A woman in the UK has been arrested and convicted after she pretended to be a man and then had sex with the other woman using a fake penis according to a recent report: A woman who wore a prosthetic penis and tricked her blindfolded friend into sex has been jailed. Gayle Newland, 27, of […]
Archive | July, 2017
Woman In America Murders Boyfriend Who Supposedly Went Crazy After Following Cult Leader Who Calls Herself: “Prophet, Sere, Ambassador, Messenger, And Daughter of the Most High.”
By Theodore Shoebat A woman in America murdered her boyfriend after he, according to her, asked her to kill him out of fear of a female cult leader who calls herself, “Prophet, Sere, Ambassador, Messenger, and Daughter of the Most High.” As we read this story from weirdo land: Pennsylvania police are investigating the death of a […]
Donald Trump Signs New Law: “Transgender Troops Will Not Serve In U.S. Military.”
By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump just signed an edict stating that transgender troops will not serve in U.S. military. This is great news, and a good strike on these perverted sodomite freaks. According to one report: President Trump tweeted Wednesday that transgender individuals will not be allowed to serve in the military. “After consultation with my Generals […]
Make No Mistake About It, The United States Government Is Still Supporting The Islamic Destruction Of The Middle East
By Theodore Shoebat There is a story that has been making lots of headlines saying that the Trump administration has cut off support for the rebels in Syria. The Washington Post published an article saying that Trump had cut off financial provisions for the rebels, and that Trump’s policy “essentially carves up Syria into no-go zones […]
Muslim Terrorists Go Door-To-Door Searching For And Shooting Every Person Who Says He Is A Christian
Muslim terrorists from Somalia have been carrying out deadly door-to-door raids in the countryside, now crossing over into Kenya search for Christians to kill. So far at least seven Christians have been murdered according to a recent report: Somali-based terror group al-Shabaab killed seven Christians in a series of deadly raids in Kenya earlier this […]
Muslim Employer Takes Christian Slave And Beats Him To Death With Sticks
Javed Masih was a poor Christian enslaved to a Muslim master over debt repayment. The Muslim had been harshly treating Javed, making him working long hours and difficult tasks with little breaks and under abusive condition. One day, after he accused him of stealing a motorcycle, he beat him with sticks and other objects so […]
Narco Religion That Makes Human Sacrifices And Conducts Mass Massacres For Satan Is Growing With Huge Amounts Of Popularity In Mexico And The United States
By Theodore Shoebat The narco religion of Santa Muerte, in which people commit human sacrifice and conduct massacres for Satan, is growing in huge amounts of popularity in Mexico and the United States. I did a whole video: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World […]
Major Satanist Group Brags That Over Half Of Its Members Are Practicing Sodomites
It is no surprise that the LGBT brags about demons or the devil, because homosexuality is a vile sin. However, according to a recent statement from a major satanist group, they have confirmed that a large number of their members are in fact LGBT: The co-founder of the Satanic Temple said that he would “not be […]
Turkish Government Prepares To Release Muslim Butchers Who Made Video Dissecting Three Christians Alive For Hours And Laughing About It In Court Because Of “Legal Inconsistencies”
The three victims Ten years ago, Christian missionary Tilmann Geske and two other Turkish Christians were tortured to death by Muslims in ways almost beyond description. Over a dozen Muslims, five of whom were later convicted and now serving life in prison for their crimes, came to the three Christians pretending to want to learn about the […]
Hindu Police Arrest Christians For Preaching About Jesus, Beat Them In Prison And Then Say “Pay Us Money Now Or We Will Prosecute You”
Six Christians were arrested in India for sharing the Gospel. After they were arrested for “unlawful assembly” they were beaten and threatened to pay money or else they would be prosecuted according to a recent report: Berating and slapping a pastor for reading the Bible instead of Hindu texts, police in Uttar Pradesh state, […]
Tennessee Judge Establishes Eugenics As Official Policy For Prisoners
Eugenics is going to be a major theme in the future as men obsessed with power will try to control people as a farmer herds animals. In a story out of a rural east Tennessee county, a judge has allowed for prisoners to reduce their sentences if they voluntarily sterilize themselves: Inmates in White County, […]
Libyan Officers Capture Eighteen Major Jihadist Terrorists And Kill Them All
By Theodore Shoebat Officers in Libya captured and executed 18 major jihadist terrorists, as we read in one report: A shocking new video has emerged that purportedly shows nearly 20 ISIS fighters being executed in Libya. The gruesome video in which 18 militants were reportedly shot point blank in the back of the head by […]
Many People In North Korea Are Declaring Christ As Their Lord And Savior, As The Persecution Against Christians Is Getting So Bad That The North Korean Government Is Punishing People Just For Reading The Bible
By Theodore Shoebat Many people in North Korea are declaring Christ as their Lord and Savior, as the persecution in North Korea is bad that people are getting punished just for reading the Bible. As read in one report: A Christian woman who fled North Korea has shared how, as a child, she was too […]
Anti-Christian Persecution Is On The Rise In Ireland, Warns Major Leader Of The Catholic Church
By Theodore Shoebat With the presence of anti-Catholicism, and with the rise of the diabolical religion of Sodom, persecution against Christians is actually increasing in Ireland, warns a major Catholic Leader: The recent resignation of Tim Farron, the Christian leader of the Liberal Democrat party in the U.K., and the increasingly frequent references, in recent […]

Erdogan As Leader Of The Muslim Nations Says That Jerusalem Belongs To 1.7 Billion Muslims And He Plans To Unite Them To Rule It
By Walid Shoebat Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now honed in on Jerusalem said on Sunday that “the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the honor of 1.7 billion Muslims, not just the Palestinians, and that the Muslim world cannot wait to remain indifferent to the restrictions imposed on the A-Qsa Mosque [Temple Mount]”. (Source: The Daily Sabah) […]
Chris Christie Signs Bill Allowing Men To Enter The Woman’s Bathroom
By Theodore Shoebat Governor Chris Christie has just signed a bill that will allow men to enter the woman’s bathroom, as we read in one report: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law a bill that requires the commissioner of education to develop guidelines regarding transgender students, including allowing them to use restrooms and […]