Right now, parts of Northern California are being ravaged by wildfires. A lot of people are having to flee, so many have lost everything, and it only is getting worse as police and emergency workers are demanding that people leave now, including from many parts of the city of Santa Rosa: Evacuation orders have expanded […]
Archive | October, 2019
Protestant “Youth Leader” In Brazil Enslaves Hundreds Of Teenagers And Girls, Forces Them To Sign “Slave Contracts” And Have Sex With Animals On Camera
A Brazilian Protestant “church youth leader” was arrested after it was found that he was keeping hundreds of women as sex slaves and forced some into bestiality on camera according to recent news. Roney Schelb, 32, blackmailed at least 240 of them into having sex with strangers and animals in a Fifty Shades of Grey-style […]

While Distracted By The Presidential Puppet Show, Trump Administration Slips In Brand New Chinese-Style Program That Suggests AI Will Be Used To Spy On And Arrest “Potential” Criminals
There is much to be said for political corruption and exposing the evils that both sides do, for they are all friends who are members of the same social circles and work towards the exact same ends. This is something that one can never be reminded of enough. However, another point to remember is that […]
Why I Refuse To Assimilate In America: A Middle Eastern Christian Says No To Assimilation. No To Gay Rights. No To Feminism.
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Uncle Sam, “Come and let us reason together” shall we? This is what the Almighty says in Isaiah 1:18. l am dying to have a dialogue with you regarding some of the most sensitive subjects you continually bring up: immigrants and assimilation, women’s rights, gay-rights and anti-Semitism. You continually harp […]
Disgusting Porn Whore Turned MMA Fighter Who Openly Promotes Satanism And Human Sacrifice Gets Destroyed In Debut Fight
The Catholic Church lists that the three main struggles we face, and arguably in which all sins could be categorized are against the world, the flesh, and the devil. This struggle has always existed since the fall from Eden, the war was won at the cross, and the war will be finished when Christ returns. […]

No Priest, Bishop, Or Pope Can Enforce Immorality, And If They Do, You Are Required To Disobey
The Catholic Church has seen many crises throughout her history. Right now, she is arguably going through one of the largest that she has ever, which is the continual attack from within albeit on a global scale against unchangeable and settled questions of faith and morals. According to a recent story, there is a special […]
Major American Televangelist Declares That All Christians Who Do Not Submit Before The ‘Orange Idol’ Will Be Accountable To God
The famous American televangelist Paula White has, like many televangelists, said many things that are not even theologically questionable or outlandish but done with the purpose of making a larger point, but made statements that are outright unacceptable by any standard of Christian orthodoxy. In a recent declaration of the like, Paula White has now […]
Angry THOTs Declare On CNN That STDs Are “Sexist”, Ignore How This Was Caused By THOT Behavior
If one has children, a fun science experiment to do is to make mold on different kinds of bread. By changing the kinds of bread grain used- wheat, barley, rye, oats, and others -one can grow different kinds of molds because certain molds are attracted to different types of grains, and some will not grow […]
The Lights Are Slowly Going Out Across The Nation
On October 20, I wrote an article about the decline of the state of California as a representation of the general slide of the nation into stagnation and impoverishment by way of rotting infrastructure that will never be fully repaired, something that is a consistent feature of highly impoverished, war ravaged, or generally miserable nations […]

Most Americans Declare They Want To Turn The USA Into The USSR
There are many legitimate criticisms of the current “freedom of speech” laws in the US. However, as the Catholic Church has always noted, one does also not want to bring about massive, quick changes to law, because laws exist for a reason, and change should be natural, not forced. While the American concept of free […]
When Does The Steamy Sex Tape Between Chuck Schumer And Nancy Pelosi Come Out?
Recently, the Republicans went and then “stormed” a “closed door” Democrat meeting about impeaching President Trump: Republicans’ defense of President Trump grew more frantic and disjointed Wednesday, with House members storming a closed-door meeting, delaying the testimony of an impeachment witness as the GOP grappled with a growing abuse-of-power scandal centered on the president. A […]
Embrace Yourselves For The New Eugenics As A Dutch Court Just Acquitted A Doctor For Murdering A Woman In The Hospital Who Did Not Want To Die
By Theodore Shoebat The people who support euthanasia love to argue that ‘a right to die in dignity’ will only be observed on those who willfully want to die. Those who don’t want to be killed by a doctor need not worry about getting the end of the poisonous needle. The slippery slope argument is […]
Northern Ireland Will Now Be Having Legal Sodomite Marriage And Infanticide
By Theodore Shoebat Northern Ireland will now be having legal sodomite marriage and infanticide. A report from the National Catholic Register reads: Northern Ireland’s devolved legislature failed Monday to block a change to the region’s law imposed by the British Parliament. As a result, both abortion and same-sex “marriage” will now be legal in the […]
Trump Just Ended All Sanctions On Turkey. This Is Just Another Proof That The Trump Administration Backs Turkey
By Theodore Shoebat All of the Trump sycophants were acting so happy about Trump’s sanctions on Turkey, as though he was against the Turkish expansion of Syria. Well now he just ended all of the sanctions. How many times have we talked about the Trump administration’s “roadmap” for Turkish military occupation over northern Syria? So […]
Turkey And Russia Make Deal Over Syria: All Kurdish Fighters Must Leave Turkish Occupied Zone, And Russian And Turkish Troops Will Now Be Patrolling Northern Syria Side By Side
By Theodore Shoebat Russia and Turkey are striking a deal over the situation in Syria. President Erdogan of Turkey traveled to the Russian town of Sochi, which lies right on the Black Sea, to have talks with Putin. Part of the deal is that there will be a “safe zone” that would be absent of […]
AI Is So Significant That Even Ronald McDonald Is Trying To Use It To Read Your Mind
AI is growing rapidly in the US. However, there are some people who do not believe this still in spite of the major indicators suggesting this. Something that all Americans know is McDonalds- it is as American as baseball and apple pie. If McDonalds is doing it, then it is probably something very mainstream or […]