The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Referendum Passes To Consider Formally Separating Oregon Counties, Rejoining Them With Idaho

Separatism and regionalism are frequently connected to trends in nationalism. This can be clearly witnessed in Europe with the Catalonian separatism in Spain, Walonian separatism in Belgium, Transnistrian separatism in Moldova and Ukraine, the separatism of the numerous republics in the Caucasus mountain region (Abkhazia, Adygea, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, South […]

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Claim: Major COVID Crisis Incoming, Threatens To Overwhelm Hospitals

COVID has caused many problems around the world, and there is a hope that come 2021, the pandemic will disappear and life can resume “as normal.” While there are many trends that point to fundamental changes- from everything in the economy itself to just life in general -that suggest things are not going to just […]

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Former Michigan Governor Expects Michigan Will Certify Election Results For Biden Against “Bully” Trump

President Trump has presented a particular image of himself, as one who does not let other people mistreat him and speaks his opinions in a very direct and sometimes rude way. However, some people do not like this, and it is possibly this in combination with other factors- not to mention the concerns about the […]

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UK Now Giving “Freedom Passes” To People Who Certify As “COVID-Free”

There has been a very disturbing trend, really that has increased sharply since 2001, towards highly insidious forms of control from government, stemming from the September 11th attacks that has repeated as a pattern around the world. Now this is not to underemphasize the trend of COVID or its dangers, but one cannot separate the […]

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Israeli Scientists “Delete” Cancer With CRISPR…Or Is There Possibly More That Could Happen?

While many people thought that the future was (I speak of the 1960s to the early 2000s) travelling to the stars, it has been shown that the trend is to go into the human body’s microcosm instead. Genetic editing and the creation of “supermen” through gene therapy has become and is going to likely grow […]

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Trump Campaign Lawyers Say They Are “Thankful” For Having PA Case Dismissed

President Trump is in recent times a highly controversial figure, but the more this election recount ordeal continues, the more such controversy does not seem to help him. Now a report from Business Insider declares that some of Trump’s lawyers in Pennsylvania have expressed relief that his court case has been dismissed, further pushing the […]

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Joe Biden Does Has Another “Oh No” Moment, Yells At A Reporter Asking Him Questions

One of the trends I have said to watch for will be “oh no” moments with Biden, for assuming he becomes president- and all signs are currently seeming to point to confirming that which many have already spoken about -his past behavior and actions during the election suggest that Biden may be another George W. […]

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JPMorgan Becomes First Major Bank To Formally Declare That US First Quarter GDP Will Decline Because Of COVID

One of the trends that I have been repeating over and over that COVID and the economy are linked in that COVID is being used to take down the US and global economy, and eventually with that the currency by forcing problems to be exposed. One of the reasons the US “perpetual growth” model is […]

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My Post (62)

Turkey And Azerbaijan Want To Unite And Become One Country. Now They Are Building A Railway System To Connect Turkey And Azerbaijan. Could This Railway Be Used To Transport Armenians To Their Deaths?

By Theodore Shoebat When Azerbaijani soldiers were fighting Armenian soldiers, they were wearing not only the Azerbaijani flag on their uniforms, but the Turkish flag as well. The language of the Azeris is Turkish, their culture is very Turkish, and they hold up high the Turkish flag. Their phrase regarding their relationship is “one nation, […]

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UN Approves Ban On Arctic Heavy Ship Oil

With concern about the environment coming from many people, especially in remote areas such as the Arctic, it is interesting to note that according to ThompsonReuters, the UN just approved a ban on heavy ship oil in the Arctic. The United Nations shipping agency on Friday approved a ban on the use of heavy fuel […]

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Mysterious New Microbes Are “Waking Up” As Arctic Ice Thaws

A premise of many horror films is the idea of ‘mysterious organisms’, either from space, unfrozen in ice, or created by scientists, are somehow aroused to life by accident or military researchers, at which point control is lost over them and they start killing people in horrible ways. This was the plot of the movie […]

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EU Puts More Sanctions Against Belarus

Belarus is known as “Europe’s last dictatorship”, but with a trend of rising nationalism and months of internal tension in that nation between she and Russia, the nation is being threatened with arguably the most political instability since the fall of the USSR and the rise of her strongman who still holds power, President Aleksandr […]

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Is There A Russian Interest Hiding In The Current Ethiopian Conflict With Tigray?

Right now as the world turns and people ponder over Biden and Trump, or while conflicts rage in other nations, there is a major one going on right now that, like the Nagorno-Karabakh situation in Armenia and Azerbaijan, few are discussing. This is a horrible conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia that is threatening […]

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Hundreds Of Fishermen Contract Mysterious Disease In Senegal

With the COVID pandemic spreading around the world, people are, generally speaking, more concerned than ever about the spread of illness. NDTV reports that concern has been heightened in the west African nation of Senegal, where five hundred fishermen have contracted an unknown illness. More than five hundred fishermen in Senegal have contracted a mysterious […]

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Bill Gates Declares That Most Business Travel Will Disappear

Love him or hate him, Bill Gates has become very famous in recent times for his statements on COVID and his connections to the vaccine industry as well as major international groups. But love him or hate him, think he is wise or an evil genius or just a fool, Gates made recent statements to […]

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Mnuchin Refuses To Extend Emergency Lending Programs

With the cracks showing forth in the US economy, largely exposed by the effects of COVID but not the virus itself (for the problems were already long existing in the system), the Wall Street Journal has reported that with much to the dismay of investors, businesses, and even the common man, he is refusing to […]

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