By BI: Polish MEP Janusz Korwin-Mikke says, “In Poland, we have always welcomed immigrants but the current flood of Muslim ‘migrants’ are only coming for the free handouts.”
Massive anti-Muslim migrant demonstrations are becoming commonplace in Poland where political correctness has no place and people speak their minds. At a demonstration against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plan to dump Muslim invaders in every member country of the EU, the people of Poland are saying “NO.”
“In Poland, we can barely afford to have one or two children. Yet Muslims come here and procreate like rabbits and expect the State to support them.”
“Our is a Christian society, NOT Muslims, and Muslims refuse to integrate.
“We refuse to become like Sweden and the UK, where 10 – 20% of young Christian girls are being gang raped and sold as prostitutes by Muslim immigrants.”
“The media perpetrate propaganda and lies about so-called ‘poor Syrian Muslim refugees,’ the majority of whom are neither Syrian nor legitimate refugees.”
“We don’t want Muslim barbarians in Poland.”
“We will not become like France and the UK where beautiful cities are being destroyed by Muslim crime, rape, garbage in the streets, and rampant welfare dependency.”

The Western media continue to slam Poland and other Central & Eastern European countries for their refusal to be flooded with Muslim migrants
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