Shoebat BLM has been expressing their pessimism towards Biden. If this negative attention becomes full blown hatred, riots could erupt again, but they will not be against Trump but a Democrat president. There is no satisfying fanatics:
For those who have been to many a Catholic parish, the notorious hymn “All Are Welcome” may play. This hymn, while well-meaning in the general sense, causes many problems because in truth, not all people are welcomed into Heaven because of choices. The sinner is welcome to be forgiven if he wants it and to […]
Trump has attracted much attention after he became president, but sometimes that is not a good thing. According to Dnyuz, the Manhattan DA is proverbially speaking, in the process of ‘tightening the screws’ on Trump as his investigation into the President’ finances and business dealings continue. State prosecutors in Manhattan have interviewed several employees of […]
Texas has been going through a lot of changes recently, especially due to the migrant invasion from California- of almost entirely American-born non-Hispanic persons of extreme political persuasions – that as a rat jumping over a shipside having gnawed a hole into the hull and it is now sinking, are scurrying away into Texas. The […]
I just got off from a conversation with an old friend who reached out to me about a situation with a Syrian Moslem refugee family living in the Bronx in their apartment building. I’m going to leave out a lot of details, but hopefully will not detract from the message of it. To give context, […]
By Theodore Shoebat As GreatBritain is transitioning out of the EU Bloc for Brexit, the Germans and #French are already planning on making a major military power to compete against the United States:
By Theodore Shoebat In the world of internet politics we have been hearing a lot about overthrowing #theElites in some sort of grandiose revolution. From my reading of #history, both old and recent, one thing that we can conclude is that those who call for revolution not only want to revolt against the establishment but […]
Tensions between the Jews, especially the “ultra-orthodox”/Hasidic/Haredi type groups have become very extreme, to the point of resulting in violence being committed against Christians and Muslims in Israel. Recently one of such types attempted to burn down a Catholic Church for no clear motivation other than hatred, the infamous massacre of Muslims or no reason […]
With tensions rising between NATO and Russia, it is a rare thing to see something potentially positive between them, at least in a superficial sense. However, as ThomsonReuters reports, there is at least one positive event taking place as for the first time in a decade, NATO and Russia are going to take part in […]
Ever since Marconi made his famous radio broadcast in 1920, radio has been a virtual staple of communication, for while by comparison it is a very simple technology, it is one of the most reliable forms of electronic technology that can connect people, especially in isolated areas. However, the Washington Post reports that some signals […]
I have said for a while that people are going to get desperate and times will be very tough. This is the reality for a significant bloc of the population and it is not getting better. People are suffering. They hurt, and suffering people dealing with shock and who are scared do desperate things. For […]
Throughout the buildup to this election, I noted repeatedly that the conditions appeared to be setting up for a repeat of an election 2000 type scenario, where President Bush was installed into office not because of a clear win, but due to intervention by the Supreme Court. I have said consistently that while the chances […]
Ethiopia is, historically speaking, a populous and powerful area in Africa. The ancient Cushite lands that include Ethiopia proper, Eritrea, and Djibouti have been fought over by regional and international powers. It was first the Italians who carved Eritrea from Ethiopia, and later the French who successfully following a failed Russian attempt, carved Djibouti from […]
By Theodore ShoebaT My thoughts on the Great Reset:
If Joe Biden has been a ‘big matter’ on the left, then Hunter Biden has been a big deal for the right because of his son’s antics. Whether it is forgetting his crack pipe in a rental car, making illegal and/or legally questionable deals with foreign nations for ‘business’, or taking explicit photos and posting […]