By Walid Shoebat
The German parliament is about to vote to recognize the Armenian genocide of 1915 at the hands of the Ottoman Empire yet few even recognize the ‘why’ and the ‘who’ is behind such decision.
What caused Germany’s parliament to press ahead with a motion condemning the Armenian massacres by the Ottoman Turks during the first world war as a “genocide”? This is a move that will probably infuriate Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and threaten the fragile EU-Turkey deal on refugees.
The vote, scheduled for tomorrow June 2.
Firstly, did Germany, especially Merkel finally see the light and felt bad for the Armenians?
No. Hardly. Germany had decades of time to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Merkel is up for re-election and filthy politicians always care about their ‘legacy’.
On the minor reasons, this vote comes amid a diplomatic scandal over a German comedian’s obscene anti-Erdogan poem. Many MPs were already furious that Ms Merkel permitted prosecutors last month to pursue a criminal case against Jan Böhmermann, a television comedian who read out a poem accusing Mr Erdogan of having sex with animals, and “kicking Kurds and beating up Christians while watching child porn”. Böhmermann became the ‘John the Baptist’ while Merkel looked like the Salome.
Secondly, there is a growing concern in the EU about a central element in the refugee deal — the planned visa-free travel demanded by Erdogan, an accord for Muslim Turks in the Schengen zone. Germany has much face-saving to do causing a major rift in Europe with many asking to split from the European Union.
If Germany have seen the light, why did the German parliament fail to discuss a similar resolution in 2015, when Armenians marked the 100th anniversary of the Ottoman genocide of Armenians? It was repeatedly delayed as does the U.S. do similar delays and only use the Christians for a bargaining chip.
The Bundestag is using the resolution as a tool thats all.
Always keep in mind current politics. There is an issue of Muslim immigrants into Europe and Turkey is this Red Dragon spewing a flood of flow of migrants towards the continent. (Rev 12). Brussels is trying to arrange a deal for Turkey to keep migrants and refugees coming from troubled regions of the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In politics nothing goes to waste including refugees and even genocide which is used as the last ace in the hole. Germany also supports the Kurdish movement. Germany uses the Kurds also as a bargaining tool of pressure on Turkey, whose authorities are now conducting military operations against the Kurds. Even the choice on who plays the game is carefully played. The author of the Armenian Genocide bill is German MP Cem Ozdemir, the son of a Turkish-Circassian gastarbeiter from Turkey.
The German Chancellor is simply placating Erdogan to persuade him to drop threats to scrap the refugee accord.
And it is not that Merkel now, all of the sudden, became an anti-Antichrist and now hates Erdogan, Merkel’s government in fact resisted all efforts to recognize the Armenian genocide which was led by the opposition Green party pressuring to hold a formal vote. Merkel is in need to save face and with her popularity eroding she is in check.
And there is another factor: the Pope. So many put down the Pope on every turn. We even critique the Pope for going to Turkey and bending the knee to the Baal of Islam. Yet how many give credit when the Pope upset the Turks over the Armenian Genocide.

Pope Francis during a Mass on the 100th anniversary of the start of the killings of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians. CreditTony Gentile/Reuters
On that occasion, it was the Pope who described the World War I-era slaughter of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as the first genocide of the 20th century, igniting a diplomatic confrontation with Turkey, which quickly summoned the Vatican’s ambassador to condemn the pontiff’s remarks and recalled its own ambassador to the Holy See.
Francis, as the New York Times expressed, did the job:
In addressing the Armenian question, Francis quoted from a 2001 declaration by Pope John Paul II and Catholicos Karekin II, the Armenian Apostolic Church’s supreme patriarch, in which the two leaders called the Armenian slaughter a campaign of extermination that was “generally referred to as the first genocide of the 20th century.”
Vatican diplomats have been deliberately prudent in avoiding the term, so in using it during the Mass on Sunday, before an audience that included the Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan, Francis clearly intended to provoke a response.
Where are all the blessings and admirations for what Pope Francis said? He threw a bombshell:
“It seems that humanity is incapable of putting a halt to the shedding of innocent blood,” Francis said. “It seems that the human family has refused to learn from its mistakes caused by the law of terror, so that today, too, there are those who attempt to eliminate others with the help of a few, and with the complicit silence of others who simply stand by.”
The slandering tongues only slander when the Pope does wrong, but never when the Pope does what is right.

Catholicos Karekin II, the Armenian Apostolic Church’s supreme patriarch, right, greeted Pope Francis during Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Sunday. CreditGregorio Borgia/Associated Press
Merkel could no longer hold the line in the face of some politicians in the ruling conservative-social democrat coalition breaking ranks and a wave of explicit genocide declarations coming from elsewhere, especially the Pope.
After the Pope’s pressure including all the negotiations with the Green party, party managers of the CDU/CSU and SPD have finally agreed to back a genocide motion. This means it is almost certain to be passed keeping in mind, the devil is at work, even in the last minutes.
The Berlin Wall, more than anything that came before it or was to happen after it, the fall of the Berlin Wall is the preeminent symbol of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.
No serious analyst can downplay Pope John Paul II’s contribution to communism’s collapse. The devil recruited a fanatic Muslim Turk, Mehmet Ali Agca to kill him. The pope was seriously wounded in that attack in St. Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981 and this was God’s way of sparking everything including awakening the Pope from certain slumbers. The incident, I believe was also a message that another Turk will arise to pierce Christ on His side.
It was Pope John Paul II, the first Polish pope in history, who was the catalyst for the momentous events of 1989 setting aside the previous decade’s policy of “ostpolitik” which promised Catholic acceptance of communist regimes (the same will happen with Islam). Instead, the Catholic Church adopted a confrontational approach.
From June 2 to 10, 1979, the former archbishop of Kraków made his first visit home to his native country. Yet despite all the attempts by the regime to hold down the crowds (13 million Poles turned out to greet the Pope) the millions shouted in Warsaw’s Victory Square “We want God”.
Poland unquestionably wanted God looking to Pope John Paul II as their vicar even “To praise the Mother of God and to spite those bastards.”
Poles persevered and the pope backed them. In parliamentary elections in 1989, candidates of Solidarity, the independent trade union movement headed by a canny electrician-turned-Nobel Peace Prize winner named Lech Walesa, won 99 percent. I recall when prophecy-idiots wrote books on why Walesa was candidate of Antichrist. I even recall as Muslim during these times the absurdities trying to add Lech Walesa to ‘666’ from certain arrangements of alphabets. But with Walesa, Communist control of Poland had come to an end and Poland was finally free for the first time since World War II.
What has America’s popes (Rick Warren, Joel Olsteen and even the Grahams) do that can measure up to such accomplishments? It was Pope Pius XII who rescued hundreds of thousands of Jews during another genocide while idiots way later slandered calling him “Hitler’s Pope”.
Poland was the first nation to break away from the Soviet empire thanks to Pope John Paul II, setting a domino-effect of the end for communism in Eastern Europe and then the Berlin Wall fell. Other countries staged peaceful revolutions of their own and established democratic governments. Two years later the Soviet Union dissolved.
When it comes to popes, fact is, when they produce positive news, few want to read it, but when popes cause negative news, everyone jumps on it. To prove my point, check the Facebook shares on this report versus others where we reported negative news; the difference is astronomical. Pope-positive reports get only 10% the volume from pope-negative reports.
And now you know the rest of the story on the popes and the news. People do not seek truth as they claim; the mass majority love to swallow slander and love to spread it like a virus. The ‘evil’ news media most complain about is of their own doing. People are appointed the government by God and it is in accordance to their hearts.
Christus Vincit.