Some countries are big. Some can be small. Some are just for leverage between other powers. These “countries” are often used as geopolitical tools in manipulating particular ends for larger nations. Examples currently include Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Lugansk, Donetsk, Catalonia, Flanders, and Walonia. They are used by the US, Russia, Germany, and other powers alike […]
Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad
Fed Prepares To DOUBLE Money Printing In 2021
I have been saying over and over and over at that the problem with the economy is the debt, and that the government has only one solution through her private bank (the Federal Reserve) which is printing money, and they WILL print for political reasons until the currency is worthless because of the debt. […]
CRASH: 80% Of New York City Hotels Face Bankruptcy
I have said that there is going to be a huge day of reckoning, economically speaking, due to the effects of COVId-19. One of these is happening right now in New York, where the Big Apple is going rotten as 80% of hotels face bankruptcy, including iconic ones. Normally among most vibrant of global hotel […]
Mary Trump: ‘Donald Will Not Run Again In 2024’
President Trump’s niece Mary Trump made news earlier this year with a book describing family problems and other issues in President Trump’s life, and according to a recent interview with her reported on by Mediaite, Trump will not run again in 2024 amid what are a series of serious health problems that he has due […]
Russian Military Vessels Harass American Fishermen In American Waters
With Russia trying to rebuild the USSR and assert herself as a major global power again, this has come with some new attempts to bolster and assert herself. However, in Russian fashion, while she is excellent (better than the Americans and Anglos) at bluffing, she is poor at lying and because of this she can […]
Justice Alito: COVID-19 Is A ‘Constitutional Stress Test’ That The US Is Failing
Justice Samuel Alito, a man who is long-regarded as one of the ‘conservative’ justices on the Supreme Court, according to a recent interview reported by ThomsonReuters said that the current COVID-19 pandemic has been a kind of ‘constitutional stress test’ to see how the integrity of the rights guaranteed in it would be able to […]
Small Businesses Are Dying Amid Pandemic And Lack Of Funds
The effects of COVID-19 continue to linger and are not going away. Since the economy is consumer-driven, when people cannot earn money, they can’t spend, meaning they can’t consume, meaning businesses can’t make money, meaning they can’t pay their debts, meaning the whole economy suffers. It’s a circle of pain that is directly tied to […]
Report: Trump Contemplating 2024 Run Amid Assuming 2020 Loss
Are elections becoming like Christmas, where decorations are up for sale by Halloween? With a loyal group of followers and his chances dwindling for success in the election, there are reports according to The Hill that Trump is secretly assuming a 2020 loss and preparing for a 2024 run. President Trump has reportedly told some […]
Another Major Law Firm Drops Support Of Trump Election Lawsuits
Politico reports that another major law firm representing Trump’s election lawsuits has withdrawn their assistance and will not represent him. Late Thursday night, Columbus-based firm Porter Wright Morris & Arthur notified a federal judge hearing a Trump-filed suit over the election tallies in Pennsylvania that the firm is seeking to pull out of the case. […]
Trump Supporters Prepare To Descend On Washington For “Million MAGA March”
As tensions rise between Democrats and Republican supporters over the election results WWJ News Radio reports that pro-Trump supporters are planning a “Million MAGA March” in support of Trump. Supporters of President Donald Trump plan to descend on Washington DC Saturday by car and bus to support their candidate in the Million MAGA March. Articia […]
American-Russian Professor Predicts Major US Collapse has said that the 2020s are going to be a decade of escalation leading to major global conflict, and unfortunately, the signs point that one of the processes we will witness is the continued decline of the American empire that will culminate in another world war. Peter Turchin, a professor at the University of […]
Biden Appoints Cross-Dressing Sodomite To Department Of Defense Transition Team
As Biden continues to appoint people to his transition team, one of the people he has chosen is an open sodomite who also dresses like a woman. Biden taps transgender veteran to join Department of Defense transition team President-elect Joe Biden has chosen a transgender veteran to be part of the transition team at the […]
Will The Tires Stop?
Many news sources, including the trucking reporter Freightwaves, have noted that some truckers are planning a nationwide strike for four days from November 26th to November 29th. Members of a truckers’ group calling itself StopTheTires2020 planned to shut down their trucks Wednesday to make a stand against President-elect Joe Biden’s “ban on fracking.” Oregon trucker […]
Norway Makes It A Crime To Say Anything Critical About The Sodomites Or Their Behaviors
The concept of “free speech” in its true form is speech meant to lead to the truth. However, what has happened with “free speech” is that it has been used as a means for licentious speech, and eventually, whatever speech is politically or socially acceptable at the moment. For a while this worked because of […]
Karl Rove Declares That Trump Will Not Prevail Over Biden
There are some people who still believe that Trump can win. While the official count has not been formally settled, former right-wing lobbyist and White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush, Karl Rove, said that Trump will not prevail over Biden. Still, enough voters wanted change. Mr. Biden maneuvered successfully to make the election […]
Dead Man For Five Years In Rural Solidly-Red County In Georgia Votes For Biden
One of the points I have noted about this election is that in spite of the constant ‘line’ from the mainstream press about Biden winning legitimately, I have said it is like 2000 all over again, in that Biden- like Bush -cheated his way into the presidency, except what Bush did for four to five […]