You know there is a problem when even the Dalai Lama, who is know for being a symbol of “international goodwill” and practically revered as a living saint for secular people, starts speaking like a “right wing extremist.” And by that, I mean that the Dalai Lama has openly come out in opposition to the Muslim “refugee” invasion of Europe:
“A human being who is a bit more fortunate has the duty to help them. On the other hand, there are too many now,” he said, according to the German translation of the interview in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
“Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” he added with a laugh, the daily reported. “Germany is Germany.”
“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.
“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”
What the Dalai Lama is saying is what many of the same “extremist” factions in the West are saying. And by they way, when I say “extremist,” I am speaking about views that literally 50 years ago were considered completely mainstream and average.
Put it like this. If you were alive in 1966 today and held the ideas about borders, language, culture, society, religion, and life that the average person living in America or Europe did at that time, and you went to sleep for 50 years and woke up today in 2016, you would be labeled a”right wing extremist” and “racist.” You did not change one bit- but the culture shifted to the hard left.
The fact that a foreigner has to tell Europe and America that what it is doing is wrong and unhealthy is a symbol of how badly the West has lost its mind and its soul on account of its apostasy from the Faith which brought it into existence and sustained it for centuries. Between immigration, abuse of the traditional peoples of Europe, an unwillingness to have children, and a literal loss of any sense of basic human identity such as gender and culture, the West has entered into a dance with death unparalleled in human history and whose consequences are almost too terrifying to imagine.