Archive | December 9, 2020


Ethiopia, Balkanization, Migration, And The Future

Ethiopia is, historically speaking, a populous and powerful area in Africa. The ancient Cushite lands that include Ethiopia proper, Eritrea, and Djibouti have been fought over by regional and international powers. It was first the Italians who carved Eritrea from Ethiopia, and later the French who successfully following a failed Russian attempt, carved Djibouti from […]

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Hunter Biden Under Investigation For Tax-Related Misdeeds

If Joe Biden has been a ‘big matter’ on the left, then Hunter Biden has been a big deal for the right because of his son’s antics. Whether it is forgetting his crack pipe in a rental car, making illegal and/or legally questionable deals with foreign nations for ‘business’, or taking explicit photos and posting […]

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Ukrainian Extremists Arrested In Plot To Mass Poison Hungarian Minority In Ukraine

With nationalism on the rise throughout Europe, it is not just affecting immigrant communities, but “native European” ones as well that are a part of ancient cultural conflicts. has profiled this trend in South Tyrol, Transnistria, Flanders, and Catalonia among some places, and now adds an additional area- Zakarpatskaya -a region in Ukraine on […]

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