By Theodore Shoebat
Pope Francis recently wrote on the human experimentation that was done by the Nazis, and warned that such evils will happen again if we keep putting ourselves in the place of God, or in his own words: “The human arrogance exposed during the Shoah was the action of people who felt like gods, and shows the aberrant dimension in which we can fall if we forget where we came from and where we are going”.
As we read in one report, from the Jewish Telegraph Agencies:
Pope Francis condemned the Holocaust and the medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on Jewish concentration camp inmates.
The pope’s condemnation appears in an introduction he wrote in an upcoming book written by three Argentine doctors about the Nazi medical experiments. His co-author is his longtime Argentine friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka.
“It is an analysis of the human attitude of trying to expel the good of mercy and replace it with evil and destruction,” Skorka told JTA.
Research from the book, “Morality and Legality in Dark Times,” by Beatriz Boo, José Mobilio and David Znajderhaus, will be presented Thursday at the Sociedad Hebraica Argentina, a Jewish community center with a long tradition of cultural and art activities. Skorka will sit on the panel with the authors.
Francis wrote an email to Skorka asking him to greet the authors on his behalf at the presentation.
“Dear brother,” the email begins. “This text will help to bring a testimony of that hell and to prevent humanity from repeating that reality.”
“The human arrogance exposed during the Shoah was the action of people who felt like gods, and shows the aberrant dimension in which we can fall if we forget where we came from and where we are going,” the pope wrote.
In July 2016, Francis visited Auschwitz.
Francis, the former cardinal of Buenos Aires, previously wrote the forward of a book by Rabbi Sergio Bergman, the current Argentine minister of sustainability, and referred to him as “one of my teachers.”
Another great genocide will happen again, and it will be far worse than the ones of the past. We can see this genocide presaged by the corporations and scientific establishments that are currently conducting sinister human experiments on unborn babies.
“Let us oppress the poor just man, and not spare the widow, nor honour the ancient grey hairs of the aged. But let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble, is found to be nothing worth.” (Wisdom 2:10-11)
Wisdom 2 shows us how the evil people of this world, who make war on humanity, speak. The manifestation of this evil is the subject of this article.
Nazism never died, it only remanifested itself in the guise of good science. As the old saying goes, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Who are we to say that there will never be a world war again? There are scammers who are arguing that the future of war will be “Fourth Generation Warfare,” or the major powers fighting against poorly trained militia men wearing civilian clothes (a manifestation of this is “the War on Terror”). People easily accept this theory, because it gives us a sense of comfort to think that all of our future wars will be against poor people wearing Nikes and headscarfs who cannot even use a gun properly, as opposed to fighting against a major power, a Nazi Germany or an imperial Japan, in a world war in which tens of millions will die.
But these same people believe that Nazism is dead. These think this on account of a mentality that reduces Nazism to just what they see in Holocaust films, with Swastikas and men with SS uniforms.
But Nazism is more than just what we see in movies. Nazism is rooted in a concept, a mentality, based on Social Darwinism and an insatiable hatred for Christianity. As long as people believe in evolution, there will always be genocide.
To believe the idea that Germany will never rise again, is to ignore history, it is to ignore the fact that this nation started two world wars, and that after the Second World War, Nazi scientists who committed the most horrific atrocities of human experimentation took prestigious positions in the Max Planck Institute, one of the most respected scientific institutions in the world, and the scientific wing of the German government today. Scientists who took the brains of people exterminated in the Nazi death camps for “research,” were embraced and praised by the Max Planck Institute after the war.
Why is the Max Planck Institute important to know about? Because it is the official scientific wing of the German government, and its atrocities — past and present — reveal that Nazism never left Germany. In the midst of the delusion that Nazism is dead, diabolical men in lab suits work in the most prestigious scientific institute in Germany, under the pay role of the German government, conducting human experiments on unborn children. They experiment on the unborn, in the name of science, because that is what they can get away with. If they could experiment on already born people, they, like their predecessors in the Nazi Reich, would not hesitate to do so. That in this institution murdered babies are “researched,” should not surprise us, since Nazi scientists, after World War Two, were once leaders of this very establishment.
In 1954, the Max Planck Institute for Virus Research was founded by Gerhard Schramm, a loyal Nazi, in Tubingen. In 1936, Schramm became a scientist for the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute (the Max Planck Institute prior to the end of World War Two). In 1933, Schramm joined the SS, and in 1936 he had left the SS for personal reasons. However, in 1937 Schramm became a member of the National Socialist German Labor Party. That a fanatic Nazi, Schramm, founded the Max Planck Institute for Virus Research after the war, is another strong piece of evidence that the spirit of Nazism and eugenics is still alive, residing in the highest echelons of the German government.

Gerhard Schramm, Nazi scientist who would later found the Max Planck Institute for Virus Research in 1954
One of Schramm’s scientists in the Max Planck Institute was Werner Schaefer. Schaefer was a veterinary officer for the Nazi military in the eastern front. Later on he would work for the Institute for Molecular Biology in the island of Riems, where the Third Reich conducted their research on bioweapons. What is not said a lot is that Dr. Schaefer worked directly under Erich Traub, one of the leading Nazi scientists involved in human experiments, and one who would be praised by the Max Planck Institute even in the year 2017.
The official magazine of the Max Planck Institute, in its 2017 edition, praises Schaefer as an exemplary scientists, and only mentions his work with Traub in passing, and compliments Traub as a medical expert, saying: “After earning his doctorate, he joined the Veterinary Hygiene and Animal Infection Institute under Erich Traub, an expert in foot and mouth disease.” We took a photo of the page on Schaefer from the 2017 Max Planck magazine:
The Max Planck Institute is here complimenting two Nazi scientists, which reveals the Nazi sentiments within the scientific wing of the current day German government. During World War Two, Heinrich Himmler wanted to use bioweapons against the enemies of the Reich. He wanted to unleash rinderpest virus, but his dilemma was that Germany had, in the past, signed an international agreement against the use of this virus. So, rinderpest virus was no where to be found in Western Europe. Himmler commissioned Erich Traub to obtain the virus. Under the orders of Himmler, Traub travelled to Turkey, and it is there that he got a sample of rinderpest virus and brought it back to Germany where it was first tested on cows. Traub was the lab chief of the Nazi’s leading bio-weapons facility in Reims.
From 1932 until 1938, Traub worked for the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Science in New Jersey (which is interesting, given the Rockefeller family’s reputation to fund and support eugenics). Two American scientists personally worked with Traub. One of them, Dr. Little, described Traub as a “domineering German and a surly type individual with a violent temper.” The other scientist, Dr. John Nelson, said that despite “long training in the care of animals, [Traub] went out of his way to be cruel to animals.” Nelson was very disturbed by this, and said that “any person who is cruel to animals shows little distinction and difference to his treatment of his fellow human beings.”
Another example is Richard Kuhn, who was a chemist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany. He was an internationally praised scientist, and regardless of this, at the end of the day, he was just an ardent Nazi. In 1938, Kuhn was awarded the Nobel Prize, but he refused to accept it because Hitler told him not to, since it was, to him, a Jewish prize. The Dutch physicist, Samuel Goudsmit, who was commissioned by the Americans to investigate Nazi science, said that, “As president of the German Chemical Society he [Kuhn] had followed the Nazi cult and rites quite faithfully. He never failed to give the Hitler salute when starting his classes and to shout ‘Siegheil’ like a true Nazi leader”.
The average person, seeing his scientific achievements, would think him a man of great innovation. It was not until 2005 that Kuhn’s crimes were revealed. Documents were released showing that in “the spring of 1944 Kuhn asked the secretary-general of the KWS [Kaiser Wilhelm Society, which is today the Max Planck Institute], Ernst Telschow, to support his search for the brains of ‘young and healthy men,’ presumably for nerve gas research.” The Society of German Chemists wrote a statement that “the sources indicate that these brains were most likely taken from execution victims”.
When the Americans entered Kuhn’s lab, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research, they found on its walls portraits of Adolf Hitler, and they found waving at its front entrance, the flag bearing the Swastika. (See Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip, for an excellent study on the activities of Nazi scientists after WW2)
But although the Swastika left, and the portraits of Hitler were removed, the spirit of Nazism still remained alive within the Max Planck Institute. The German scientists mentioned and described above were fanatic Nazis and eugenists, involved in horrific atrocities and in the development of bioweapons for the Third Reich. Yet they were allowed to continue their work for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute which has been, since the end of the war, known as the Max Planck Institute, which is the scientific wing of the German government today. These genocidal scientists, even after taking the brains of Holocaust victims and developing horrific bioweapons for the Nazi Reich, would end up after the war taking prominent positions for the Max Planck Society. This is enough to prove that the Nazi spirit still remains in the soul of Germany.
Two major Nazis murderers, Richard Kuhn and Carl Wurster, were both even awarded the Harnack Medal, “the highest honor for special merit in society” by the Max Planck Institute. Way after World War Two, Wurster received the medal in 1970, and Kuhn in 1965, indicating that positive sentiment for Nazi murderers continued on in post war Germany. Here is a photo taken from the official Max Planck Institute website, of the list of the receivers of this reward, and you can see the names, Richard Kuhn and Carl Wurster:
While Kuhn was involved in stealing the brains of people murdered in the Nazi death camps, Wurster was instrumental in the development of Cyclone B, the gas used to exterminate people in the gas chambers. Wurster was a director of IG Farben, a major chemical German industry which ran a huge section of the Auschwitz death camp, called Auschwitz III or IG Auschwitz. It was here where IG Farben made genocide into an industry, their Cyclone B gas being used on Jews, Poles and others. After the war, Wurster would become chairman for BASF, the largest chemical producer on earth.
That these mass murderers are praised and given positions by the Max Planck Institute, exposes already its Nazi ideology. And that the Max Planck Institute is paid by Germany, signifies how the Nazi mentality is still lodging in the soul of that nation. People today say that Nazism died after World War Two, but how can we seriously believe that when so many of these Nazi criminals, who profited from and participated in the great atrocity of human experiments, were allowed to thrive after the war?
With so many millions dead on account of Nazi Germany and the war against it, and with so many criminals allowed to go free, its hard to say that the Nazis were truly defeated at all. The right conditions by which to prevent a reinvigoration of Nazism were never really established, as the evil of human experiments are still being done by the Max Planck Society till this day.
One figure that has been extremely active in human experimentation, and who has been heavily involved with the Max Planck Institute, is Pasko Rakic, a Croatian Darwinist who is praised today as a respected scientist. Rakic believes that through experimentation on humans, we can better our understanding of Darwinian evolution.

Pasko Rakic (right) with British biochemist, Thomas Jessell, where both were laureates at the Kavli Prize Ceremony, September 9, 2008
From 1982 to 1996, Rakic served as a Board Member for the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Rakic has also done work for the Max Planck Institute for Neuroscience in Florida. In September of 2017, Rakic spoke in a conference for the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies in Copenhagan, Denmark. Rakic shared a platform with Svante Paabo and Gilles J Laurent, both major agents of the Max Planck Institute, to discuss “developmental neurobiology, stem cell biology and genetics”. The event’s description begins with a line that signifies the darwinistic ideology of those running the conference, and the scientists attending: “The cerebral cortex is perhaps the crowning achievement of evolution.”
It has been for the cause of Darwinism that Rakic has conducted his sick experiments. Probably the most graphically described experiment was one written of by Rakic himself. In a 2008 report that he authored, entitled, The radial edifice of cortical architecture: From neuronal silhouettes to genetic engineering, Rakic recounts how he used slices of a brain of an 18 week old human embryo for his ‘study’ on human engineering.
In the same publication he references Richard Sidman, the doctor who provides fetal tissue for the Max Planck Institute (as we showed in part 1 of this series). In Rakic’s own words:
“There are, of course, other great questions, such as origin of universe, but exploring how cerebral cortex develops actually could be accomplished and I was determined to participate in the search. To begin to find some answers, as part of the work on my doctoral dissertation, I had incubated slices of fresh (postmortem) human fetal cerebral for 24 hours in a tissue culture medium containing 3H-thymidine (Rakic, 1968). Today, the use of slice preparations is commonplace; but, to my knowledge, this was the first use of slices in developmental neurobiology. … Combining these two approaches, in forebrain slices from an 18 week old fetus, I found that dividing cells continue to synthesize DNA predominantly near the ventricular surface, even at this late stage of cortical neurogenesis when the cerebral wall is relatively thick and convolutions are becoming prominent (Rakic, 1968; Rakic and Sidman, 1968). ”
Rakic used the body parts of a dismembered unborn baby who was 18 weeks in development. Just to give you an idea as to how gruesome this is, here is a photo of the body parts of an aborted 18 week old human embryo:
Rakic even used the fetal tissue as subject for his “art,” painting images of the tissue, as he recounts:
I draw the schema of model of cortical development including transient embryonic layers using India ink, which gave me an opportunity to express my natural inclination and love for the visual art (as a medical student I was publishing cartoons for the Yugoslavian newspapers).
Image taken of the document written by Rakic on his experiments on aborted babies. I underlined the sentences that reveal his evil
This Croatian monster might as well be compared to the Ustaše Nazis who enjoyed sawing Serbs to pieces during the Holocaust. On the official site for his laboratory, Rakic Lab, Rakic writes of how he took cells from the brains of aborted babies, specifically from the telensephalon, which is a part of the brain. In the lab’s report, it reads:
“As a second step, dividing cells situated on the surface of the ex vivo human telencephalic vesicle obtained by legal abortion will be transiently transfected with a plasmid expressing fluorescent marker (GFP) under the control of the retroviral promoter. We will make shallow injections under the pial surface and after a brief recovery period, cells will be dissociated, single GFP expressing cells isolated, expanded with appropriate growth factors and then cryopreserved as cell aggregates.”
The lab’s document further states that the brain tissue taken from the babies were provided by the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg, Russia, stating that “the St. Petersburg group has access to fresh embryonic brain tissue from legally performed interruption of pregnancies.” The Institute of Experimental Medicine is under the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, or FASO, “a federal executive body responsible for legal regulation and provision of public services in the sphere of activities carried out by subordinate organizations, including those in the field of science, education, health and agriculture, as well as federal property management of organizations subordinate to the Agency.” The Institute of Experimental Medicine is, then, distributing fetal tissue under the watch of the Russian State, which means that this evil is being done with the knowledge of the Russian government.
The experiment done in Rakic’s lab in Croatia involved human embryos taken from Russia’s Institute of Experimental Medicine, and states that a scientist of theirs who brought in the flesh of murdered babies was one “V. Otellin,” or Alexander V. Otellin who currently works as a psychiatrist in South Charleston, West Virginia. In the year 1999, Otellin, alongside another scientist named D. E. Korzhevskii, conducted an experiment for the Department of Morphology in the Institute of Experimental Medicine. In this experiment, done under the guise of studying the brain of a human embryo, Otellin and Korzhevskii used fifteen bodies of children murdered in abortion. Their report states:
“The study included 15 human embryos (6 to 9 weeks
gestation) obtained after induced abortion under specialized
hospital conditions.”
In 2003, Otellin partook in an experiment for the Physiological Society in London to supposedly study the human brain, for which they used babies that were aborted in Russia. Their report of the experiment reads:
“Embryos and early fetuses from Carnegie stages 16-23 (37-56 days post-fertilization) were obtained after legal abortions, following national guidelines in Russia.”
The experiment was funded by the Royal Society in London and also by the Medical Research Council (MRC). The Medical Research Council runs the MRC-Wellcome Trust Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR), which, in their own words, “collects, stores and distributes human embryonic and fetal tissue, donated through elective terminations, for research.” The Resource (as they call it), receives all of its fetal tissue through abortion. In the words of its own website: “Donations of tissue are made entirely voluntarily by women undergoing termination of pregnancy.”
In one document written by HDBR, it gives a brief description as to what the institution provides, and how the flesh of murdered babies that they store has been “successfully used” in experiments:
“Human embryonic and fetal material between 4 -12 weeks of gestation. Fresh tissue for the generation of cell lines, stem cells, DNA, mRNA or protein. mRNA prepared from HDBR tissue has been successfully used in microarray experiments. Frozen tissue, wax embedded or sectioned material. Fetal Tissue Bank archive has fetal tissue between 8 -19 weeks of gestation. Frozen, wax embedded or cryopreserved tissue for the generation of cell lines.”
HDBR provides a chart showing at what stages of development these babies were before being slaughtered:
HDBR states that 9% of the cadavers that they hold are of children with abnormalities, and gives a list of them:
“Neural tube defects
• Limb/digit defects
• Cleft lip
• Eye defects
Head abnormalities”
The Nazis during the Holocaust examined and researched the bodies of people with abnormalities, and today the eugenists are no different, perpetrating the same evils on the unborn.
The director of HDBR, Susan Lindsay, wrote a 2015 report entitled, Enabling research with human embryonic and fetal tissue resources, exhorting experiments to be done on the aborted babies kept in the ‘collection.’
She speaks of thousands of corpses kept, and says that hundreds of them are of unborn children who had abnormalities, such as “trisomy 21” or Down’s Syndrome. Lindsay callously calls the bodies, “specimens,” signifying the agenda of degrading humanity and using humans as resources for profit:
“The collection of material from elective terminations of pregnancy currently comprises over 4000 specimens aged between 3 and 20 post conception weeks (pcw). The resource continues to collect material, with 400 new specimens added each year. All specimens are karyotyped, with 4% having chromosomal abnormalities (most commonly trisomy 21 and monosomy X) and 9% displaying some form of phenotypic abnormality.”
These unborn babies were 3 to 20 weeks in development when they were murdered and experimented on. Just to show you how brutal this must have looked like, here is a photo of a baby born 23 weeks in development:
Lindsay’s report goes on to describe how the cadavers are being used to compare human tissue with animal tissue, again further demonstrating how Darwinism degrades human life and leads to human experimentation:
“The majority of tissue provided by the resource is from chromosomally normal samples but material can also be provided from specimens with chromosomal abnormalities. Fresh tissue from specific organs and developmental ages can be used in a range of scientific procedures such as fluorescence-activated cell sorting of live cells to purify specific human fetal cell populations, in order to derive primary cell lines or stem cells. Frozen tissue can be used for the production of mRNA, genomic DNA or protein. These samples are being used in large scale transcriptome analyses to compare human and animal models and across specific tissues, sexes and between normal and karyotypically abnormal samples.”
The same report shows a photo of some of the embryos kept by HDBR:
There is a photo of Susan Lindsay doing a lecture for a 2015 conference entitled “Genetics Matter” in which you can see her giving a presentation with the texts: “HDBR … An embryonic and fetal tissue bank enabling studies of human development”:
The fetal tissue is kept in the Institute of Genetic Medicine in London.
But why are we mentioning all of this? And what does it have to do with Germany’s Max Planck Institute?
What is interesting is the connection between this institution and the Max Planck Institute. There is a 2018 conference planned out, between the Institute of Genetic Medicine and the Max Planck Society. The event is suppose to take place in the “AI (artificial intelligence) building” at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. The eugenist network goes full circle.
These human experiments, while being done under the guise of medical science, are being done for the cause of Darwinism. In the lab report from Rakic, it reads that “understanding the evolution and development of this complex structure is central to our understanding of human intelligence, creativity and disorders of the highest cognitive functions.” This emphasis on evolution and “human intelligence” is typical of eugenists who fixate on “IQ” and Darwinian evolution when speaking of their evil machinations.
Back in the eighties, Rakic defended abortion. What was his argument? Rakic stated that abortion was justified because unborn children are unable to scream. In a 1985 report with the New York Times, Rakic said: ”In order to scream one would have to have synapses in the cortex”. When asked about the argument that unborn children try to escape when being killed through abortion, Rakic callously said: “This is like saying a ping pong ball moves when you put it in a bowl of water and stir it with a pencil”.
In 2016, Rakic conducted an experiment, similar to that which was done by the Max Planck Institute (we wrote about it in part 1), comparing the human brain with that of an ape. To do this, Rakic and his team, like those in the Max Planck Institute, used brains taken from numerous babies murdered in abortions in Croatia. The ages of the babies were from 7.5 to 24 weeks (6 months) in development, which means that many of these babies were close to being born. Rakic’s and his team’s report recounts the atrocity and the procedure on the brains of the slain as such:
“The postmortem human brains used for comparison with NHP tissue ranged in age from 7.5 to 24 PCW [post conception weeks] and are part of the large and versatile Zagreb Collection (24). Brain specimens were obtained from either medically indicated or spontaneous abortions at several clinical and pathological departments of the University of Zagreb, School of Medicine (Croatia). Patients provided informed consent and procedures were approved by the corresponding Institutional Review Boards (IRB). The fetal age was estimated on the basis of crown–rump length (in millimeters) and pregnancy records. Whole brains were fixed by immersion in 4% (40 g/L) paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M PBS at pH 7.4. Tissue blocks were either frozen or embedded in paraffin wax.”
Of course, this evil experiment was done for the cause of Darwinism. The report speaks of “primate evolution, culminating in humans.” It further reads that “These findings may have significance for understanding cortical development and evolution”. And after partaking in the murder of children and taking their brains, what was the conclusion of this evil experiment? It is that “the origin as well as evolutionary and developmental mechanisms that underlie the extraordinary expansion and regional diversification of the SP [subplate] in human are not well understood”. After all this death, their conclusion was described with the words, “not well understood”.
After all this, all they have to speak about is evolution, and their own uncertainty. At the end of the day, evolution brings no true explanation, and leaves only endless fields of corpses. The sinister are exact about what bloody atrocities they want to commit, but the evil sciences that they so espouse are so filled with uncertainty.
The report details that the brains were taken from the “Zagreb Collection of human brains” which is the Croatian Institute for Brain Research, of which Rakic has served as a Board Member from 1995 to the present day. The Croatian Institute for Brain Research is actually funded by the European Union, as one 2016 report of theirs states:
“New equipment was purchased with funds of European Union such, such as a magnetic resonance imaging device for small animals and bioluminescence imaging device.”
This indicates that both the Croatian Institute for Brain Research and the Max Planck Institute are both paid by the same entity: Germany’s European Union (as we showed in part 1 of this series).
The Croatian Institute for Brain Research has a project called “GlowBrain,” which is a partner of the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research (MPINR), in Köln, Germany. GlowBrain is a “three-year project” established “to study the growth and development of stem cells, their behavior in the body and the possibility of their use in repair and regeneration of tissues.” This experiment on the brain tissue of murdered unborn babies, provided by the Croatian Institute for Brain Research, is part of this project to supposedly use stem cells for “therapy.” From this, there is a link between the Croatian government and the European Union — they are both eugenists.
Here is an image from a document written by Rakic, showing that the brains of murdered babies used in Rakic’s experiments were taken from abortion mills in Zagreb, Croatia:
The Max Planck Institute used the brains of an unborn baby that was 16 weeks in development (16 wpc). The brains from the murdered babies that were used in this diabolical experiment in Germany were actually obtained, not from Germany, but from California. According to the report from the Max Planck scientists,
“The 16 wpc human brain used for immunofluorescence analyses (shown in Fig. S8) was obtained from Novogenix Laboratories (Torrance, CA), following informed consent and elective termination. Developmental age was determined by ultrasound.”
Novogenix Laboratories, according to journalist Stacy Trasancos, is the company that signed an agreement with women who wanted abortions that their babies’ organs will be used for experiments, and took the organs from Planned Parenthood. Once this was exposed, through the investigative work of David Daleiden, Novogenix Laboratories went out of business.
A number of the scientists involved in this experiment are of the Treutlein Lab in Leipzig, Germany. The official website for the Treutlein Lab states that it is a co-affiliate of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden. The leader of the Treutlein Lab is Barbara Treutlein, who is listed on the website as “Max Planck Research Group Leader and Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at TU Munich”.

Barbara Treutlein. She enjoys her baby, while at the same time experiments on murdered children, so long its not her baby
Barbara was also one of the scientists who conducted and led the study on the brains of murdered unborn infants. Also part of the group that did the experiment on the butchered babies’ brains was Gray Camp, an American scientist who holds a position of studying (as bizarre as this sounds) “Neandertals and More” as part of the staff for the Max Planck Institute Department of Evolutionary Genetics. As we showed in part 1 of this series, the fixation on the neanderthal by the Max Planck Institute is done to advance eugenics as part of the human experiments done by these evil scientists.
Max Planck scientists in Germany purchasing murdered human fetuses from a laboratory in Las Angeles for experiments, the same laboratory that was buying fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood, all reveals an international network of eugenists. This conglomeration of evil will flood the world with darkness, oceans of blood and mountains of skulls. All of this evil, and its metastasis, will fulfill the words of the wicked, as prophesied by Solomon: “that which is feeble, is found to be nothing worth.” (Wisdom 2:11)
The demonic elites who run these scientific institutions murder innocent children for their experiments, and these are the very people who will push for other evils like cannibalism. For the murder of children goes hand in hand with cannibalism. As the Book of Wisdom describes the pagan Canaanites: “they killed children without mercy and ate the flesh and blood of human beings.” (Wisdom 12:5) Evil doers do not change their ways; from antiquity to now, their actions are most predictable.
The Canaanites butchered children for Molech, and these scientists murder the most innocent for their god, Natural Selection, and their prophet Darwin. All of this evil, done under the name of “science,” is the result of seeing human beings as utility. The Nazis at the IG Farben chemical plant in Auschwitz saw their victims as only slaves, and once their use in the factory was no more, they were seen as worthy of extermination. Its all part of the evil mentality that deems humans as resources for profit, being worth nothing but death beyond their utility. The scene from Schindler’s List, in which Amon Goeth wants to murder the rabbi for not producing enough hinges, illustrates this reality:
As it was in the past, so shall it be in the future, with the Germanic hoards and their Muslim allies uniting together to bring darkness throughout the earth.
In part 3 of this series, we will reveal the Max Planck Institute’s aspiration to unite Europe with Asia in order to fulfill their plan of “Eurasia,” and how this ties in to the future coalition between a revived Ottoman Empire and a pan-European axis of evil.
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