The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Cardinal V. Cardinal As Becciu Caught Spending Over A Million Dollars Paying For False Testimony Against Pell

While a lot of people view the Catholic Church as a ‘stable’ entity in terms of political leadership, the historical reality for most of Church history is the opposite. From approximately the middle of the fourth century until about 1450, the Church’s leadership was characterized by complete instability, and sometimes chaos unlike anything ever seen […]

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Report: Ten Percent Of The World Potentially Infected With COVID-19

There has been a lot of talk about COVID-19, and what one can pull from it is that the effects of the disease have had arguably more impacts than the disease itself, since the ensuing shutdowns to economies around the world have forced debts to come due and exposed long-standing weaknesses in the global economic […]

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Biden Tests Negative For COVID-19

With so much focus on Trump and COVID-19, some have been asking, is it possible that he may have infected Democrat contender Biden? The potential outcomes for this could be either politically helpful or damaging, and what effect they would have on the already present trends is questionable. Nevertheless, given Trumps’s attitude and his need […]

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Iran Declares Her Support For Turkey In Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Amid Allegations Of Supporting Armenia has covered in the past how Turkey and Iran, while historically fighting with each other, have also worked together, and how in modern times, Iran has shown open support of Turkey and her aspirations, much to the dismay of Saudi Arabia. In light of the current fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the […]

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Police Investigate Follower Of Major Anti-Islam Activist Found Dead In Norway has been known since her inception as opposing the evils of Islam, but not to the support of persons or ideas that promote other major evils such as racialism and eugenics. This has been our main criticism of the counter-jihad movement, as in the name of ‘fighting Islam’ she has alled with people promoting […]

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Protests Erupt In Mongolia Over Treatment Of Ethnic Mongolians In China

In many parts of the world, the use of language is intimately tied to political ambitions. It is why in Russia, there is such an emphasis on the Russian language and a very carefully balanced position on regional cultures, especially in the Far East. The same is also for China, and is the reason why […]

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German President Warns That German Nationalism Is On The Rise, Threatens The World Political Order noted for years that nationalism was going to be a major trend to watch, especially in Germany, since the growth of Germanic nationalism directly corresponds with increased prospects for war and violence against her neighbors. It is so common that one might call it cyclical. As such, it is going to continue to be […]

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Trump Is Winning The Voter Registration Battle In Key States

One of the statemetns I have made consistently is that Trump does not really have to win most people. In fact, there is a very strong chance that Trump will lose by potentialy double the popular vote from last time. However, this does not matter to the Electoral College. All Trump needs is the College, […]

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Islamic Terrorists In Nigeria Go On Twenty-Four Hour Murder Spree, Butcher Thirty-Three People In Christian Majority Area

In West Africa, religion often overlaps with agricultural and social conflicts to turn what should be a small matter into deadly encounters. With Christian persecution as a trend on the rise for years, especially in the West African powerhouse of Nigeria that is also major Chinese ally, and key oil producer whose lines for oil […]

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Russian Tanker Spills Chemicals Associated With Rare Earth Mineral Extraction In The Far East

In the far eastern regions of Russia, there is a little region called the Kamchatka peninsula which forms the starting point of an archepelago stretching to northern Japan. These islands, called the Kuril Islands in Russian and the Chishima Islands in Japanese, are a source of major tension between Russia and Japan since as […]

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erdogan with military

The Prime Minister Of Armenia Makes This Declaration To The Whole World: ‘Turkey Wants To Conquer Armenia And Continue The Armenian Genocide.’

By Theodore Shoeabat The prime minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinian, recently declared that Turkey wants to conquer Armenia and continue the Armenian Genocide from where the Ottoman Empire left off. As we read in a report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Armenia has repeatedly claimed over the past week that Turkey sent Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan and […]

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Trump Still Hospitalized, So Far Is Doing Well

There has been a lot of talk about President Trump and his contracting COVID-19. In fortunate news, reports say that President Trump is “doing very well” per his physician on Saturday, where it was also noted that the president’s diagnosis came much earlier than apparently was initially reported by the White House. At this time […]

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My Post (22)

Remember When Donald Trump Told Biden He’ll Have A Vaccine In A Matter Of Weeks? Well Now Trump Has Been Given Medicine For Covid And His Health Is Already Improving

By Theodore Shoebat One of the things that the media largely ignored in regards to the first presidential debate was when Trump told Biden that he will have a vaccine in a matter of weeks. In his own words: “And now, we’re weeks away from a vaccine.” Some moments later he said: ”they will have the […]

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My Post (21)

Major Medical Expert Announces: ‘Trump Is Most Likely Going To Survive Covid.’

A major medical expert, former Baltimore Health Commissioner Leana Wen, said that Trump will most likely survive covid, as we read in a report from the Baltimore Sun: Former Baltimore Health Commissioner Leana Wen said in a CNN appearance on Friday morning that President Donald Trump is likely to recover from COVID-19, but questioned the timeline […]

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