Archive | June, 2017

Muslims Destroy Catholic Church, Say ‘It Was ‘Structurally Unsafe,’ Build A Mosque And Koranic School On Its Ruins

It’s common in Muslim nations for local governments to find “reasons” for to destroy Churches and Christian holy places. This just happened in Algeria according to a recent report, where Muslims destroyed a Catholic Church but are building a mosque and Koran school in its place because the church was “structurally unsafe”: Authorities in Algeria […]

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Catholic Priest Miraculously Saved From Muslim Terrorists After They Kidnap Him, Beat Him, Tie Him Up And Tell Him ‘We Are Going To Roast You Like A Goat’,

Fr. Samuel Okwuidegbe was kidnapped last year by Muslim terrorists, and after severely beating him and tying him up, the threatened to roast him like a goat but he was miraculously saved: A Nigerian priest detailed his kidnapping by Islamic radicals, saying he was stripped of his clothes, tied up “like a goat” and prepared […]

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Three Hundred Officers And Government Officials Destroy Christian Church In China

By Theodore Shoebat Three hundred officers and government officials took part in the destruction of a Christian church in China. Communism is still strong to a certain extent, but hopefully it will all be destroyed by the rise of Christianity in that country. Here is the story: Local authorities in China’s Henan province reportedly destroyed […]

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Cartels In Mexico Are Butchering Christians, And It Is So Bad That Mexico Is The Most Dangerous Country To Be A Catholic Priest

By Theodore Shoebat The cartels in Mexico have been butchering Christians. Thats right, right across the border Christians are being butchered and enslaved. This is not just happening in the Islamic world, its happening right across the border. The Mexican people, by and large, are Catholics, which means they are Christians. A lot of the […]

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Satanic Cult Massacres An Entire Family, They Take The Pregnant Mother, Cut Open Her Stomach With A Knife And Rip Out Her Child

By Theodore Shoebat A horrific murder took place in which a satanic cult butchered an entire family, taking even a pregnant mother and ripping her child out from her womb. As we read in one report: The notorious Badoo killer cult group that has been causing havoc in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State has […]

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Man Beats His Two-Year-Old Daughter, Scalds Her Face With Hot Water, Blows Up Firecrackers On Her Body And Then Pours Hot Sauce And Cayenne Pepper Into Her Eyes While Choking Her Until Her Face Turns Blue

After he did all of this, he then tried to blame the crimes on his three-year-old son, but later admitted them to police, saying that while he was at work he though about ways to harm the child: A Moorhead man is accused of rubbing hot sauce and cayenne pepper in the eyes of his […]

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LGBT Movement Hits A New Low With 8-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’

We have been warning that the next step along the LGBT’s descent into the maelstrom is the legalization and normalization of pedophilia in the literal sense of the word. Such is happening right now with an 8-year-old Montreal boy who has become a television star as a ‘drag queen’: The bawdy, homosexuality-infused world of female […]

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Scottish Teen Pedophile Busted For Making Child Porn Brags ‘If I Could I Would Rape And Murder 10 Babies A Day Just For Fun’

A 19-year-old Scottish pedophile and child porn producer has been arrested and jailed by police. According to a recent report, he bragged that if he could he would rape and murder 10 to 25 babies a day just for fun because in his words, ‘they are only good for abuse’: A teenage paedophile who began […]

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The Sufi Muslim Nation Of Turkey And The Shiite Nation Of Iran Are Now United Against Mecca While Turkish Television Just Announced That Erdogan Must Become Caliph Of The Muslim World

By Walid Shoebat Years ago you normally read our alarmist headlines as if Armageddon was just around the corner. Sure, we did this to get your attention, but reality is that a verse could take decades or even centuries to be fulfilled. For example, in Ezekiel 38, when one reads “Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them.” While this “them” is […]

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Five Thousand Conservatives Gather Together And Do A Pro-Homosexual Rally And Declare: ‘We Accept Homosexuality.’

By Theodore Shoebat Five thousand conservatives in the UK gathered together last night and did a pro-homosexual rally, and they all declared their acceptance of homosexuality. I did a whole video on this: We Are About To Enter A New World War, A Blood Bath Is About To Commence As The Empire Of The Antichrist […]

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Pagan Savages Are Dismembering Bald Men And Selling Their Scalps And Organs On The Black Market For Demonic Rituals

Africa is home to some of the most savage types of paganism, and in a recent report coming out of Mozambique, ‘witch doctors’ are kidnapping and dismembering bald men, harvesting the parts and selling or using them for use in heathen rituals: Bald people have become the latest targets of witchdoctors in Mozambique, police chiefs […]

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Children Of Christians Slaughtered By ISIS Declares ‘We Loved Them In Life And Now We Love Them Even More Because They Died For Jesus And Are Now In Heaven With Him’

Two years ago news outlets around the world reported about the horrible slaughter of Christians by ISIS, who after dressing them in orange jumpsuits led them out to a beach and brutally slit their throats while praising Allah. Following up with the families and their children after the horrible event, they all say that no […]

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Muslims Kidnap Young Christian Woman Walking To Church And Nobody Knows Where She Is Now

A lot of people complain about having to get up early to go to church on Sunday. Many would complain if their car was broken and had to walk to church. But in some parts of the world, people are just happy to be able to get to church safely without being kidnapped and held […]

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Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Christian Girl And Keep Her Hostage For Three Years, Iraqi Forces Go In, Kill The Terrorists And Rescue The Christian Girl

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists in Iraq kidnapped a Christian girl and held her hostage for three years after being rescued by Iraqi forces. As we read in one report: The family of a six-year-old Iraqi Christian girl who was abducted by the Islamic State three years ago has thanked God for answering their prayers […]

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Pagans Kidnap Christian Pastor And Brutally Torture Him, They Mutilate His Genitals And Slaughter Him

By Theodore Shoebat A Catholic bishop in Cameroon was kidnapped and tortured to death by pagans. According to a confidential document Bishop Jean Marie Benoit Bala, while much of the media said he committed suicide, it was revealed by autopsy that he was tortured and murdered.  The document revealed what took place and heavily substantiated its […]

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Major Evidence Reveals That Robert Spencer Is Working With Genocidal Satanist Nazi Cult That Plans To Eradicate All Christians In Concentration Camps

By Theodore, Walid and Andrew (A Shoebat Sunday Special) Your favorite ‘conservative rightwing’ media, activists, political movements have sold the farm! There is no other way to put it. In this (and in the next coming weeks) we will investigate your favorite right-wing sources and reveal secrets you have never read before. From Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch occult and […]

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