The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


So It Begins- Americans Begin Stealing Out Of Desperation

I have said for a while that people are going to get desperate and times will be very tough. This is the reality for a significant bloc of the population and it is not getting better. People are suffering. They hurt, and suffering people dealing with shock and who are scared do desperate things. For […]

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…And Here We Are, Back In 2000

Throughout the buildup to this election, I noted repeatedly that the conditions appeared to be setting up for a repeat of an election 2000 type scenario, where President Bush was installed into office not because of a clear win, but due to intervention by the Supreme Court. I have said consistently that while the chances […]

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Ethiopia, Balkanization, Migration, And The Future

Ethiopia is, historically speaking, a populous and powerful area in Africa. The ancient Cushite lands that include Ethiopia proper, Eritrea, and Djibouti have been fought over by regional and international powers. It was first the Italians who carved Eritrea from Ethiopia, and later the French who successfully following a failed Russian attempt, carved Djibouti from […]

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Hunter Biden Under Investigation For Tax-Related Misdeeds

If Joe Biden has been a ‘big matter’ on the left, then Hunter Biden has been a big deal for the right because of his son’s antics. Whether it is forgetting his crack pipe in a rental car, making illegal and/or legally questionable deals with foreign nations for ‘business’, or taking explicit photos and posting […]

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Ukrainian Extremists Arrested In Plot To Mass Poison Hungarian Minority In Ukraine

With nationalism on the rise throughout Europe, it is not just affecting immigrant communities, but “native European” ones as well that are a part of ancient cultural conflicts. has profiled this trend in South Tyrol, Transnistria, Flanders, and Catalonia among some places, and now adds an additional area- Zakarpatskaya -a region in Ukraine on […]

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Republican Party Retweets Tweet Asking If Supporters Are Ready To “Give Their Lives” For President Trump

I had difficulty believing this when I saw it, for while not unknown to historical patterns, the claim that the GOP, or even the Democrats, would ask for their party members to ‘die’ for ‘their president’ is strange. Yet here it is, 2020, and as Mediaite reports, from a tweet by the Arizona GOP, the […]

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Police Rescue Thirty People From Cartels In The United States has reported often times that the infamous cartels of Mexico are known for abusing people in the horrible drug wars that claim dozens of lives each day. But now, not only are the cartels spreading deep into the US, but are showing signs, continuing on an existing trend, of diversifying their operations into other […]

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Water Officially Becomes A Futures Commodity- KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS

For years, I have been aware of the global “water wars” that were coming. This is not because of a lack of freshwater, but largely due to gross human mismanagement of freshwater resources for the same reasons of so many other failures in life- greed, human corruption, dishonesty, and a desires for power over one’s […]

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UN Report: 270 Million May Starve As Threat Of Catastrophic Famine Approaches

In a special UN session addressing the effects of the COVID pandemic on the world, the UN reports that up to 270 million people may starve due to pandemic-generated food insecurity, and at least 80 million- almost the entire population of Germany -are now refugees. Several speakers pointed to the dangerous immediate future of COVID-19 […]

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Was A Michigan Man’s Home Attacked With Bombs Because Of His Support Of Trump?

One of the trends that has continued to emphasize is the growing reality of political violence between right and left and how it could erupt into something much more serious. It is with interest then that a Michigan man’s home is under investigation after it was attacked with bombs by what the homeowner suspects […]

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Tunisian Muslim Man Arrested, Charged With Anti-Christian Church Murders

Back in October 2020, the world watched as a young man, said to have been a Muslim and carrying a copy of the Koran, walked into a Catholic Church and viciously stabbed and beheaded two elderly people and stabbed a third to death at mass while screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ in the Cathedral at Nice. These […]

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Movie Theatres Are Going Extinct

The movie theatre has been an American pastime for about a century, serving as the first “televisions” and later as a twentieth century cultural experience. However, some things pass away with time. For example, the horse, a famous and traditional “vehicle” in various forms, gave way to the car beginning in the 1910s. Likewise, the […]

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For Millions Of Americans, The Future Is Bleak For 2021

Many Americans have expressed hope that 2021 will be better than 2020. However, as I have warned, the chance of a true improvement is unlikely because of the same fundamentals I have said before, which is debt leading to an inability to pay bills, leading to impoverishment of both the average man and business alike, […]

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