Among the most important concerns of people who make charitable contributions is that their money actually ends up going directly toward the cause for which it is intended. When that cause is halfway around the world, in a region where corruption is in no short supply, such concerns are even more warranted. Moreover, when the […]
Archive | October, 2013

Egypt Television airing our work on Benghazi suspect
This video was sent in by one of our readers. It appears to be one produced originally by the Western Center for Journalism back in August. We cannot confirm and do not endorse all of the claims made in the video (we refer you to our “Ironclad” Report when seeking our positions on this subject […]
Is Ted Cruz benefiting from the Archie Bunker Effect?
By Ben Barrack If there’s one thing I’ve learned in talk radio, it’s that satire often goes over people’s heads. Often, something said as a throw-away, back-handed, off-the-cuff line intended to invoke humor is taken seriously or seen as objectionable. This is not because those on the receiving end don’t understand the concept of satire; […]
Did House Subcommittee Uncover a new Benghazi Lie?
Anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty knows that Susan Rice lied on September 16, 2012, when she blamed the Benghazi attacks on a video. Now, thanks to a House Subcommittee, there may be evidence that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lied on September 10, 2012. The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight Investigations, […]
Deval ‘Dhimmi’ Patrick teams up with Tsarnaevs’ Mosque
After the Boston Marathon bombing last April 15th, it was learned that the Tsarnaev brothers who carried out the bombings, had attended the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center mosque (ISBCC). More red flags were raised upon looking into the background of the mosque; it is run by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a Muslim […]
Muslims Behead Men Over Haircut — But Why?
By Theodore Shoebat Islam calls for the death of anyone who has a tonsure, or the standard hairstyle for a monk. The case of Islam’s ‘rules of engagement’ is fancied by Muslim apologists as the example of restraint and equity in warfare which was revealed during the seventh century, when Abu Bakr, the successor to […]

Louie Gohmert shoots back at Wacko Bird John McCain
If you haven’t been following the back and forth between Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Senator John McCain (D-AZ), click here before reading on. It all started when Gohmert identified McCain for what he is – someone who is aiding and abetting the enemy that hit us on 9/11/01. McCain, who never speaks poorly of […]
Syrian Rebel tries to put out Cigarette with Gunpowder
After the Chemical weapons attack in Syria on August 20th, the propaganda war was on. Those who wanted to defend al-Qaeda (John McCain) insisted that Bashar al-Assad was responsible. Despite multiple indications that the Syrian rebels were responsible, the McCainiacs refused to deviate. In McCain’s case, he defended the rebels at every turn, saying “I […]
Mursi’s Chief of Staff Al-Qaeda Chief’s First Cousin
Note: The following post is being introduced as Addendum M to Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. Mohammed al-Zawahiri is closely connected to his brother, al-Qaeda’s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt, and the Jamal Network. Now it’s been learned that both Ayman and Mohammed are connected to former President of Egypt, Mohammed Mursi. […]
Mitch McConnell wins the “Kentucky Dirty”
Every once in a while, a news story is so big that it can transcend our normal subject matter. This is one of those times. “Thirty pieces of silver” Burns on the traitor’s brain; “Thirty pieces of silver! Oh! it is hellish gain!” – William Blane, 1906 During the 2009-2010 Obamacare debate, we had the […]
Corruption of the Diocese of Peshawar
From our contact in Pakistan… On September 22, 2013, approximately five hundred people gathered for Sunday service. There was an additional sixty-four who were present in the Sunday school on the Church compound. Two suicide bombers entered the compound and exploded themselves while the worshipers were coming out at the end of Service at All […]

Wacko Bird John McCain goes after Louie Gohmert
The ever-civil Senator John McCain, who called Ted Cruz a “Wacko bird”, has now accused another fellow Republican of being devoid of intelligence. Last week, at the Values Voter Summit, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) rightfully ripped Senator John McCain for the latter’s support of Syrian rebels and al-Qaeda. McCain, who refuses to attack Democrats but […]
Walid interviewed by Sam Sorbo
Walid appeared on the Andrea Tantaros show again today with guest host Sam Sorbo. They talked about the connections of Barack Obama’s family in Kenya, to fundamentalist Islam. As Shoebat has explained before, Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik works for the Sudanese government as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). Toward the end […]
Giving Erdogan something to Cry about
After an ‘Arab Spring’ that began with so much promise for the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), the Islamic group has hit a run of bad luck. Its biggest defeat began on July 3rd, when Mohammed Mursi was removed from power. The military didn’t just remove Mursi; it’s essentially banned the group and has been rounding up […]
Pakistan: Muslims Break Into Christian Home, Torture Family and Tell Them To Convert To Islam At Gunpoint
From The MTT: Pakistan is blighted by sectarian attacks by Sunni Islamists against the Shia and other minority communities like Christians and Hindus also suffer from militant attacks. At the same time, institutional discrimination is also a major problem for non-Muslims. Therefore, the recent report circulating from Islamabad about a Christian family being held at […]
Estimated 50,000 Christians Have Fled To The Mountains Of Syria, Or To Lebanon
From George Marlin of Catholic Online: For many months now there have been plenty of headlines devoted to the unrest in the Middle East, notably in Egypt and Syria. What has been missing, however, is any significant media coverage of the ongoing anti-Christian persecutions in those two countries. The world was just deliberating at the […]