By Walid Shoebat
Officials said that the Florida terrorist Omar Mateen had statewide firearms license and worked for a company that provided security personnel for the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection at the US-Mexico border, and helped transport undocumented immigrants from urban areas.
And now idiots want to blame the gun?
Officials said that the Florida terrorist Omar Mateen had two firearms licenses, a security officer license and a statewide firearms license, all expiring in September 2017. And now they are all blaming the gun instead of the Muslim and the liberal and the LGBT who wants us to all disarm. We warned about terror attacks coming to Florida on the 9th. Did anyone listen? No.
For years we said “lock and load” and no one cared. We said that Ramadan is the perfect season for terrorism, stay indoors, no one listened. We reported thousands of Christians massacred by Muslims and no one cared. Now that 50 homosexuals were killed we should all care and bend the knee to the LGBT who are pro-Muslim and anti-gun?
The idiot who okayed Mateen to carry arms should be hung from his testicles. A statement from Mateen’s employer, G4S, the firm that managed security for the London Olympics in 2012, read:
“We are shocked and saddened by the tragic even that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since Sept 10 2007. Mateen worked with the company since 2007. It takes on public contracts and has done work with the US government. They have provided security personnel for the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection at the US-Mexico border, and helped transport undocumented immigrants from urban areas.
An idiot is always “shocked”. Did they not know this man was Muslim? And G4S even employed these Muslims at U.S.-Mexico border control?
Just last week we warned about Muslims working at border control between US and Mexico with agencies like G4S, as well the airlines. Yet one Jewish liberal idiot named Sam Seder picked on us:
I can’t tell you how many times I dealt with the FBI, pointed to them from contacts all the way in Libya pin-pointing with perfect accuracy terrorist movements, weapons cache … the FBI simply did not care.
Even from my own family, we pointed them where and how to catch them and they did not care.
We told them of countless Muslims who were in the system and we have reports to prove it, yet they did not care.
They simply ‘monitor them’ and do not want to offend Muslims. They monitored and offended us instead.
When I reported the Mexico border incident, the dumb FBI sent me the wrong photo for identification. When I told them this was the wrong Muslim I never heard from them again.
Instead of complementing us, the mocking liberal Jew Sam, Seder, says that we, not the Muslim “should be under watch”.
This is how the system from media to government repays Christian converts from Islam.
Who is laughing now Mr. Seder? Boy you are dumb and I can’t feel sorry for dumb Jews.
Even when we point a stupid Jew to Evangelical Christians, they too get angry since in their view a Jew can do no evil.
The whole culture is dumber than a nail.
Liberals and gays should all screw each other. Finally I could watch TV and could care less.
Even the FBI Special Agent in Charge Ronald Hopper said today that:
“the FBI had taken an interest in Mateen twice — once in 2013 after he made “inflammatory” comments to co-workers and then again the next year after he was linked to another U.S. radical reportedly named “Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha” who became a suicide bomber in Syria.”
The system doesn’t even know how to spell the jerk’s name. It is Muneer stupid and not Moner. The only ones moaning over fifty gays slaughtered are liberals, idiots and gay lovers. His code name is Abu Huraiyrah Al-Ameriki (the American).
Muneer Mohammad Abu-Salha joined Jabhat al-Nusra. While al-Nusra is a powerful al Qaeda-linked opposition group in Syria, the U.S. indirectly supports it. The U.S. supports Ahrar al-Sham which is the main partner with Al-Nusra, the sister of Al-Qaeda.
The U.S. supports Muslim terrorists in Syria so long they get at Russia and Bashar Al-Assad and kill Syrian soldiers. And now I am supposed to only care when gays are killed and I am supposed to jump up and down?
I don’t care about gays who are Muslim loving anti-gun liberals. Stupid people who hate life die. Stupid people who hate life always die.
The haters of God love death.
U.S. officials later confirmed Abu-Salha’s involvement in the operation and did not care when Mateen is armed while working for the U.S. government?
Mateen was interviewed by investigators three times in relation to the probes but, in both cases, the dumb FBI, Hopper, said that the FBI determined “Mateen was not a threat” and closed the investigations. This is the usual.
So here we have Mateen who came to the notice for alleged ties to Abu-Salha, the first known American suicide bomber and they did nothing.
So there you have it. The FBI doesn’t care since the system is impossible to fix unless of course to be “Muslim” should be illegal and tot be “Gay” should also be illegal since gays are disgusting and are Muslim-loving anti guns.
Agents have their hands tied by politicians and the system will never make this politically incorrect change, so all I can say is “enjoy the death toll”.
If you think that I am cruel here, or that this massacre was bad, wait till you get bombed. It does not take much to kill thousands, but the media covers everything up trying to tell us that terrorists are “sophisticated” as we read in one terror incident:
“the fact the suspects used it without accidentally blowing themselves up is a testament to their skill in building home-made explosive devices. The same explosive was used in the Paris attack and the 2005 London transit bombings. Triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the explosive used in the attacks, can be made from products available at drug stores and acid, requiring the distillation of hydrogen peroxide in large quantities. “To make an effective bomb from it requires so much material that it isn’t often used,” European terrorism expert Duncan Gardham said. “It also requires an electronic detonator that is not easy to come across.”
Nonsense. Everything you hear about sophistication, better screening, difficulty to make detonators, or improving security at airports is utter nonsense. Muslim terrorists are in the hundreds of thousands and they can penetrate the West as easy as cutting through butter.
“an electronic detonator that is not easy to come across“?
I can show you thousands of websites in Arabic that exist from how to easily make detonators, grenades, TATP, RDX, SIMTEX, Rockets including Rocket Launchers and even transforming a large dump-truck/oil-truck into a powerful explosion as powerful as a mini-nuclear bomb.
It is extremely easy.
The problem for the average poor westerner is that they do not read Arabic and ‘loving Muslims and gays’ allows all this to flourish. We exposed all this from Middle East sources. Here, you might not understand a word, but trust me, you’ll get it:
Just how easy it is to get in the West, or even be a homegrown western Muslim and make and detonate bombs, suicide belts, launch rockets … its a breeze.
Let me give you one example: terrorist Najm Alashrawi. Belgian and other European media couldn’t even spell the man’s name. They spelled it Najm Laachraoui (They don’t even get the name right, again, the correct spelling is Najm Alashrawi) who was apprehended in the city of Anderlecht, not far from Brussels.Alashrawi is accused of involvement in the terrorist bombings at Brussels airport. The police found the material used in the explosive, simple chemicals one can purchase at the local store, which was used in the terrorist attacks in Paris November 2015 as well.
Alashrawi, like Mateen in Florida, was being monitored since December 4 2015. But this desn’t work since it is easy to escape any detection by simply buying a new ID and a new sim-card. The police had found his false identification under the name “Sofyan Kayal” accompanied by one named Saleh Abdel-Salam on the border between Hungary and Austria. Looking up the name “Kayal” in police databases yields nothing.
Alashrawi is from Belgium, was born on 18 May 1991 and was the first Belgian group that joined the terrorists in Syria, just as did Mateen’s friend, the first American suicide bomber, Abu-Salha, and is code-named Abu Idris. This makes it impossible to detect unless intelligence has spies within ISIS. What agent wants such risk for his wife to watch him beheaded on Youtube?
Over a year ago, explained in detail how the FBI (we even wrote the FBI) were not cracking down on Google and Youtube allowing terror networks to download thousands of training material on videos and websites showing lone wolves how to construct explosives (see here). Any ISIS lone wolf can find detailed instructions on a step-by-step manuals, some even in English, but the bulk is in Arabic where homegrown terrorists can feast their eyes on an assortment of websites that give detailed instructions on how to make TATP and even C4. That including mechanisms, detonators, igniters …rockets rocket launchers … the works. If in doubt just click on the links I provided. None of these have been closed by homeland security.
Youtube is busy removing us for speaking against homosexuality since it is offensive to expose why its wrong for men to penetrate other men while its okay to publish how to penetrate the entire West to carry out massacres. The instructions even have background songs “slit their throats where you find them and behead them …”
As far as making the explosives in high volume, one can find videos by Muslims on how to convert a ranch, collect manure and make the best top quality explosives by the ton without ever being detected and how to obtain material to make rockets.
First of all it is 100% impossible to screen Muslims to weed out the terrorists. Even if one is confirmed not to be ISIS, how can anyone tell if he is a not Nusra Front terrorist, Khorasan Group terrorist, Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar terrorist, Jabhat Ansar al-Din terrorist, Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya terrorist, Harakat Sham al-Islam terrorist, Ghuraba al-Sham terrorist, Fatah al-Islam terrorist, Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance terrorist, Jund al-Aqsa terrorist, Liwaa al-Umma terrorist, Liwa al-Haqq terrorist, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan terrorist, Turkistan Islamic Party terrorist, Islamic Muthanna Movement terrorist or Imam Bukhari Jamaat terrorist.
All these are only the recognized terrorist groups.
But what if even the Muslim is not ISIS or Nusra Front terrorist, or is he/she a Khorasan Group terrorist or Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar terrorist or Jabhat Ansar al-Din terrorist or Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya terrorist or Harakat Sham al-Islam terrorist or Ghuraba al-Sham terrorist or Fatah al-Islam terrorist or Muhajirin wa-Ansar Alliance terrorist or Jund al-Aqsa terrorist or Liwaa al-Umma terrorist or Liwa al-Haqq terrorist or Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan terrorist or Turkistan Islamic Party terrorist or Islamic Muthanna Movement terrorist or Imam Bukhari Jamaat terrorist, but they were not even included on the terrorist groups that the U.S. considers terrorists?
What if they were Southern Front, Jaysh al-Janoob, Knights of Justice Brigade, Thuwar al-Sham Battalions, Homs Liberation Movement, Jaysh al-Nasr, 101st Division, 13th Division, 16th Division, 46th Division, 1st Infantry Brigade, 1st Coastal Division, al-Rahman Legion, Islamic Front, Ahrar ash-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, Al-Tawhid Brigade, Al-Fawj al-Awal, Northern Storm Brigade, Ansar al-Sham Army of Mujahedeen, Jaish al-Sham, Development Front, Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya, New Syrian Army, Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, Fastaqim Kama Umirt, Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union, Sham Legion and Jabhat Ansar al-Islam?
These are not even on the terror list and they transfer to ISIS in a heart beat by the droves since the goal is martyrdom.
How is that for a suppository for any screening officer at the airport, border or immigration office who does not even know how to pronounce or spell these organizations or the different varieties of spelling Muslim names as I just showed you?
Keep in mind that no Muslim who applies for a job will ever state on his application that he is part of any of these groups.
Anyone who thinks that the U.S. or Europe are properly vetting or can vet these terrorists they are dreaming. They cannot even monitor a few terrorists. What happened in Belgium for example was connected to the first mastermind Abu Umar Al-Susi. Prior to the attacks in Paris, the Syrians published about the mastermind Abdul Hamid Abu Oud also known as Abu Umar al-Baljiki (the Belgian). What is not known in the west is that he used the ISIS codename Abu Umar Al-Susi “أبو عمر سوسي” and that this sick puppy mastered the art of beheading and there are thousands of Muslims who behead. He stems from an entire culture that beheading has become a norm. Muslim hardliners are taught since childhood how to be cunning, bratty, racist, outwitting and downright bully and have no remorse for others not of the same religious persuation. These bratty children have seen ample beheadings as casual and as normal as American children went fishing and watched the fish suffocate.

Abu Umar Al-Susi. Unlike me who is rude, Al-Susi is a very nice guy. Westerners love nice people who enjoy fishing. How would you like to invite someone like Al-Susi to a fishing trip?
This is Abu Umar The Belgian (Abu Oud). Do you want this guy fishing with your kids?
I have watched thousands of beheadings and I am numb to the process. Abu Oud easily escaped scrutiny, joined ISIS and also has videos of him dragging bodies behind his vehicle yet he with all this sick experience slipped through the cracks into Europe because these can easily obtain a genuine ID of a dead martyred terrorist or an assortment of thousands of IDs collected from their victim.
It was easy for this sick puppy (out of millions of sick puppies) to mastermind the Paris attacks that killed at least 129 people just like Brussels 34 victims. The Belgian was very known and his photo was made public and was a leader of an Islamic State (Isis) cell who was sought by police and he slipped through the cracks. After all Middle Easterners all look alike and they either shave or grow a beard and with a valid ID no one can catch them.
The success in the last few years in catching some terrorists has been due to amateur local lone-wolves in which they were able to set them up in sting operations. When it comes to Muslim migrants, this will not be the case. These do not have to solicit for guns or ask for explosives. They already know exactly what to do.
Mateen is Afghan. There are over fifty Muslim states. Abu Oud is considered “Belgian” but in reality, he is Moroccan by origin and had quite the wrap sheet. He was first named by police as a wanted extremist after a gun battle in eastern Belgium in January during a raid on an Isis cell. Asked by the ISIS magazine Dabiq why he became a suspect, Abu Oud said: “The intelligence [services] knew me from before as I had been previously imprisoned by them. After the raid on the safe house, they figured out that I had been with the brothers and that we had been planning operations together. So they gathered intelligence agents from all over the world – from Europe and America – in order to detain me.”
Did they succeed in catching this guy? No.
Muslim terrorists have the ability to “go dark”. U.S. intelligence agencies are finding it nearly impossible to track communication among the terrorist organization’s members. Many officials have blamed the group’s adoption of sophisticated encryption software, such as the web browser Tor or the messaging app Telegram, for the inability to identify potential threats. Security now has a tougher job, to avoid being monitored, they’ve shifted to encrypted chatting platforms becoming increasingly careful to secure their communications. A member’s ability to encrypt is an important factor in how the organization values him or her as an operative. As a result, members are learning different tools faster, creating a much bigger problem for intelligence agencies trying to track their communications. Then you have group chats on Telegram that are specifically dedicated to propaganda can have up to 16,000 members, and are growing by the thousands every day.
And for Americans who might think that technology is their specialty, that this would not be a tough nut to crack, think again. Security agents monitoring a Telegram group (which has tens of thousands) requires each agent to participate in a series of discussions intended to vet your beliefs in order to be fully accepted by Muslim terrorists. In other words, in the U.S. terrorism task forces that moved from drug busting into terror busting now must be like myself and know Islam inside out and speak fluent Arabic. Good luck with that.
And its not only knowing Islam, they must know how to conduct such discussion in Arabic knowing about the various religious edicts to terrorist incidents to specific battles.
This requires a ton of Arabic speaking Islamophobes and Christian homophobes like myself. And the way western government officials treat us in the media for speaking out, they instantly support Islam in order to please the devil whom they do not believe even exists.
In life there are only two types of friends; one who is a slime-ball that will tickle your ears and another who is rude with messages of rude awakening.
What more can we do? In a nutshell, all you westerners, unless you completely ban Islam, your’e screwed.