Archive | November, 2016

Wake Up And Learn About: The Secret pro-Muslim Agent Who Was Behind Bringing In Anti-Christ Turkey Into The West To Revive Islam’s Antichrist Religion And To Destroy Europe From Within

A herd mentality are the fools who fail to read between the lines. (Walid Shoebat) Unless you want to fall for an Antichrist spirit, here, enter a story that will spin your mind on how deception really, really, works. In Great Britain, it was the populous movement that was all excited about Brexit, yet few understand the secret […]

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Muslim Terrorist Who Kidnapped And Murdered HUNDREDS Of Small Children Tells Newspaper ‘I Have No Regrets For What I Did’

Some people repent of their crimes. Others not so much. Such is the case regarding Nurpashi Kulayev, a Muslim terrorist who assisted in kidnapping and murdering hundreds of children in the 2004 terrorist attack at an elementary school in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia. Speaking from his prison cell, he said that he doesn’t regret what […]

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Muslims Take Christian Man And Tell Him: ‘If You Love Jesus So Much, Then You Will Die Like Him.’ They Torture Him For Five Hours, Crucify Him, Cut His Stomach Open And Leave Him To Die, And Force His Wife And Children To Watch

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists took a Christian man, telling him that if he loved Jesus so much, that he would die like Him. They tortured him for five hours, crucifying him, tearing his stomach open and leaving him to die. They even forced his wife and children to watch. Here is the story: A Christian […]

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ISIS Takes Christians And Tortures Them In Horrible Ways- Hangs Them Upside Down For Days, Pours Salt Into Bleeding Wounds, Sold As Sex Slaves, Dismembered Piece-By-Piece And Crucified

More horrible tales of torture continue to flow from the remaining Christians who survived the ISIS reign of terror that fell over Iraq and Syria the past several years. Christians, many of the survivors of ISIS torture, tell of being beaten and hung by ropes for days, having salt rubbed into open wounds, of being […]

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America Is An Ass Kissing Nation. Donald Trump Just Went Back On His Word And Will Not Be Working To Put Hillary Clinton In Prison. Instead This Nation Will Join Antichrist And Persecute The Saints

By Walid Shoebat Will the ass-kissing now end now that President-elect Donald Trump will not pursue further investigations into Hillary Clinton? Former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani said, “He made the choice to unite the nation”: “Look, there’s tradition in American politics that after you win an election, you sort of put things behind you. If that’s […]

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Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Declares To Illegal Muslim Invaders ‘Get Out Of Hungary And Don’t Come Back – If You Cannot Leave We Will Assist You’

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban put his foot down against the Muslim invasion of Hungary, where he declared to them that the invaders need to get out of Hungary now and not come back because they have no place in Hungary. He also added that if they had trouble leaving that Hungary would help them to leave: […]

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BREAKING: Japan Sends First Military Troops Ever Overseas To Africa- The Axis Powers Are Rebuilding Their Alliances Of Old In Preparation For A Massive And Horrific World War

We have been saying here on to watch out for Japan, that Japan is rebuilding its military and will be a great imperial power and threat to humanity once again. Now in a breaking story, Japan is sending military troops for the first time ever since World War II overseas to Africa: A contingent of […]

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Elderly Italian Man Breaks Downs In Horror As Police Confiscate His Private Hotel And Force Him To House Muslim Invaders

***UPDATE FROM ON THE GROUND***- contact in Italy Mr. Thomas Paccinotti has additional information to add about this story, and I quote: “It’s true. However the Carabinieri and local Catholic league intervened against the court order and the Police. The court order has been revoked. This happened days ago….The court confiscation was overruled. However it […]

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The One Who Dominates The Internet, Dominates The Elections, And Dominates The World

By Theodore Shoebat The one who dominates the internet, dominates the elections. In today’s video I talk about the power of the internet in determining the election, and how the internet is being used in the toppling of the EU. In connection with this, I talk about how the rise of populism is also leading […]

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Muslim Man Sexually Abuses, Blackmails British Girl For Months And Films It, He Gets Arrested And His Punishment Is In A Year In A ‘Youth Detention Center’ And A $30 Fine

If this was a native Englishman, he would be veritably in jail for life without the possibility of release. But because the perpetrator was a Muslim man, all he gets for his blackmail was a taxpayer-funded vacation-plus-education in a government facility and a “fine” that is less than the cost of a cheap vacuum cleaner […]

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Muslims Riot And Burn Down Their Own “Asylum Center” Because They Were Mad The Staff Ran Out Of Nutella At The Food Buffet

The man who did it was finally arrested, and as it was revealed he started the fires as a protest over the shelter running out of Nutella at the food buffet during Ramadan: It was at noon on the 7th of June, when suddenly a hundred meters high smoke column over Dusseldorf had to be […]

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Muslim Terrorists Make Vicious Attack And Slaughter Thirty Four Christians And Burn Down Over One Hundred Of Their Homes

By  Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists in Nigeria made a vicious attack on Christians recently, slaughtering thirty four Christians and burning down over one hundred of their homes. According to one report on this very sad story:   More than 34 people in predominantly Christian villages in Kauru in the Nigerian state of Kaduna were killed […]

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Germany Hates The Christian Slavic Peoples Of Eastern Europe And Is Going To Try To Wipe Them Out AGAIN In Her Thirst For Empire

Germany has historically looked down upon the Slavic races as inferior peoples they feel they have a right to control and dominate. Beginning in the years before they became Christians, Slavic people were often captured and sold into the slave markets of the Mediterranean and North Africa, even to Moslems. When the Slavs converted to […]

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Mike Pence Is Absolutely Evil, He Hates Christians And Supports Muslims Who Butcher Christians

By Theodore Shoebat Mike Pence is absolutely evil, he hates Christians and supports Muslims who actually murder Christians. He supports the Muslim Turks and refuses to have America recognize the Islamic Armenian Genocide done by the Ottoman Empire. I did a whole video on this: Here is an excerpt from my father’s article on this […]

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There Is A Major Global Conspiracy Being Planned Out To Convert Millions Of Americans To The Religion Of The Antichrist, To A New Form Of Islam And To The One World Order Of Satan

By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Sunday Special) There is a new Islam brewing. It has been set in motion in the U.S. and is now growing to unite all religion, regardless if they be under a liberal or a conservative government; be they Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist … it matters not for it appeals to American liberalism and […]

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The Nation Of Austria Could Actually Elect A Nazi And Occultist To Be Its Next President

By Theodore Shoebat The nation of Austria could actually elect a Nazi and occultist, Norbert Hofer, as their next president. I did a whole video on this: To Learn More About Christianity’s War Against Islam And The Antichrist, Get Our New 2-Disk Dvd Special On Christian Militancy CHRISTIANS ARE BEING KILLED AND RAPED EVERY SINGLE […]

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