NEW JERSEY: Battle for Bayonne between American patriots and Muslim interlopers who are demanding to build yet another massive Jihad Indoctrination Center in a predominantly Christian neighborhood.

By BI: Bayonne residents who post anti-mosque signs on their property are reportedly being physically threatened by Muslims.


ABC  Anti-Muslim signs are popping up in one New Jersey community concerning building a mosque. Those behind the signs claim that building an Islamic Community Center would be unsafe in the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre. Other leftist Muslim sympathizers say that argument is simply shameful.

From January 2016, RESIDENTS USE FEAR TO PROTEST PROPOSED MOSQUE A group opposed to the building of a new Islamic Center in Bayonne promoted its Jan. 12 meeting with an advertisement featuring a Sept. 11th logo and the word “Remember.” New Jersey residents were told to remember 9/11 and other terrorist attacks when they think of Muslims.


The signs in Patricia Basille’s window are pretty clear. She doesn’t want a mosque and community center to be built in an abandoned warehouse in Bayonne.  She is part of a group in Bayonne fighting to stop the mosque.


“It is shocking to hear some of the people, but that’s normal, the backlash, the international climate with what’s going on in the media and what you are hearing with all of those things, so I understand their concern.”

One GOP group leader said in a statement: “In light of the Orlando terrorist attack recently committed in the name of Islam, a mosque in Bayonne would be unsafe and unwise.”

Zoning (Code for keep the Muslims out) issues will be discussed at a meeting next week.
