By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists took twelve people, some of whom were small children, and butchered all of them. As we read in one report: A bomb blast on Friday killed 12 civilians, among them women and children, who had fled the ISIS-held Hawijah area in northern Iraq, officials said. The deaths highlight the extreme […]
Archive | November 4, 2016
Muslims Shoot Woman And Then Crucify Her
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists shot and crucified a woman in Syria, according to one report: The Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants on Friday executed a woman in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor Governorate, after accusing her of spying for Kurdish forces, activists and eyewitnesses reported. Asmaa Muhammad, 41, was arrested by the ISIS-led Islamic Police –also […]
Suicide Bomb in Nigeria Slaughters Nine People, Including One Pastor
By Theodore Shoebat A suicide bomb erupted in Nigeria, killing nine people, including a pastor. As we read in one report: A pastor was among those killed when two female suicide bombers believed to be associated with the terrorist group Boko Haram blew themselves in a Nigerian city. According to persecution watchdog World Watch Monitor, […]
Fed Up German People Rebel Against Muslim Invaders, Form Gangs To Hunt Them Down And Run Them Out Of Their City
The rebellion is growing across Germany as the German people are sick and tired of being mistreated by Muslims and are rising up against them, such as in one story where a mob of German people got together and hunted them down, throwing rocks at them and driving them out of town: Dozens of suspected […]
Leaked Email Reveals That Hillary Clinton Was A Major Figure Behind The Creation Of ISIS And The Slaughter Of Christians, And That There Is A Very Organized Conspiracy To Prevent Donald Trump From Becoming President
By Theodore Shoebat An email leaked by Julian Assange reveals that Hillary Clinton was a major figure behind the creation of ISIS, and thus its slaughter of Christians. Assange also affirmed that there is a well organized conspiracy to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. Here is the video of Assange explaining this, with my […]
Three American Servicemen Shot Dead In An ISIS Infested Southern Jordan While Obama-Hillary Administration Increase Aid To Muslim Rebels There From $660m to A Whopping $1 Billion Of Your Tax Dollars (Its Time To Save American Lives By Voting TRUMP)
By Walid Shoebat Why the U.S. sends these American servicemen to southern Jordan, a pro Muslim Salafi area should raise an eyebrow to Americans coming close to the presidential election next week. Pentagon now confirms 3 (not two as previously reported) US military trainers killed in Al Jafr, Jordan, says they came under fire entering military […]

SHOCK: Wikileaks Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman Invited To Participate In Satanic Blood And Sex Magic Rituals With Devil Worshipping Artist
John Podesta In what is possibly the most disturbing revelation about Hillary Clinton from Wikileaks yet, it has been revealed Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to take part in satanic rituals where they used a mixture of menstrual blood, semen, and breastmilk to channel spirits in a ritual called a “spirit cooking […]
Two Muslims Approach Random British Man In Park And Start Arguing With Him, Then They Attack Him- One Holds Him Down And The Other Man Viciously Rapes Him
The rampant sexual violence that Muslim men have brought to the West is not limited to women and children, but also older men. After a brief argument with two Muslims, they decided to attack the random British man and viciously rape him: A man was raped in a Greater Manchester park, police have said. The […]