Right now, news around the world has been reporting that Turkey may now be in possession of nuclear weapons originally controlled by the US: And over the weekend, State and Energy Department officials were quietly reviewing plans for evacuating roughly 50 tactical nuclear weapons that the United States had long stored, under American control, at […]
Archive | October 14, 2019
Trump Backing Turkey’s Invasion Of Syria Is Not Surprising Or New, But Is Typical American Foreign Policy
By Theodore Shoebat What is happening in Syria is simply typical US policy. The Americans are allowing Turkey to invade Syria, which is exactly what we at Shoebat.com have been warning about for years. On October of 2012 we reported on the Syrian Ambassador to Tehran Hamed al-Hassan’s warning on Turkey’s plans of expansion into […]

Chinese “Official” Church Pastor Suspended By Godless Chinese Government After Refusing To “Curse” Taiwan In Prayer
The atheist revolutionary of German-Jewish descent Karl Marx is famous for calling religion the “opium of the people”. While he certainly did not care for it, many governments who take a philosophy of epicurean or darwinian beliefs enjoy using religion to attempt to control people for their benefit. This is part of the historical conflict […]

Turkey Releases Almost Eight Hundred Fighters From Just One Camp In Syria
Shoebat.com warned that Turkey was not going to kill ISIS soldiers, but rather would release them because they are US investments. I have explained what is going on here and here. Not only has this predicition sadly come true, but Turkey is now releasing countless numbers of prisoners, including almost eight hundred from just one […]