Restaurants are a ubiquitous part of American life, representing a diverse palate of many cuisines from the very common to the very exotic. It is possible to “travel the world by taste” in the US simply through the abundance of restaurants, especially in major urban areas. Even in places that are rural, restaurants serve as […]
Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad
Race Had Nothing To Do With The Rayshard Brooks Shooting, His Own Criminal Behavior Destroyed Him
First it was the incident with George Floyd. Now scarcely two weeks after that incident, from which followed countless international protests, riots, fires, and all sorts of activity around the world- some of it understandable and a lot of it unbalanced -there is another potentially incendiary event that has taken place in Atlanta, the capitol […]
While Mexico Is Actively Trying To Stop Americans Spreading COVID-19, Trump Now Blames Mexico For Spreading COVID-19
Ted, Walid, and I have noted that US migration policy is not “solved” because it is a political football used by the government and both parties for their ends, specifically to advance certain social and economic objectives, without any regard to the good will of those either in the US or Mexico. The problem is […]
Scientists Declare That The Second Wave Of COVID-19 Has Not Hit Yet
There are two camps of discussion about COVID-19. One says that a second wave will not come. The other says that the second wave has already come or is in progress. However, there is a less discussed third wave, mostly among researchers, that a third wave will happen at some point, but not yet. This […]
Major Post-Vatican II Composer Accused Of Sexual Assault
There are a lot of criticisms levied by people in the Church about the “traditional versus novus ordo” against each other. Some of these complaints are legitimate, and others are questionable. However, one of things that is very well-known is that following Vatican II, there were a lot of changes to the music played in […]
The ‘Warlord’ That Has “Taken Over” Part Of Seattle Is A Complete Scam
When one thinks of “warlords”, one things often of something out of the Middle East or Africa. But as Zero Hedge reports by way of Komo News, there is now a rapper, Raz Simone, declaring himself “warlord” over part of Seattle and to which local politicians are promising to give him more power. A Seattle […]
Germany Moves For Join Cooperation With France To Do ‘Stabilization’ Operations In Mali
While the world is focused on COVID-19 and people rioting in the streets over a drug-addicted felon and porn whore who points guns at pregnant women, Germany and France have been taking care of more important matters, such as where the German news outlet Deutsche Welle reports that Germany and France have agreed to cooperate […]
Hindu Nationalist Terrorists Take Christian Teen, Crush His Skull With A Rock, Then Hack Him To Pieces With Machetes For Being A Christian
For almost three years now, India has earned herself a place on the top ten most dangerous places for Christians in the world and she continues to cement her place on that list with continued attacked against Christians coming frequently at the hands of Hindu terrorists, which has followed for years and has noted […]
State Governors Declare They Will Not Subscribe To A Second Quarantine
There is a saying that once the “cat is out of the bag” it is hard to get back in. This often pertains to things that are said, but it can also be applied to describe things that are done. Such an example of this is the recent COVID-19 “reopening” following the “lockdown”, to which […]
Biden Fears Trump Will Try To “Steal” The 2020 Election
With less than half a year left until the elections, Democrats are already lining up any number of potential excuses, should the so-called “unthinkable” happen- a victory for Trump. One of year’s main avenue of attack looks like it may be placing blame on the fact that Americans will have to go to the polls […]
Republican Congressmen Are Socially Distancing Themselves From Trump
Nobody wants to be associated with a loser, and that is how Trump has portrayed himself, for far from improving the country, he has divided her worse than before, and possibly not to his benefit, but his detriment, for as The Daily Beast reports, congressman who once associated with Trump are now distancing themselves from […]
Trump Administration Prepares To Spend Another Trillion Before The Year Is Over
With stocks tumbling, it was only a matter of time before Trump trotter out the so-called ‘stock plunge protectors’, and sure enough minutes after Steve Mnuchin dialed into CNBC, he said that “we can’t shut down the economy again” amid growing fears of a second virus wave, and just to get the Robin hood traders […]
Mnuchin Wants More Money Printing
Once money printing begins, it rarely stops. This is a fact that is known throughout history because once the concepts enters into the public mind that they can “print” themselves to prosperity, a nation is historically finished. Having noted this, it is of interest to declare that following the COVID-19 stimulus checks, Mnuchin is saying […]
More Shocks To The Food Industry Are Coming As COVID-19 Continues To Disrupt Supply Chains
Before you bite into that burger, consider that the nature of the food supply chains in the US is changing and continues to change as COVID-19 drives up prices and makes is very hard for people to afford meats and other goods they once purchased with ease. According to a report from MSN news, the […]
A Second Wave Of The Virus Would Cause Even More Devastation has pointed out that the COVID-19 coronavirus has wreaked a lot of economic devastation, but is this it? I have said that such is not true, but like a storm, the preparation for a second wave. The Wall Street Journal notes this, saying that a second wave will be incredibly destructive, even more than […]
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Prepares To Re-Define The Meaning Of The Word ‘Racism’
A point that I have made before is that the redefinition of words is an incredibly dangerous thing, especially in the middle of a conflict, for words, ideas, and laws serve as guiding posts in times of trouble, not politically weapons to put against people. Yet in an article from the UK Independent, the very […]