The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Study: Agnosticism Explodes In The US, Almost Half Of People Are Unsure Of God’s Existence

One of the trends that I have pointed out at is the rise of secularism with a complete lack or indifference to belief in God. America was even at her height a questionably Christian nation, with a long of unbelief. However, this has only become more apparent with time, and with the passing of […]

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Italy’s Population Is In Decline And Changing Because Of Her Choices

Nations are made of people, and as people change, nations change. Sometimes nations disappear because the people disappear, either usually by moving or refusing to reproduce and then being replaced by another group. Italy is an ancient nation, and while she is not ‘disappearing’, she is certainly changing. It is already interesting that she is […]

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New York Expresses Desire To Make Some Taxes On Wealthy New Yorkers ‘Retroactive’

When new laws are passed, they supercede previous ones. Historically in American and most laws in the world save for the worst of third-world nations ruled by tin-pot dictators, laws are generally ‘grandfathered’ in, meaning that if a change happens to a law, those who were in a previous state before the law are not […]

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My Post (69)

2027: The Year When The Nations Will Turn Their Plowshares Into Swords

“Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ” — Joel 3:10 As the darkness of militarism and tribal nationalism permeates the earth with its vicious presence, an acceleration towards massive military build up is on the way. In the ongoing trends towards militarism, what […]

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So Much For MAGA- Trump Appoints Major Anti-230 Lawyer To Deputy Assistant Secretary

Trump promised to “make America great again.” He clearly failed in this, not because of “the Democrats”, but his own choices that he had complete control over. One of the areas where Trump failed was in improving the deteriorating conditions inclining the US more toward socialism than ever before. One of those are attacks on […]

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FDA Approves Consumption Of First Genetically Modified Pig

Pork is a delicious meat, highly nutritious, and under federal law, cannot be administered growth hormones. This is a good thing. However, Business Insider reports that for the first time, genetically modified pigs will be sold as food, making it the second animal after salmon to be approved for sale as a “gmo” meat. The […]

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12152020a Prediction Comes True As Azerbaijan Feigns Humanitarianism In Order To Assert Herself Over Armenia

In October 2020, I wrote the following: …there is a lot of grief in Azerbaijan over the treatment of Azeris by Armenians, particularly because of forced deportations of Azeris from Armenian controlled regions. If Azerbaijan gains territories and does nothing to the Armenians living there, they could present themselves a a sort of benevolent liberator […]

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My Post (98)

The American Empire Is Declining

When the Azeris and Armenians were killing each other in their most recent conflict Nagorno-Karabakh, the United States did not get involved. Instead, two regional powers — Turkey and Russia — were the ones who intervened, with Russia brokering the ceasefire. These two former empires filled in the power vacuum, in pursuit of reviving their […]

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Will, In The Future, Arranged Marriage Return As A Concept?

COVID has changed many things about society, including how people relate to each other. In an interesting article from the AP, a trend has emerged now where some young girls in Africa, due to COVID influenced economic conditions, are being married off early. Many countries had made progress against such traditional and transactional marriages of […]

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“She Makes Brash Comments To The World Because She Wants To Get Nankinged Again”

China seems to be attempting to exert herself to the world with more boldness each day. According to Dnyuz, China’s nationalistic bloc is taking a more aggressive approach to world politics, including the US. The sci-fi digital illustrations by the artist, Fan Wennan, caught fire on Chinese social media in recent months, reflecting a resurgent […]

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Oil Tanker Bombed In Saudi Arabia

Fortunately no one seems to have been hurt, but the Wall Street Journal reports that an oil tanker with a Singaporean flag was bombed at port Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. An oil tanker docked at the Saudi port city of Jeddah was struck and suffered an explosion Monday, the ship’s owner said, following a string […]

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Will 2021 See A Major Famine?

A lot of people are hoping for better things in 2021. However, according to US News reporting by way of Reuters, this may not be the case, as while there are famines taking place right now throughout the world, there may be in a sense a global food shortage leading to mass famines. Next year […]

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Stocks Go Up To Record Highs As 93% Of Global Economies Tank

COVID did not destroy the world economies, but just exposed what was already there, and with each passing day and the more information that comes out, the more difficult things seem to be. According to the European Central Bank and reported on by Zero Hedge, new market research shows that 93% of economies around the […]

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Will Trump’s Lawyers Get Sued?

With the dust settling over the election 2020 debacle, the Washington Post asks an interesting and critical question- will lawyers for Trump who filed lawsuits on his behalf now find themselves in a legal crosshair over ‘frivolous lawsuit’ accusations? President Trump’s legal team is entering into what might be its most desperate election challenge yet […]

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cross hated by HOA

Christian Family In North Carolina Puts Up Cross On Their Yard To Celebrate Christmas. Home Owners Association Tells Christian Family: ‘Take Your Cross Down Or Else Pay A Fine.’

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in North Carolina placed up a cross in front of their home to celebrate Christmas. The HOA ordered that they remove the cross under the threat of a fine. According to ABC 7: A reason for the season or an HOA violation? One North Carolina family would’ve never thought […]

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