By Theodore Shoebat When we think of gardening we think of just food, but while food is definitely the goal, gardening also has a philosophical and spiritual quality:

By Theodore Shoebat When we think of gardening we think of just food, but while food is definitely the goal, gardening also has a philosophical and spiritual quality:
Robots are going to be the next major thing that ‘revolutionizes’ life just as the production line and Internet did for previous generations of people. Robots will become so important that it is difficult to emphasize how major this is and how serious the changes will be simply in writing. What I speak of is […]
In a recent story from Fox News, famed TV news hostess Tomi Lahren said that one can be a Christians and support homosexuality. In Tuesday’s episode of “Final Thoughts,” Fox Nation’s Tomi Lahren argued that the conservative ideology should be inclusive enough to accept the Supreme Court decision. “You can be Christian, conservative, and a […]
By Theodore Shoebat In the midst of the covid crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people wiped out, there is a cacophony of complaints that the counting for coronavirus deaths is part of a conspiracy and that the numbers are being overcounted. One of the comments regarding coronavirus is that the death numbers are inflated, […]
A new video is going viral on Twitter of a teen girl who is ‘angry’ about Black Lives Matter, ‘never-trumperism’, and other ‘conservative’ issues that have been recently criticized. The HYPOCRISY is Unbelievable! 💥 MUST WATCH & RT!!!! 👇🏼 — TONY™️ (@TONYxTWO) June 22, 2020 In January 2016, when the refugee crisis was at […]
The Turkish Anadolu Agency reports that twenty-eight recently rescued migrants from sea while traveling to Europe have been found to be infected with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Twenty-eight migrants on board a quarantine ship off the Sicilian port of Porto Empedocle have tested positive for coronavirus, Sicily’s governor Nello Musumeci said in a Facebook post on […]
Ever since the “refugee crisis” of 2016, which has discussed in thorough detail and has noted is not merely a population transfer scam as evidenced by multiple reports, but appears to be being employed in order to foment the rise of nationalism in Europe and to bring about the conditions for a Third World […]