By Walid Shoebat “Fierce King,” “a Master of Intrigue,” Daniel 8:23 tells us of the Antichrist. And so “by intrigue,” Erdogan got to power. “By intrigue,” he got rid of Gulen and now “by intrigue” he just got rid of Davutoglu: “In pursuit of more power, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has purged the judiciary of enemies, jailed journalists and crushed anti-government protests. Now, […]
Archive | May 5, 2016
Woman Tries To Sell Her Own Daughter To The Mexican Cartel For Her Body Parts, Christian Orphanage Rescues The Little Girl. Now The Cartel Wants To Take Her Away
By Theodore Shoebat A woman tried to sell her own daughter to the Mexican cartel so that they could take her body parts in exchange for money. This is how evil and dark the world is becoming. Thank God for a local Christian orphanage who rescued the girl from the satanic cartel. interviewed Chuck […]
The Muslim Turks Want To Ban Jews In Israel From Eating Falafel But One Jewish Soul Tells Them: Go Drink The Bitter Sea Of Marmara
By Walid Shoebat The Daily Sabah which dubs itself as “News from Turkey Istanbul” is a mouthpiece for Erdogan of Turkey with all sorts of articles supporting Erdogan. It is nervous because Israeli Jews believe that falafels originated from Israel. The Daily Sabah blasted Israel saying: “Israel claims they have emerged recently attributing the roots […]
What a Black Female Executive at the Trump Organization has to say about Donald Trump’s alleged “women and racism” problems
By BI: Lynne Patton, a black female executive working for the Trump Organization, pours her heart out in an emotional video that the Trump campaign did not know she was going to release.
Tough-Talking Mexican President Vincente Fox Now Grovels Before Trump’s Feet, Begs Him Not To Build The Wall
I love watching these cowards grovel: Earlier this year, Fox said that he would not pay for Trump’s “f*cking wall,” and called Trump “Ignorant … crazy … egocentric … nasty … [a] false prophet.” Trump then called on Fox to apologize. On Wednesday, he did so — in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News — and […]
History Repeats Itself As Eastern Europe Doubles Down Against Germany While Turkey’s Puppet Angela Merkel Shills For Erdogan’s Ottoman Dream
80 Million People. That is how many people live in Turkey right now. That is how many people German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who at this point is little more than a puppet for Turkish President (and soon self-titled Ottoman Sultan) Erdogan, is traveling around the world promoting open EU borders with Turkey: SOT, Angela Merkel, […]
Message to illegal alien Muslim invaders…”Go ahead, set yourself on fire, you still won’t be allowed to settle in Australia”
By BI: Australia has vowed NOT to change its refugee policy after a Somali Muslim woman seeking asylum set fire to herself in protest over her detention on the Pacific island of Nauru. It is the latest self-immolation by a Muslim migrant in Australian custody. Last week, a 23 year-old Iranian man died after setting himself alight. […]
He’ll probably pay the price for refusing to rent an apartment to Muslims…
By BI: But I bet this old-timer thinks it was worth it. I hope he realizes he was being set up by these Muslim alleged apartment seekers.
Did you know that some of the best restaurants in America are serving you barbarically-slaughtered, Islamic-blessed ‘Halal’ beef without your knowing it?
By BI: If your restaurant is serving you ‘Creekstone Farms’ Beef, you are eating meat that has been inhumanely slaughtered by Muslim halal butchers. If it’s not indicated on the menu, be sure to ask the waiter or manager if their beef is from Creekstone. If it is, what you do next is up to you. […]
American Official Declares: “Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world.” He Then Demands That The US Government Open Its Borders To Persecuted Christians
An American official named Tom Cotton declared that “Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world.” He then pushed for the US government to open its borders to persecuted Christians, as we read in one report: American senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas calls for the United States to open its doors to Syrian Christian […]