By Theodore Shoebat
By Allah’s will, Jerusalem belongs to the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, and to all Muslims. And as our forefathers fought side by side at Gallipoli, and just as our forefathers went together to liberate Jerusalem with Saladin, we will march together on the same path [to liberate Jerusalem].
These are the words just declared by Dovutoglu, the Prime Minister of Turkey. You would think its coming straight from the mouth of the Antichrist.

Erdogan and Dovutoglu at their speech in which they spoke of the revival of the Ottoman Empire and the conquest of Jerusalem
The amazing speeches by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu were given at the inauguration ceremony at the country’s 55th airport in Yuksekova district of southeastern border province of Hakkari, in which they made an entire declaration to the Islamic world, on their desire to conquer Jerusalem and form a universal Islamic empire.
Prime Minister Davutoglu said that an agreement was made with President Erdogan to name the Yuksekova Airport in as Selahaddin Eyyubi Airport, after Saladin of the Ayyubids, the Kurdish-origin Muslim conqueror of al-Quds, or Jerusalem, and one of the great enemies of the Christian crusaders, especially Richard the Lionheart.
In the conference Davutoglu declared the universally Islamic aspiration to conquer Jerusalem:
By Allah’s will, Jerusalem belongs to the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, and to all Muslims. And as our forefathers fought side by side at Gallipoli, and just as our forefathers went together to liberate Jerusalem with Saladin, we will march together on the same path [to liberate Jerusalem].
Many of the English media outlets, like World Bulletin, are trying to cover up the reality of this speech, and are actually falsifying the translation, saying that the speech is “to give a message of unity and brotherhood.” This is false, as we have already demonstrated. Arabic media clearly shows the accurate translation. Arab media is calling it for what it is, “We will march to liberate Jerusalem: Says Davutuglo In Naming The Airport Saladin,” says the headline of Hasrr.
Here is the speech on video:
Again, here we have the prime minister, with Erdogan, declaring the Islamic desire to conquer Jerusalem. This desire to retake Jerusalem is the same sentiment that the Muslims of the Middle Ages were fighting to fulfill. Now that Turkey wants to pursue this very same conquests, it is obvious that we are going back to Medieval Times. They are praising Saladin who fought a very fierce battle with Richard the Lionheart in the Battle of Acre, in which the Christians won, and who defeated the Christians in the Battle of Jerusalem, and they are also speaking of the Battle of Gallipoli, in which the Muslims defeated the Christian English.
Erdogan made more revealing statements on going back to the Crusades, declaring that he communicates with the soul of Saladin (which is necromancy), going so far as to say that he was in the presence of Saladin. The Turkish media outlet, Anadolu, quoted the statement of Erdogan from his speech:
I am sure the great commander [Saladin] is bringing together all the people of the Middle East into the one army that defeated the Crusaders. He [Saladin] is currently witnessing what we are doing here spiritually. I was in his spiritual presence and I am addressing him [Saladin] here in Hakkari with the mighty men, be it eastern, brave south eastern, valiant Anatolian, in old Turkey, they all promise you, O Saladin, if you united the brothers in the Middle East and so will we. You [Saladin] said, ‘Jerusalem is not for the Crusaders.’, Saladin you witness this, Allah witnesses this.
Talking to the dead is against orthodox Sunni Islam, but it is not against Sufi Islam, in which Rumi (the top theologian of Sufism) encouraged the communication with the souls of dead Sufi masters. Erdogan is proclaiming himself to be a reincarnation of Saladin, and he says that if anyone sees Saladin (that is, him, “Erdogan”) as God. Erdogan is making himself to be another Christ, hijacking the words of Jesus, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9), to himself. He ended his speech with:
Jerusalem is for the Muslims, and not for Israel. Why should continue to be friends with those who stomped their boots, stepping on Masjid al-Aqsa (the Temple Mount). They insist that we (Turkey and Israel) have to be friends? I say, we will not!
Erdogan’s speech is even more amazing, he said:
One people, one flag, one nation, and one state
Here Erdogan is speaking of the Caliphate state, the universal Islamic empire of the Ottomans. This is a direct declaration to revive the Ottoman Empire. Davutoglu’s statements also included similar rhetoric:
The Turkish government does not differentiate, from East to West… We intend to put together all of the regions of our nations and we will bring closer this regions back together.
What Davutoglu is saying is that whatever was East of Turkey that was Ottoman, and whatever was West of Turkey, that was Ottoman, we will bring back together under the Ottoman.
Updated to correct Turkish translation
“O Saladin, if you united the brothers in the Middle East and so will we. You [Saladin] said, ‘Jerusalem is not for the Crusaders.’, Saladin you witness this, Allah witnesses this.”