Pope Francis is planning on visiting Turkey in November, and it is a possibility that he will be assassinated there.
The visit was announced after the Pope being invited by both Erdogan and the Orthodox Church’ Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. As an embassy representative said
The pope has been invited by both the Orthodox Church and the government and he is expected to meet the president during his visit
Lets not forget that in Turkey there is intense presence of anti-Catholicism, especially after the controversy that Pope Benedict XVI made when he made his comments on not killing to enforce religion.
Subsequent to the comments made by Benedict, a book was written called Who will kill Benedict XVI in Istanbul?

Cover of the book, “Who will kill Benedict XVI in Istanbul?” It just screams of anti-Catholic slander
The publication became a bestseller, amidst anti-Catholic violence that sprung in Turkey, with three Catholic priests being violently attacked. One of the priests, Fr. Andrea Santoro, was shot dead from behind while kneeling in prayer. The murderer, a 16 year old Muslim named Oğuzhan Akdin, screamed “Allahu Akbar!” when he made this holy man a martyr.
As we read from a report that was written in 2006, when the prospect of Benedict being assassinated was lingering in people’s minds:
Benedict XVI is set to visit Turkey in November, for those looking to descry omens, here’s one that’s not terribly encouraging: A potboiler novel currently on bestseller lists in Turkey titled Papa’ya suikast (“Attack on the Pope”) predicts that Benedict will be assassinated.
Written by novelist Yücel Kaya, the book is subtitled, “Who will kill Benedict XVI in Istanbul?”
In a little more than 300 pages, Kaya manages to weave the Turkish Secret Service, the infamous Masonic lodge P2, and (of course) Opus Dei into his plot line. Inevitably, Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, also makes an appearance.
All this might seem comical were it not for the fact that in the last seven months, three Catholic priests have been attacked in Turkey, beginning with the murder of Italian missionary Fr. Andrea Santoro on February 5.
The same anti-Catholic spirit is very high in the Middle East, and it is in fact increasing as fervent calls for a universal caliphate and mahdi escalate.
The Italian government has affirmed that the Vatican is an extremely primary target for ISIS, since Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the jihadist group, has stated that to conquer Rome is to rule the world:
This is my advice to you. If you hold to it you will conquer Rome and own the world
Italian Interior Minister Angelino just said a few days ago that we should not ignore the words of al-Baghdadi and the fervency with which ISIS desires to conquer Rome because of the Vatican’s religious significance as the head of Western Christianity, describing the city as:
the cradle of Christianity and of which it is envisioned the conquest [by ISIS], is invoked for its symbolic value. It would not be correct to minimize the words of Al-Baghdadi
ISIS is targeting Pope Francis, calling him the “bearer of false truth.” According to an Italian source, ISIS is not only setting their sites on the Vatican, but more specifically, on Pope Francis himself.
Italian authorities have already issued an alert giving warnings on places that our potential targets to terrorist, and one on the list, being very significant, was “places of worship,” which would include the Vatican.
It has been reported that at least 50 people from Italy are now fighting for ISIS, 80% of whom are native Italians who converted to Islam. One of the reasons for their conversion, according to one Italian newspaper, was “distrust in the Catholic Church,” indicating the connection between Islam and anti-Catholicism.
Most interestingly, the goal to force the Vatican to become Muslim was recently stated by an ISIS agent in Italy named Imam Ismar Mesinovic, a Bosnian Muslim who stationed himself in the country to recruit Italian converts to fight for ISIS. He said:
We Muslims believe that one day the whole world will be an Islamic state. Our goal is to make sure that even the Vatican will be Muslim. Maybe I will not be able to see it, but that time will come.
Turkey is working heavily with ISIS, training them and providing them weapons. One ISIS fighter said:
Turkey paved the way for us. Had Turkey not shown such understanding for us, the Islamic State would not be in its current place. It [Turkey] showed us affection. Large number of our mujahedeen [jihadis] received medical treatment in Turkey
Moreover, we know for a fact that there is a major ISIS training center in Turkey, as Shoebat.com revealed a leaked video of it:
With anti-Catholicism being heavy in Turkey, and with ISIS, who wants to kill the Pope and conquer the Vatican, having a heavy presence in, and very significant support from Turkey, it is a possibility that an ISIS member in that country, or a Muslim jihadist, will kill the Pope during his visit in Turkey.
There is actually a prophecy in the Catholic Church, called the prophecy of Fatima, in which the death of a pope is foretold:
And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.
The pope here is killed, and then after him clergy and laymen are slaughtered, which signifies a mass persecution of Catholics after the pope’s martyrdom.
Turkey is so anti-Christian that it was behind the attack by ISIS on the Armenian Christian village of Kessab, in which 80 Christians were slaughtered.