By Theodore Shoebat
Pope Francis declared recently that Christians must apologize to homosexuals. Its just another sign of how much homosexuals have infiltrated the Catholic Church. I did a whole video on this:
According to one report:
Yesterday, on a flight from Armenia back to Rome, the Pope fielded questions to a set of journalists, one of whom asked if he agreed with the statements made by Cardinal Marx.
As reported by NPR, the Pope responded: “I believe that the Church not only should apologies to the person who is gay whom it has offended, but has to apologize to the poor, to exploited women, to children exploited for labor; it has to ask forgiveness for having blessed many weapons.”
When asked about the Orlando shootings, the Pope responded: “The Church must say it is sorry for not having behaved as it should many times, many times — when I say ‘the Church,’ I mean we Christians because the Church is holy; we are the sinners. We Christians must say we are sorry.”
I myself have dealt with this numerous times. I remember when I posted my video of me calling thirteen pro-homosexual and homosexual bakeries and asking them for a cake that says “Gay marriage is wrong,” and being denied service every time. The video went viral. Not too long after this happened, Janet Porter a well known conservative personality who I respect, contacted me asking if I would allow her to use clips of my video to add to her documentary exposing the homosexual agenda. I said it would be no problem. The documentary has been out for some time and has already had showings in select theaters in the United States.
But then, the spirit of fear crept its way inside. Peter LaBarbera, an Evangelical who is in the documentary, was confronted by the leftist media on the fact he is in the same documentary with me, the man who believes in God’s law that says that sodomites are to be put to death. Instead of defending the law of the Bible, which he claims to believe, this hireling decided to push for me to recant my statements, and said that if I didn’t that I should be removed from the documentary. Janet called me urging me to make a statement to “clarify” what I really believed, that I really don’t believe in the death penalty for sodomites, but simply in the anti-sodomy laws that were once enacted in Texas.
To be honest I was quite hesitant to do this because to do so would mean recanting all of my writings in support for the death penalty. Janet sent me the first draft of the statement to receive my stamp of approval. The draft stated:
“While I have had homosexual activists call for my death and beheading, etc., I have not called for anyone to take the life of those practicing homosexual behavior. I do want the laws of the United States to once again make sodomy illegal as they did prior to the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling because such practice is not only immoral, but physically dangerous, as well.”
But Peter LaBarbera objected to the draft and expressed his dissatisfaction with it, pushing for me to recant my position that an inquisition should be established to uproot homosexuality and other perversities. Peter LaBarbera responded to the draft with this email to Janet:
“Not good enough, if he called for an “Inquisition” against homosexuals. We need to look at the exact comments and craft a statement based on those. I do not have time to do that today or tomorrow as I’m driving to DC. We need transcripts of the exact comments and then he needs to disavow that approach (or clarify what he meant). Otherwise people will keep asking about those specific comments.”
All of these words are filled with fear. LaBarbera is afraid of negative attention from the leftist media. Such behavior is contrary to God, Who is Love, “because perfect love expels all fear.” (1 John 4:18) Why should a Christian be afraid or ashamed of the law of God which states that “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death” (Leviticus 20:13)? Why should a Christian be ashamed of the words of the Apostle when he said that homosexuals do things that “are worthy of death” (Romans 1:32)? They will say that such words are against love. But how could a Christian use such argumentation when St. Paul himself says that “the purpose of the commandment is love” (1 Timothy 1:5), and in the same epistle goes on to say that “we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites” (1 Timothy 1:8-10)?
In Christianity, love and justice and indistinguishable, for all virtues, be it justice, charity or endurance, are in love, for God is Love, and in God is all virtue. So how could such Christians say that I am against love, when the purpose of the law is love, and this very law declares that sodomites are worthy of death?
Peter LaBarbera was blocked from entering Canada, and he goes before the media showing how persecuted he is, but yet he wants to block me — a Christian — from being in a documentary for being more politically incorrect than him. And at the same time, he kisses the feet of the sodomite to deny me as Peter denied Christ. A filthy sodomite who calls himself “Joe My God”, began to attack LaBarbera for being in the documentary with me. Peter LaBarbera quickly went on Twitter to appease the sodomite, even going to far as to address him with the blasphemous title of “Joe My God”:
Why would a Christian address an evil person with such a blasphemous title as “Joe My God”? It is truly pathetic how these modern Christians get on their hands and knees for these useless sodomites. The sodomites make up such a small part of the population, and yet the Christians, who are supposedly the majority, are terrified of them. Caesar wanted the whole world to address him as kyrios, or lord. And yet you never see any of the early Christians ever address Caesar as kyrios. In fact, St. Paul went directly against this idea when he said “that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:11), that is that Christ is Kyrios. Yet this Peter LaBarbera wants to do an inquisition on me, firmly saying “We need to look at the exact comments” and “We need transcripts of the exact comments and then he [Theodore Shoebat] needs to disavow that approach”, while at the same time he runs to some sodomite to get his approval. What an absolutely pathetic person. Peter LaBarbera does not want to respect God, but rather “Joe My God”.
This is why the Christians keep losing ground and the sodomites keep gaining ground. Instead of using the attention that controversy brings, Christians run away from controversy. This is why Christendom is drowning.
Another example of this demonic infiltration is Michael Coren, a heretic who lied about being Catholic while holding a position as a news host in Canada. He wrote numerous books about how great Catholicism is, and while praising the Catholic faith, he was attending Anglican church services. Now he has declared his renunciation of the Catholic faith, and has become an open agent for the sodomite religion. He expressed his leaving the Catholic Church by saying, “I could not remain in a church that effectively excluded gay people,” and also saying “I felt a hypocrite being part of a church that described homosexual relations as being disordered and sinful. I just couldn’t be part of it anymore.”
So Michael Coren has become an ambassador for the sodomites. Michael Coren is also a betraying, superficial effeminate. He denied me and turned his back on me as he cowered in the presence of two Muslims on Canadian television, when they berated him for referencing our website, Here is the video:

Michael Coren, false Christian, cowered before Muslims, agent of homosexuality and acolyte of the Antichrist.
If Michael Coren will betray me for saying that pagan Muslim Albanians need annihilation, then he most certainly will betray Moses for slaughtering the calf worshippers; he most certainly will betray Joshua for exterminating the Canaanites; he most certainly will betray Jehu and Elijah for killing the priests of Baal; and he most definitely has betrayed God Himself, for God ordered the extermination of the wicked.
I wrote an email to Michael Coren, telling him:
I saw your debate with Shabir Ali and the other Muslim. I have always considered you an ally, and still do. But I must tell you one thing: The cock crowed three times, and you denied me thrice.
Michael Coren responded to me fearfully, like a shaking dog, saying:
I think we should speak. Is there a number I can call you on later today? Please hear my side before you condemn me. Michael.
I heard his side of the story on the phone and left it at that. I had no intentions at that point to make any actions against him. But after seeing how he is now advancing the sodomite religion and going against Christianity, realizing that his appeal meant nothing, now I must respond to him and confront him for the heretic he is. He is a heretic and the worst kind. There is one heretic that says: “I am a heretic. I hate God.” But there is the other type, the more deceptive strand that says, “I love God. I am orthodox. But lets tolerate the enemies of God, lets enable them, empower them, allow them to eclipse the light their darkness.” This is the worst type of heretic and the most dangerous kind.
There are major homosexual rings in the Vatican, what I like to call “homosexual hornets nests.” I myself have had experience with the homosexual infiltrators in the Catholic Church.
While we were doing some work in Texas we were told of a man named Msgr. Michael Yarbrough (also known as Michael Yarborough), of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, and how he is a deviant priest who forcefully kissed a young man named Hector Escalante on the lips, and how he was supporting a pro homosexual group called Call to Action. Here is a photo of Msgr. Michael Yarbrough:
Well, we decided that we were going to bait Msgr. Michael Yarbrough. I visited him in a confessional booth where I told him my age and apparently it registered an interest and he asked me if I wanted to come and hang out with him. He fell for the bait. I found it very odd that a priest of his high position, with a very busy schedule, would all of a sudden want to spend time with me.
I accepted his offer, and gave him a call, and asked him if we would meet at a book store. He said that he preferred that we meet in his office. I found this quite disturbing because it was in his office where he kissed Hector Escalante. When I did research on Msgr. Michael Yarbrough, I found a 2002 report written in the San Antonio Express which stated:
Hector Escalante complained that Monsignor Michael Yarbrough kissed him on the lips and groped him in his office in 1998 when Escalante was 27, on his last day on the job as a St. Matthew’s Parish employee.
Yarbrough admitted kissing him but said Escalante misunderstood the gesture, which the priest said was common among men in his family. He denied groping Escalante.
Imagine, a man kissing another man on the lips as “common.”
I told Msgr. Michael Yarbrough that it would be better that we meet in a book store, to which he agreed. I asked him how much time he had, and he said, as long as I wanted. After doing some more research, I also found out that on top of kissing a young man on the lips, Msgr. Michael Yarbrough is a also a major donor to a pro homosexual group, called Call to Action, and I found his name on a list made by Call to Action designated as “major donors”. I took a snapshot of the list with Msgr. Michael Yarbrough’s name highlighted:
So, we had the meeting at the bookstore, and after some conversation, I busted him on his heresies and his scandals, and also paid a visit to his church where I was eventually kicked out by his followers (who probably know nothing on how evil this heretic is). Here is the video:
For years we have seen how the Vatican covers up for sexual predators and deviants, heretics and debased theologians. But we have never seen how the agents of the Vatican cover up for such evildoers in their private conversations. Well, is now giving you this exclusive video showing you how the conniving is really done.
I confronted Deacon Ron Walker, an official of the Vatican, asking why the Church has done nothing to punish Robert L. Kincl, a priest and canon law judge who was appointed by the Pope himself, who teaches that if two men masturbate each other they do not commit sin, and who himself defended confirmed child molester priest, Fr. Robert Hrdlicka. This is after filed a complaint against Kincl after we caught him teaching us depravity.
Deacon Ron Walker and the Bishop of Austin, Joe Vasquez, and Vicar General Daniel Garcia, did nothing to have Robert L. Kincl punished, even after they promised to take care of this evil. realized that they were just patronizing us and so we made this video.
Here is the video:
Robert L. Kincl, who was appointed by the Pope, had befriended us as a fan of acting as conservative, yet referred to homosexual fondling as permissible in the conversation. Having been shocked at his remarks, I told Kincl:
How can you, as a priest, be so liberal toward such a sick evil as two men fondling each other, or as two men having a “relationship” just as long as they are not going with other men. It is evil and it is reprobate.
I also told him:
It is not tolerable for you, as both a priest and a canon law judge, to be permissive to somebody having a homosexual relationship just as long as they are not being promiscuous with other men. It is deplorable, and in the words of St. Paul, “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32).
Kincl defended his position and responded with a rejection of the Old Testament and a twisting of St. Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality in Romans, stating
We do not follow the Hebrew Scriptures. We follow Jesus Christ who never mentioned gay relationships. When St. Paul mentioned such a relationship he was referring to the promiscuousness of the Romans using sodomy. decided to investigate Kincl and found that he has a dark past. In 1993, Kincl worked as a Commander in charge of clergy at the U.S. Navy, and while he was in the service he defended another chaplain confirmed to be guilty of child molestation, named Robert Hrdlicka.
The investigation revealed that Robert L. Kincl had even written the authorities, not to charge the pedophile who molested the young boys, but urged them to send him back to serve as a chaplain:
Catholic chaplain Lt. Robert Hrdlicka pleaded guilty to molesting boys in 1993. Before his sentencing, six other Catholic Navy chaplains and the church’s archbishop for the military services urged authorities to send Lt. Hrdlicka to a church-run treatment center.
“It is my fervent hope and prayer that he will be able to return to the active ministry as soon as possible,” wrote then-Cmdr. Robert L. Kincl.
Instead, Lt. Hrdlicka went to prison. looked up Kincl’s My Life page, to find out that after all these years Kincl is still friends with Hrdlicka the pedophile, since he is on his friends list, of which I took snapshots:
Just as we have Muslims, like Bergdahl, who have infiltrated the military, we have people like Kincl who have infiltrated both the military and the Catholic Church, with their depravity.
Kincl is now serving as a priest in Our Lady’s Maronite Catholic Church alongside Msgr. Don Sawyer. When I confronted Sawyer on Kincl, Sawyer vehemently defended Kincl. decided to contact the Diocese of Austin to file a complaint, and spoke with the Very Reverend Daniel E. Garcia as the Vicar General for the Diocese of Austin, and Chancellor and Secretariat Director for Administration, Deacon Ron Walker, who were under Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin.
We asked them how could someone who supports homosexuality and defended a pedophile still be serving as a priest and not be excommunicated, to which Deacon Ron Walker, rolling his eyes, said that the Church’s main objective would be to reconcile him with God, and not excommunicate him.
It seems that the Diocese of Austin could care less if one of its priests supports homosexuality and defended a pedophile.
Why is this man serving as a priest when the Catholic Church, in its teachings, forbids homosexuality?
It is not surprising to see how far reaching homosexuality has gone in the Vatican. What other deviancies will enter the Vatican in the next decade remains to be seen. Whatever happened to normal sin? In the good old days, steeling a chicken perhaps constituted such sin, but these days, its sleeping with it.
Christianity is not about sycophancy, its about war against evil and the devil. We must arm ourselves to fight in this war.