The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


President Trump Says He Spoke With God On How To Rebuild The Economy

The Christian Post reports that President Trump says he spoke with God about how to rebuild the economy, and that he believes God will help him rebuild it. President Donald Trump revealed he spoke to God about the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic and God told him He’s going to have him rebuild “the greatest […]

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Japan’s Economy Suffers The Worst Hit Ever Amid Claims She Is Done Being ‘Pacifist’ And Wants To Remilitarize

One pattern that I have been hammering at is that economy patterns are linked to political movements, and in the case of Germany, given the “cyclical” nature of her history as a major power of Europe and a nation that tends to use violence heavily against her neighbors, poor economic conditions can result in political […]

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The City Of Amsterdam Is Physically Collapsing

When one discusses the “collapse” of a city, it usually refers to the economics, politics, or culture of that city, and seldom to problems in the physical structure of the city itself. However, this is the case in Amsterdam, the famed Netherlands capitol, which is physically collapsing as CNN reports that the wooden piles and […]

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First It Was Fuel Theft, Now It Is Train Robberies In Mexico

Mexico has a large problem with fuel theft. However, there is evidence that due to increased enforcement and security procedures, the number of fuel thefts has declined. However, a new trend has emerged in its place, which according to Mexico Daily News is that train robberies of whole railcars are now a regular occurrence in […]

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Turkish-Backed Islamic Terrorist Group Threatens To Execute Kurdish Christian Man For Apostasy

According to the Christian post, a Turkish-backed Islamic terrorist group is threatening to execute a Kurdish Christian man and English teacher for apostasy. The headmaster of a school in the city of Afrin in northern Syria has been accused of apostasy and arrested by an Islamist group loyal to Turkey, which wants to punish him […]

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My Post (54)

China Will Soon Become Irrelevant As Japan Will Rise And Return To The Warpath

By Theodore Shoebat China is the center focus by the media when it comes to foreign policy. But, there is a much more powerful country — both militarily and technologically — and that is Japan, and no one is focusing on the real prospect of a Japanese frankenstein. This is what I discussed in my […]

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My Post (52)

Trump Declares Thats Biden Will Not Be Able To Handle Erdogan

By Theodore Shoebat Trump recently declared that Biden will not be to handle the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, if h becomes the next US president. In an interview with Fox and Friends Trump said: “Let’s face it, Joe’s shot … You’re dealing with people that are very sharp. You’re dealing with world-class chess […]

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California Under Worst Heat Wave In Seventy Years

California is known as a “hot” place, although her reputation has significantly “cooled” off for many reasons. Now amid growing taxes and social instability, she is experiencing another “cooling off” as record high temperatures are causing likewise a record heat wave, the worst one in seventy years, and all happening at a time when massive […]

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Belorussian Political Scientist Declares Poland Could Capture Major Belorussian Cities If She Wanted To

When people think about empires, they often think of the British, French, or Japanese, and sometimes the Americans or the Dutch. However, there are other countries that also had empires such as Denmark, Germany, and Italy. Poland, while she is often mocked and the subject of jokes for “dumb poles”, she is also an imperial […]

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Russia Is Very Concerned About Losing Control Over Belarus

With all of the tension taking place in Belarus, the Russian newspaper Pravda notes that Russia is very concerned about the potential loss of Belarus to “the West”, and says that it poses a military threat to the survival of Russia. If Belarus goes to the West, then, militarily, Russia will lose control over long-range […]

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Turkey In The Midst Of An All-Out Currency Crisis

As the world has focused on Erdogan’s power grabs and expansion, a less-discussed aspect of his attempts to re-create a new Ottoman Empire has been serious problems in the Turkish economy. The Turkish lira has seen continual instability since 2018, but according to Zero Hedge, is now in a full-blown currency crisis as there are […]

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Lumber Prices Skyrocket Owing To The Effects Of COVID-19

I have noted in passing that there is a “national lumber crisis” taking place due to the effects of COVID-19, which have disrupted supply chains for the foreseeable future. This information has largely come from individuals working in the industry as well as those involved in shipping lumber who have shared data about purchases. According […]

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My Post (51)

Ali Mohamed: The Missing Link Of The 9/11 Attacks And The Revival Of Nationalism In Europe

By Theodore Shoebat The one event that really marks the beginning of the international nationalist phenomena that we have been witnessing is 9/11. 9/11 quickly led the US to commence its invasion of Iraq; this invasion had a ripple effect, causing instability throughout the Middle East, and this chaos, inevitably, caused a wave of migrations […]

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Chinese Communist Police Raid Christian Mothers’ Parenting Group

There are any number of jokes and comments about groups at church, most of them about the ideas of how they are anything but sinister and are just a bunch of average people from average families trying to help other average people. For example, the idea that a mom’s group at church would be secretly […]

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Eighty-Four Year Old Chinese Christian Man Ordered To Stop Worshiping Christ, Pray To Image Of Chinese President Xi

As a part of the communist Chinese government’s crackdown on Christianity, the Christian Post reports that an eighty-four year old Christian man was ordered to stop worshiping Christ, remove his cross, and pray to an image of President Xi. Authorities in China replaced a cross in the home of an elderly Christian man with an […]

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Major Electronics Breakthrough With Finnish And German Researchers Prompts Potential Host Of New Technologies

If World War I was defined by the machine gun and poison gas, and World War II by the atom, World War III will be defined by the electron and AI, and how to exploit them best for conflict. The nation with the best supertechnology will emerge as the winner, and with the world moving […]

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