Grover Norquist – and at least one of his deputies – has gone out of his way to not just express disagreement with Ted Cruz’s ‘defund’ Obamacare strategy. Norquist has gone to the other side to do so, at a time when a lot of people have moved on from Cruz’s effort. Via the Daily […]
Archive | October 29, 2013
Lib Talker Echoes Benghazi ARB; blames Chris Stevens
Liberals are coming face to face with a confluence of realities that even they can no longer spin. Those who try are looking increasingly ridiculous and are headed straight for the abyss the longer they attempt to do so. Juan Williams is one such example. Liberal talk radio host Leslie Marshall is another. It’s also […]
Bible Prophecy and the Coming Muslim Anti-Christ
Walid recently spoke about Bible Prophecy… Via CleanTV: “The threat of Islam is predicted all over the Bible, read and study Walid Shoebat’s incredible work that explains all. Click here for more information.”
When Fox News covered Egyptian connection to Benghazi
Catherine Herridge, who long ago demonstrated that she is one of the best mainstream media journalists in an era when journalism is hard to find in that realm, reported in November of 2012 that Mohammed Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif, the head of the Jamal Network, was a suspect in the Benghazi attacks that took place two […]