Archive | February 24, 2021

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Study: 30% Of Covid Patients Report Having Continuous Symptoms Even After Recovering

The horrors of covid are still amongst us and the dangers of this virus are very real, as has been revealed by a recent study showing that 30% of covid patients report having painfully persistent symptoms even after recovering. As we read in USA Today: The U.S. government is launching a nationwide initiative to study […]

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My Post - 2021-02-24T160140.216

Slovakia Now Has The Biggest Covid Death Rate In The World

Since many people in Slovakia (and countries like the Czech Republic) really did not take covid seriously, the country now has the highest covid death rate on earth. As we read in the Financial Times: Officials in the Czech Republic have warned that the country’s health system is on the brink of “absolute exhaustion” and […]

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Love Or Hate Her, At Least On This Issue, AOC Is Consistent

Something that politicians are notorious for doing, especially in the US, is promising one thing and then refusing intentionally to deliver on it, or making a litany of bogus excuses for why said cannot be done. This is a very common problem, it is not new, and yet people consistently fall for the same tricks […]

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Man Murders His Neighbor, Cuts Her Heart Out And Cooks It With Potatoes, Says He Did It To “Release The Demons”

For a while, has noted that there is a tendency towards cannibalism taking place in society. When one combines this with the rise in extreme and odd crimes, especially of a grotesque and occult nature, we find a picture of a society where the trends is away from social cohesion, God, and peace toward […]

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We Told You At It Was Coming, New Study Finds That One In Six Zoomers Is A Sodomite

One of the most hotly contested bloc of articles for over the years has been our reporting on the sins of the Sodomites. There are many people who say that holding to divine revelation as articulated through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition is a form of being “mean” or “hateful”, but the fact is […]

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