The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Chinese President Xi Declares To “Prepare For Worst Case Scenarios”

China has a way of presenting herself in ways that make her intentions, which are already sinister, even more concerning for those who pay attention to her words and actions. According to an article from NDTV, Chinese President Xi declared that China needs to “prepare for worst-case scenarios” following her flooding of troops onto the […]

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Reports: Thousands Of Chinese Soldiers Have Been Moved To The Border With India, Rumors Of Possible Border Crossing

Ladakh is a border region in northern India with China. There have been cross-border conflicts with the Chinese and Indians for decades, but as the Hindustan Times and many other news sources report, thousands of Chinese soldiers have been moved into the region and are said to have crossed into Indian territory. China may have […]

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Costa Rica Bends Over For The Sodomite Agenda And Legalizes Sodomite Marriage

The purpose of marriage is to raise up children and ensure the continuation of society for the future in fulfillment of God’s commandments that He gave in the Book of Genesis to “be fruitful and multiply”. One does not do this by masturbating into another mans rectum except to multiply disease, sickness, and cause bodily […]

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Locust Swarms Now Descend On The Indian Subcontinent

There have been reports of massive locust swarms assaulting East African and destroying crops in a plague of Biblical proportions. But it is not just Africa, for now India and Pakistan, two neighbors who hate each other, are working together to fight locust swarms that have descended upon their nations as the plague goes globally. […]

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Russia Scrambles To Update Her Railway Lines

Komsomolskaya Pravda reports that Putin is meeting with industry leaders to work on updating Russian railway lines in order to bring people from Europe to China quickly. The well-being of our largest natural monopolies in implementing their investment program will determine and determine the economic, social well-being of collectives and the economic condition of many […]

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WHO Declares That A Second COVID-19 Peak Will Happen

Thompson Reuters reports that the WHO is warning that there is going to be a second peak of COVID-19, and if social distancing guidelines are not followed, it could happen sooner rather than later. Countries where coronavirus infections are declining could still face an “immediate second peak” if they let up too soon on measures […]

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COVID-19 Cases Rise In Eighteen States

It’s not a big deal. There is no problem. COVID-19 will not hurt people. Amid the push to “re-open” for no other reason that what seems to be to “save the economy” (which is something that was in serious trouble for reasons outside of COVID-19, rather that the illness simply exposed latent problems that few […]

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Biden Makes His First Public Appearance In Two Months

When presidents are serious about campaigning to win, their faces and physical presence is everywhere. But not Joe Biden, for the former vice president and practical gaffe machine has been away from public presence, but the AP News reports that he made his first in-person appearance in two months. Joe Biden made his first in-person […]

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Mexican Patriots Are Making Mexico Great Again By Constructing Checkpoints To Prevent COVID-19 Infected Americans From Entering Mexico

One of President Trump’s major promises was to build a massive wall on the US-Mexican border to prevent “illegals” from entering into the US. However, Trump has utterly failed to make good on his promise to “build the wall.” But not to worry, for in light of COVID-19 and out of a fear that COVID-19 […]

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Will Russia Turn Against Lukashenko?

A recent article from Pravda says that Russia will not attempt to fulfill the ‘wishlist’ of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko any longer. he difficult period caused by the coronavirus pandemic showed who really is an ally of Russia and who only makes such statements. This was announced by a member of the Council on Interethnic […]

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WHO Suspends Testing Hydroxychloroquine As A COVID-19 Remedy

Trump is not a scientist, although far too many would regard him as such. However, in light of recent scientific research that has found hydroxychloroquine to be not just ineffective, but potentially lethal in the treatment of COVID-19, the WHO has announced that it is suspending the use of hydroxychloroquine in tests for remedying the […]

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Americans Ignore Social Distancing, Flood Beaches And Public Places

In spite of the concern about the spread of COVID-19, as CBS News reports, many Americans are ignoring all requests for social distancing and have flooded beaches and public places. Los Angeles County beaches were busy over the weekend as more restrictions were eased in time for the three-day weekend. Several beaches in the county […]

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Yes They Are Robots: University Study Finds That Half Of The Tweets Pushing For Reopening Now Are Bots

The push to “reopen” is a political statement that is not connected to actual concerns over public safety. While there may seem to be a lot of “tweets” on Twitter pushing for this, a new study from Carnegie Mellon University found that fully half of them are being put out by bots. Carnegie Mellon University […]

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Republican Representative Tells Trump To Stop Spreading Unfounded Conspiracies, Says “It Will Destroy Us”

The term “conspiracy theory” was created in the 1950s to mean disinformation spread to prevent people investigating uncomfortable realities. It is true that there are many conspiracies in history, the most famous being the culmination of the New Testament and the fulfillment of history where the Messiah, the Holy One of Israel, is betrayed in […]

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