Republicans Fight Republicans As Christian Bloc Is Ever More Divided On Trump

This 2020 election is shaping up to be the choice between two non-choices. Biden is an obvious non-choice, since he has no platform, has objectively terrible positions, and is outright showing signs of senility. Some say that Trump is ‘better’, and in certain superficial ways he is, but he is of the same philosophy and would at the very most only delay, just slightly, the same problems that Biden would bring to the nation. There is no good choice.

The current election thus has caused two divisions among largely Christians on the right, save for those who “support Trump”. They are those who truly reject the left-right paradigm and are disgusted by Trump’s behavior and do not want to support him but also despise Biden because of the same reasons (the principled side, which seems to be a minority), and the (seemingly larger) side that says disgruntled Republicans should support Biden. Such has been reported by the Christian post, as a group made up of the old “neocons” is trying to build support for Biden against Trump in key states.

Never Trump Republican groups are spending millions this year in a bid to sway conservative and faith-based voters in battleground states away from voting for Donald Trump in November, with one group running commercial advertisements telling Christians that Trump is “using” them.

Republican Voters Against Trump, a political initiative affiliated with anti-Trump conservatives like Bill Kristol and former Jeb Bush aid Tim Miller, is running digital and television advertisements featuring testimonials from Republican voters about why they cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

Sarah Longwell, one of the organizers of the initiative, confirmed for The Christian Post that the organization plans to spend upwards of $10-$15 million in 2020 in a bid to defeat the president and elect Democrat Joe Biden as it takes its advertising to swing states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin.

“It will be mostly digital with some TV,” Longwell said. “On TV, they have to be 30 to 60-second spots. But a lot of what we are going to do digitally is just running the unfiltered testimonials from people. That’s really what the project is built for. We spent a lot of time thinking over the last couple of years how to defeat Donald Trump in 2020.”

One commercial that aired in North Carolina last week is titled “Trump is Using Us.”

The commercial is aimed at Christian conservatives, a major voting bloc for Trump in 2020 as he campaigned on promises to promote pro-life policies, protect religious freedom and appoint conservative judges.

“I grew up in the church. I attended a private, Christian high school. You look at a way someone lives their life, and you believe them,” one self-proclaimed Republican voter identified as “Tommy” says in the advertisement. The commercial then jumps to an audio clip of taped comments that surfaced in 2016 of Trump saying he likes to grab women “by the p—-.”

The advertisement shows another self-proclaimed Republican voter saying that as Christians, “we should love our neighbors as ourselves.” The commercial then jumps to a clip highlighting how Trump once retweeted a video that, among other things, showed a man chanting “white power!”

Another Republican identified as “Pat” said in the advertisement that he dislikes how Trump used force to “bludgeon and gas” protesters at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., on June 1 so that he could take photographs in front of a church while posing with a Bible.

“The moment that he held up that Bible, he revealed that this president is using us,” Pat said. “Christians have to resist being used to justify things that Jesus would never justify.”

“All of our research showed that what worked best with potentially persuadable voters, especially women, is other Republican voices talking about why they can’t support Trump in 2020 and in fact, can support Joe Biden,” Longwell said. “If you watch a bunch of the videos, the testimonials are very powerful. We have been testing them to see which ones are the most persuasive with our target audience. We are just going to run those unfiltered, unedited [targeted] at voters in the swing states.” (source)

As I have said before, I do not care for either side. Both are evil, both are unhelpful, and neither should be trusted. Trump was given the chance of history to make some improvement, and because he refused to follow through on his promises, the only real option that exists is most likely to attempt to delay the changes by supporting Trump’s presidency, but recognizing that his victory means (a) a near guaranteed Democrat 2024 victory and (b) is just buying time to prepare for a much worse future.

Trump is not a solution. He is a part of the problem, but individuals cannot fix these issues. Rather, it is for the individual to prepare himself and his household with what time he has, and this is the most likely way to achieve this.

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