By Theodore Shoebat A high school student in Texas revealed in a school board meeting that her teacher told the students to deny God and threatened them with a failing grade if they do not deny God. According to the report: A Texas seventh-grader is standing up for her religious beliefs after she alleges her […]
Archive | October, 2015
Abortion Doctor And Major Planned Parenthood Leader Murders Child And Rips The Child’s Eye Out, And Then She Says, “This abortion is going well; it’s going safely”
By Theodore Shoebat An abortion doctor and major Planned Parenthood leader, named Uta Landy, spoke in a conference and boasted about how she murdered a child and that during the abortion the child’s eye fell off. In the talk Landy sadistically said, “”An eyeball just fell down into my lap and that’s gross, and I […]
The Whore Of Babylon–Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom BUSTED In The Largest Drug Deal In Lebanon’s History
By Walid Shoebat Monday’s drug bust — one of the largest at the airport in Lebanese history — is just the latest incident in what’s been an embarrassing month for the Saudi royal family. Just how much drugs are being shipped by Muslim governments will never be known but Saudi prince Abd al-Muhsen bin Walid bin Abd al-Aziz […]
Muslims Send Assassins Into Refugee Camps To Deliberately Slaughter And Kidnap Christians
By Theodore Shoebat According to a recent report, Muslims are sending assassins into refugee camps to deliberately slaughter and kidnap Christians. As we read in one report: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has reportedly concocted a plot to either kidnap of kill Christians in refugee camps. Trained ISIS assassins are infiltrating refugee […]
Muslims Lock Christian Family Into A Home And Light The Entire House On Fire. The Husband Is So Filled With Anger That He Breaks Open The Door And Rescues His Family
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan locked a Christian family into their home and lit the whole house on fire. The husband, with tremendous will power, broke the door open and rescued his family. According to the report: A mob of radicals in the capital city of Pakistan torched the home of a Christian family […]
Muslim Man Approaches Christian Girl And Demands That She Marry Him, She Refuses. The Muslim Covers Her In Gasoline And Burns Her Alive
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Pakistan approached a Christian girl and demanded that she marry him. She refused. The Muslim then covered her in gasoline and lit her on fire. According to the report: A Christian Pakistani woman was set on fire and nearly burned to death in Punjab province after she refused […]
Christian Pastor In Germany Calls The Islamic Immigrants, “Predatory Hordes” Now The German Government Is Investigating Him And Wants To Put Him In Prison For Five Years
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian pastor in Germany called the Islamic immigrants, “predatory hordes”, and now the German government wants him prosecuted and he could face up to five years in prison. This is just another example of the anti-Christian spirit that resonates the society as a result of ultra tolerance. Here is a video […]
NEW EVIDENCE REVEALS: Hillary Clinton Worked With The Muslim Brotherhood Causing The Murder Americans In Benghazi. Hillary Clinton Has Left A Huge Trail Of Blood, And She Is Proud Of It
By Walid Shoebat “I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of my son” said Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, who died defending the CIA annex and diary notes the entry says. Clinton continues to blame the filmmaker […]
Homosexual Man Declares That He Is A Woman And Becomes Transgender, He Then Goes Into A Woman’s Shelter Where He Molests And Sexually Assaults Them. This Is The Result Of The Homosexual Agenda
By Theodore Shoebat A homosexual man in Canada declared himself a woman and says that he is transgender. He gained access to two women’s shelters where he molested and sexually assaulted several women. This is the result of the homosexual agenda. Here is the video: According to the report: A biological man claiming to be […]
Donald Trump Questions Carson’s Faith, And One Thing We Must Recognize Is That The Seventh Day Adventist Religion Is An Evil And Demonic Cult That Must Be Exposed
By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump brought up Carson’s Seventh Day Adventist religion, and in a subtle way, contrasted it with his Presbyterian faith, saying: I’m Presbyterian. I’m Presbyterian. Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about Now, in […]
COLORADO: Couple refusing to make sodomite wedding cake launches appeal to State Supreme Court to affirm their freedom of expression
By BI: HOMOSEXUAL TERRORISM IN AMERICA. Two homosexual men filed a complaint with the state of Colorado after a cake artist declined to use his artistic abilities to promote and endorse their same-sex ceremony even though other cake artists were willing to do the job. ADF Media A Lakewood, Colorado, cake artist who declined to use […]
The Kurds Are Not Our Friends, They Are The Enemy. The Kurds Are Slaughtering The Christians, Stealing Their Homes, And Driving The Christians Out Of Their Lands. The Kurds Are The Enemy!
By Walid Shoebat Christians can only understand their walk, their cross and their destiny when they understand that the entire Bible is prophetic. If we examine the biblical narrative where God told Pharaoh to “let my people go,” we would recognize that God first hardened Pharaoh’s heart forcing the Hebrews to get their own straw to bake […]
Russian Lawmakers Want To Make A New Bill That Will Have People Arrested For Publicly Expressing Any Favor For Homosexuality (God Bless Russia)
By Theodore Shoebat Russian lawmakers have drafted a new bill that will punish people for publicly expressing any sort of favor for homosexuality. I did a video on this: According to the report: Two Communist Party MPs have drafted a bill that bans any public demonstration of “non-traditional” sexual orientation and orders monetary fines or […]
Muslims In Israel Enter Bus And Begin Stabbing Elderly Christian Woman, As They Are Stabbing Her She Begins To Cry Out, “Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus! Help Me!” Suddenly The Attacker Runs Away To The Back Of The Bus And The Christian Woman Survives
By Theodore Shoebat Two Muslims, one armed with a knife and another with a gun, entered a bus in Jerusalem and began. One of their targets was an elderly Christian woman. The one armed with a knife began stabbing her, and as she was being stabbed she began to cry out, “Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! […]
Muslim Immigrant Converts To Christianity In Germany And Begins To Preach The Gospel To Muslims, When The Muslims In The Immigration Camp Find Out, They Attack Him And Beat Him Almost To Death
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim immigrant from Iran in Germany converted to Christianity and began preaching the Gospel to the other immigrants. When some of the Muslims in the immigration camp found out what was going on they attacked the Christian and beat almost to death. According to the report: A migrant who spoke about […]
Muslim Immigrants In Germany Attack Christian Family, They Beat Up The Wife And Their Child, And Then Tell Them: “We will kill you and drink your blood”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim immigrants in Germany, as part of the flood of immigrants in Europe, attacked an Iraqi Christian family, attacking the wife and child and screaming, “We will kill you and drink your blood”. According to the report: Especially dramatic is the case of a Christian family from Iraq, which was housed in […]